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Is Russia the ideal enemy for western capitalists?

by Dagmar Henn ‘Taint evry day we have a war, I got to get stirring‘ Most people look at geopolitical interests and at the military-industrial complex, when they think about the economy of war. This might be right for the small ones, but it underestimates the impact of the big ones. Whole industrial empires rose from the profits of war, and not necessary in the areas of weapons production. The

The Saker Podcast No 4 – Q&A with readers

(You can download this file directly by following the links at this source.)   Transcript of podcast no. 4 Provided by the kind help of a wonderful lady “A”   Dear friends, welcome to the Saker podcast #4. Today, we’ve got alot of questions. I think its 69 total. And I look forward to this one, some of them are very very interesting. Indeed, other questions, I have to tell

Short update about the Ruble and a great interview of Michael Hudson

The Ruble is slowly climbing back up and is already treading at a much more reasonable rate (with probably more readjustment ahead).  See for yourself: But his happened at a great cost.  See ZeroHedge about this: Also, I would like to highly recommend the analysis of my favorite American economist, Michael Hudson who does a superb job explaining the Russian strategy for the Real News Network:,The Saker

Fourth Saker Podcast now available for download and streaming

Dear friends,I invite you to go to the (temporary) Saker Podcast page: where you download the transcripts of the first two podcasts and then to the Fourth Saker Podcast page: you can download the fourth and last Saker podcast of the year.  I will record the next podcast sometime after the Orthodox Nativity (January 7th).  This is also the planned time for the launching of the “2nd new

The 2014 “Saker’s Man of the Year”: the Russian soldier

It’s this time of the year again when the corporate media engages in the silly “man of the year” exercise and when I offer my own nominations just as a small sign of defiance towards the Imperial propaganda.  Last year, I decided that the title of “Saker man of the year” should go to the Syrian solider without whom neither Russia, nor Iran, nor Hezbollah would have been able to

China openly and officially backs Russia

Well, now we have it from the most official source possible: Foreign Minister Wang Yi who declared on Monday. “If the Russian side needs it, we will provide necessary assistance within our capacity“.  Considering the US rhetoric and imperial mindset which proclaims that “you are either with us or against us” it is pretty clear what such a declaration really means: China is putting the US on notice that in

New testimony about the shooting down of MH17

Interesting news this morning: the Russian newspaper Komsomolskaia Pravda has interviewed a man who claims to have been a witness to the take-off of three aircraft one of which allegedly shot down MH17.  Thanks to the incredible work done by Kazzura the full video with English subtitles is already available today.  Check it out: I will notice that there are several mutually contradictory versions circulating out there.  For example, one

Ruble, Oil, Shale Gas, Derivatives and American Hegemony

by Federico PieracciniThere are two central issues related to the devaluation of the ruble and the dollar depreciation to keep in mind: the preservation of American hegemony and the speculative bubble of derivatives linked to industry of Shale Gas. Without these elements, it is impossible to understand what are the reasons and the consequences of these artificial economic actions. This case must therefore necessarily be addressed from different perspectives, a

Vineyard of the Saker White Paper: the China-Russia Double Helix

Dear friends, Today I sharing with you a document which I personally consider as absolutely crucial: an in-depth analysis of the China-Russia Strategic Alliance (RCSA) written by somebody who looks at it from the “Chinese side”.   I want to tell you a few words about how this document came into existence.I was talking with Larchmonter 445 about the development in Russia when I realized that a lot of his arguments

Ruble crisis: so far so good

At the latest Russian Government meeting Dmitri Medvedev has announced the Russian authorities are planning no additional measures to stabilize the Ruble as long as the current trend continues.  And, truth be told, so far the measures taken by the Central Bank and the authorities did reverse the trend and the Ruble has been gaining some of what it lost against the Dollar: Dollar/Ruble xrate 17-22 December Of course, there

US Embassy in Havana – The Cuba Caper

by Peter Koenig The lame duck, Obama, extending a conciliatory hand to Cuba by opening an embassy in Havana, by reopening, after 54 years of a criminal and crippling embargo, diplomatic relations? – At the same time Obama is making not a single concession in terms of lifting the blockade. This smells like a trap. Cuba beware! Imagine – a US Embassy in Havana – it would open the floodgates

Oh how much they hate and fear Russia and Putin

A (well anonymized) anonymous reader sent me a very interesting link today.  It is an opinion piece by Strobe Talbott for Reuters entitled “In 2015, Vladimir Putin may witness his empire’s death knell” in which Talbott predicts that: The year ahead could see the outbreak of the third Chechen war, which, in turn, could be the death knell of the Russian Federation in its current borders. (…)  For the past
