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Tag "Vox Populi Evo video"

Vox Populi Evo video reports on the Russian campaign in Syria

Dear friends, I am happy to share with you the video reports of my brother in arms from Vox Populi Evo (VPE).  Great stuff which I hope you will appreciate.  Today, a report about the Syrian Army’s ground offensive and drone footage of the Russian airstrikes on Daesh targets.  I hope to be able to make such video reports by VPE a regular feature of this blog. The Saker Vox

A MUST SEE interview about the history of the Ukraine

Dear friends, Today I am truly delighted to be able to present you with an amazingly interesting video: an interview of the Ukrainian writer and historian Oles Buzina in which he (in 90 minutes or so) not only covers the key moments of the history of the land which today is called “the Ukraine”, but also explains where the modern Ukraine came from and what it is.  To my knowledge,
