By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog

In September of 1986 in Keelung City at the sea close to Taipei, a distressed middle school teacher dialed the parents of one of his female pupils – the Guos. He said he hadn’t consulted with the authorities yet, but that he suspected their daughter, Dangdang (12), was a pathological liar, and cruel to birds, frogs and stray dogs, and that without early intervention, we could be looking at a dangerous psychopathy in its early stages. That teacher, Li Guoyu, (27), was stabbed in the stomach, chest and his eye sockets 15 times outside his apartment building on Lane 319 Nanrong Road, driven far to the coast of Xin Zhuangzi north of Taipei, and thrown off the cliff into the ocean.

The Triad

The Guos had arrived in Taiwan in 1948 by ship from Guangzhou in tow of the military warlord Chiang Kai-shek and his treacherous Nationalist Party, technically the former Nazi Party of China.

The National Party seized power in Mainland China in 1928 and sided with the Japanese invaders and American imperialists to defeat communism. The Chinese, although betrayed, impoverished and semi-colonized by foreign powers, fought a 300 million people‘s guerrilla war. They liberated China and drove out the Nazis, the Americans and the Japanese, and thus forced Chiang Kai-shek’s war criminals to retreat to the island of Taiwan.

So all those treacherous and plotting factions swarmed the tiny volcanic crust of ultramafic rocks, surrounded by jungle and indigenous people, whom they wiped out [The indigenous make just 2.5% of Taiwan’s 20 million population today]. Warlord Chiang quickly established an authoritarian dictatorship that lasted from 1949 all the way to his death in 1975, and continued under martial law till 1987.

Chiang Kai-shek‘s former allies, the American and Japanese imperialists, channeled unbelievable amounts of military and financial aid into Taiwan, and it is safe to say that small Taiwan experienced what demographers call “an evolutionary bottleneck” – a small gene-pool of unusually reckless and criminal people – now awash in foreign money.

The grand patriarch of the Triad, Guo Long (who died in 1968), was a close friend of Warlord Chiang. Guo sired 32 children; of those, most had 8 to 10 children. His six brothers and three sisters had a combined 76 children, and most of those had 8 to 10 children each. The grand cousinhood by 1986 was estimated to consist of 1,200 individuals. With so many grand-cousins and aunties and extended family, in-laws and business partners, the Guos – who are married the Kaos, Wongs, Lees and so on – ran everything in Taipei and Keelung, from local politics to real estate, from food production, wet markets, restaurant chains to witch doctors and massage parlors, and – of course – organized crime.

Guo Dangdang

Guo Dangdang was the firstborn of the third daughter of Patriarch Guo, very beautiful but crazy Guo Leilei, who asked to marry a brawny paratrooper and part-time gangster.

The Guo Matriarch, Leilei’s mother, and her husband, crime boss Guo Bolei, Dangdang’s grandfather, did not approve of such an early engagement, least because Guo Leilei had been only sixteen and suffered severe mental problems, but Dangdang had been on her way, so they quickly accommodated a sprawling wedding party with 800 guests.

Dangdang, well Dangdang, was a born liar and psychopath. She could walk at age 1 and talk fluently at age 2. When she was 6, she killed the family dog Dolomi by poking a stick into its ear. Small child Dangdang peed on carpets, smashed glass and threw stuff against the wall when she couldn’t get her way. And her parents, well her illiterate parents, spanked her, of course, and daily, and Dangdang took it, and she was alright an hour later, and quickly on her feet and hyperactive, cleaning, cooking, running errands, always talking and being extremely loud and governing.

When Dangdang entered primary school, she was sent back into homeschooling in the first year. The headmaster had never seen anything like her, he explained nervously. Dangdang knew everything. But not in a good way. She had all the answers. But not the correct ones. She was always talking back. She bossed around all 400 kids, and she henpecked the teachers and threatened to have them killed.

The Guos enrolled Dangdang in another primary school, away from Taipei, in Keelung City. She dominated teachers, classmates, the janitor and the parents of the classmates. Dangdang was incapable of speaking the truth.

She told lies, the most inconsistent and impossible lies. And there was no acting to it, no apparent strategy and no effort. Nobody could tell when she was not lying, because there was no baseline, no switch-off, no minute of calamity. “What is wrong with her,” Uncle Wong Guolo once recoiled in horror, “is she naozi bing – a brain injury?”

Dangdang told her new teachers in Keelung that she had been a pianist and a volleyball player, top of her class, leader and school speaker. Well, we have a swimming pool. Ah swimming, she was a swimming champ too. She refused to enter the pool though. Out of the blue and for no apparent motive, she would gibber the most horrible family rumors and exaggerations, and if Dangdang told it, you had to believe Dangdang, because she was a menacing raptor, a celestial dragon, a harrier of words.

It was impossible to stop her, as any conversation was quickly cut short, broken and disregarded, for Dangdang spoke 97% of the time, to anyone. And because the greater family was so large, so unbelievably large, with hundreds of family gatherings, celebrations and businesses each year, she quickly dominated the entire clan.

The Cult

Nobody who had ever seen Guo Dangdang in action could forget her boss-power. She remembered everyone‘s name and knew their businesses. She was physically stunning, tall, with a phenomenal range of vocals and glorious melisma, and an almost supernatural assertiveness – a creature of darkness. No shame, no ears. Visitors mentioned any place – Macao, Okinawa, the ta-ma-de Nevada desert – and Dangdang had been there before. You asked for Green Tea, and got water that “was better for you.”

Once such a diva enters your life, you better run for the exit, because throwing yourself off the roof is still better than being emasculated, floored and used as her doormat.

Guo Dangdang had finally evolved her complete psychopathy – hardwired unreality. No wisdom, temperance or Machiavellian tricks could be used against her. She was a weapon system, and it was time to decide how to disarm her without detonating the clan.

Her parents, mind you, had six other children, all younger brothers, to take care of, and Dangdang dominated them and issued orders like she did with all kids and adults and caretakers. She was telling them stupid, ugly, and corrected everything they said or did, slowly chipping away her siblings‘ poise and self-confidence. Her father had long suspected her to be a sentient being, and stopped speaking up in her presence.

It was her mother Leilei and the greater Guo cousinhood that got concerned, very concerned. This was way too brutal. Outsiders had speculated they drugged her. They didn‘t. “She has rats in her brain,” said Auntie Kao. A rumor spread that “Dangdang has mental superpowers.” The heads of the Kaos, the Wongs and the Lees recommended an exorcism. “She is clearly possessed,” said Auntie Wong. “She talks like ten people.”

Dangdang saw anyone entering the room and started to give them senseless tasks or belittled them: walk slow, walk faster, change this, not that, do it again, no it is not cold, no it is not warm, see I told you so, not this spoon, the other one, you are so slow, Ma, isn’t he slow? Ma said you’re slow! Everybody, all her six brothers, looked down on their plates, ate in silence, because Dangdang talked and talked, rearranged chopsticks, stood up, sat down again, talked trash and spoke for everyone. “How is this possible,” Uncle Zhou shouted. “Is she shabi – stupid? How can she tell me what I like and don’t like – only I know that! And by the way, where‘s my dog? Mantou! MANTOU!…”

So at age 16, it was decided that Dangdang should not be around her siblings, and also not around her cousins and the siblings of the greater family. She could not work, could not attend a normal school, so they gave her to “the Cult”.

The Cult was a branch of their Japanese overlords in Japan, who lived in beautiful symbiosis with the Triad. The Cult, as they could all agree on, breaks everyone. She could tell her lies to the Cult, and the Cult would take care of this. They would make her chant 10 hours a day for our prosperity.


The Triad and the Cult were to use her mental illness in the name of subversion, and indeed arranged for her training in the most exotic places in the world, from Singapore to New York, from Hong Kong to Tokyo.

Dangdang never attended a single school or class in her life, although she thinks she did. She just talked and talked and talked, and overpowered everyone she met, and pushed, patted, domineered men and women alike.

Over the years, she became louder and boundless. The talk time of her victims was now reduced to a mere 2% of any conversation. She farted in meetings, she lectured groups about the Vatican, the Great Lamas, the Lotus Sutra, their mistakes, their shortcomings, about Kuomintang politics, about the Tenno in Japan as if she was in touch with them, and because of her overpowering mental mania, it happened not a few times during gatherings that foreign guests mistook Dangdang for the Leader.

Naturally, she attracted many egotistical men with big wallets, ding-a-ling politicians, red-guard princelings, yakuza bosses and once even a Thai prince, all of whom sent her gifts or set up expenses accounts all over East-Asia.

They knew she verbally abused them – but such treatment by a superior female apparently is what most rich and powerful Asian men find fascinating.

No man can freeze hell, and no sacrifice appeases a psychopath.

She wrecked their egos, humiliated their intelligence, their height, their wallets, their fake careers, their gullible families, spread filthy lies, bossed them around and traumatized all of them and – some of them – she sent to their early graves. And she always, always killed their pets.

Nothing scares Cult leaders more than a female prime zealot. Female prime zealots often take orders too far, castrate men and torment their kids, and although Dangdang was overtly sexual, few thought it wise to make her children – whom she surely would overbear, terrorize and injure.

In a sentence, the top leaders of the Cult, just as the heads of the Triad, were terrified of Guo Dangdang. She seemed… not human.

And when one day, she was 35 years of age and back in Taipei, her family and 1,200 guests gathered to celebrate her brother‘s wedding at the Grand Ballroom, she – not content with not being the center of it all – walked over to the grand piano and started to torture the keys until the doormen had to violently remove her, had her grandfather Guo Bolei to confront her and shake her: “What is this demon in your head? What are those rats in your brain? Who are you?!”

But Dangdang just stared at him, stared into his inferior soul, and cursed her weak father and replied the piano was foreign crap and that her music was world-class excellent. And the great Guo patriarch of the Taiwan branch of the Triad for the first time in his life gauged the Yaoguai – the Great Fiend – in his granddaughter’s eyes – staring right back at him. And the mighty crime boss felt a terrible stroke, violently gasped for air one last time, stretched out and fell dead.


I was just talking the other day with president Jiang Zemin’s secretary… “No you weren’t!” I saw bigger weddings than this… “No you didn’t!” You are so ungrateful, without me you would be nobodies! “But we just paid for EVERYTHING!” Haha, I paid! “You killed him, Dangdang!” I told him to stop cursing. Wait, let me call the best doctor I met in Bali last summer…

Had Dangdang been a male, she would never have risen through the ranks, and so quickly. She would have been stabbed and thrown into the ocean like her disloyal former teacher. But not so Guo females.

There is a clear distinction between a lying crook, a vain narcissist and a psychopath.

The lying crook fabricates or embellishes stories because he plans to outsmart his enemies and win gains. He is fully aware of his lying.

The vain narcissist believes he is a superhuman who perfected the art of lying. He is fully aware he is lying.

The psychopath however is personified lying. She has no insight, no effort, no strategy and no empathy. Plain destructive lying without a motif.

The Triad decided to exile her; she mustn’t stay in Taipei, not in Taiwan…. for the sake of the country, peace and stability. They bought her a 1 million dollar mansion in Tokyo and prayed she would – hopefully – die alone and not nuke everything we‘ve built.

Dangdang was given false job titles and fake work and lines of communications where she spent the last 12 years, 16 hours each day, menacing her poor people over the phone, talking 98% of the time. She still hates pets. She still believes she is traveling the world. She believes she was the best in everything, a very excellent high quality person with connections all over the world, knowing scholars, religious leaders, controlling Taipei, was co-running the Kuomintang, was co-running the Chinese Triad, and that she was the veiled leader of a global Japanese Cult.

The author is a German writer and cultural critic.

If all the Chinese go to the coast and spit, Japan will drown.–BigThink

[…] and – hopefully not too many – more horrifying tales of madness and insanity to come.