by Sushi for the Saker blog
On April 3rd, 2018, DSTL Porton Down released further statement in regard to the toxic material employed in the March 4, 2018 attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal. On April 4th, the OPCW will meet in closed session at the request of the Russian Federation. This update provides the reader with background information to assist in an understanding of the issues raised by this new Porton Down information release. The Guardian reporting may be found at here. The Sky news interview video is here. The Russian communication to the OPCW is found in PDF format here.
A Military Grade Nerve Agent
Gary Aitkenhead, chief executive of the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) at Porton Down, told Sky News: “We were able to identify it as novichok, to identify that it was military-grade nerve agent.”
What Does this Mean?
The first step in developing a chemical warfare capability is to identify a substance of sufficient toxicity that it holds promise as a Chemical Warfare Agent, or CWA. Such toxins tend to fall into a number of broad groups based on the underlying chemistry. Organophosphate chemistry includes the well-known VX, and such derivatives of VX as those researched under the Soviet FOLIANT program of the 1980s.
Once the researchers identify a suitable toxin, the next challenge they face is the weaponization of that toxin. This is very different from the original work of synthesis. It involves taking the new toxic chemical and adding additional materials to enhance specific properties while attempting to retain the original toxicity. This weaponization research is often of greater difficulty then the initial work of synthesis.
Weaponization may include the addition of chemicals such as stabilizers, desiccants, flow agents, thinners, or thickeners. For example, it may be necessary to lower the viscosity of a CWA in order to render it suitable for aircraft spray application such as occurred with Agent Orange in Vietnam
Much of the cost of a chemical weapons program comes in the form of long term storage costs. For military use, an inventory of thousands of tons of agent is required. After production the CWA needs to be safely warehoused, secured, and guarded round the clock. As soon as the stockpile is created it begins to decline in toxicity. Post production storage and security costs typically exceed production cost. A military grade agent will therefore likely include stabilizer chemistry in an attempt to preserve the toxic qualities over an extended period of being held in inventory.
The Soviet FOLIANT program had as one of its objectives the use of readily available precursor chemicals such as commercially available pesticides. If this objective was achieved then it helped minimize inventory holding costs; one could divert existing commercial chemical production toward military needs on an as required basis.
A competent lab can examine a CWA sample and identify the additional chemicals present in, or associated with, that specific agent. These additional chemicals are unlikely to be present if the toxin was cooked up by a university chemistry student, and they are also unlikely to be included if the material was created in a terrorist lab. The chemical knowledge and sophistication required for weaponization tends to be much greater than the knowledge needed to duplicate a formula found online, or published in a book by Vil Mirzayanov.
This greater degree of required knowledge presupposes a state actor as it serves to eliminate other creators likely to lack state resources, or the same military weaponization requirements.
DSTL Porton Down now appears to be asserting that the sample made available to them does contain these added components. The presence of such elements suggests weaponization of the toxin by a state actor. This is strong but not conclusive proof of state action. It also does not serve to give evidence of which state actor may have produced the material.
Is this credible?
A “military grade nerve agent” such as VX or its derivatives, is intended to be lethal. Much effort goes into ensuring this lethality is retained during extended periods of storage. Three people appear to have been poisoned by a “military grade nerve agent” in Salisbury on March 4th, 2018. One is now recovering at home, one is now conscious and recovering in hospital, the third remains alive and reported to be in stable condition.
The assertion of an attack using a “military grade nerve agent” would appear to be contradicted by the known facts of the case.
What are “Other Inputs” to this Process?
Gary Aitkenhead stated: “ . . . establishing its origin required “other inputs”, some of them intelligence-based, that the government has access to.”
What Does this Mean?
There is a difference between cooking for your immediate family and cooking to feed the 5,000 person crew of a US navy aircraft carrier. Any food you buy commercially will bear some evidence of being an industrial food product. Each item will be of identical weight, size, shape and colour.
No material produced in any production facility is 100% pure. It will typically contain impurities and these impurities are associated with the process technology utilized, and how it was configured and installed in that specific production facility. These impurities serve as a form of “fingerprint.” If you obtain a sample from a known production facility (such as DSTL Porton Down) you can then “fingerprint” that facility through the identification of impurities specific to that location. Any further toxic agent produced by the same methodology, in the same facility, will, in theory, exhibit an identical fingerprint. Install similar process technology in a new facility in a second location and the associated impurities, and therefore the “fingerprint,” will be different.
By creating a database of fingerprints, it becomes possible to take any new sample of CWA and compare it with fingerprints for known CWA production facilities and thereby identify the source of the CWA.
Can such fingerprints be faked? Only with great difficulty. Falsification requires an even greater degree of sophistication than that required for original production and weaponization of the CWA.
But it will not be possible to use this identification method with respect to the identification of any CWA produced under the Soviet FOLIANT program.
Why not?
First, the FOLIANT agents never went into production. The production facility commenced construction but was never completed. It was later dismantled with the assistance of the US military and, according to Craig Murray, all of the construction materials were removed and shipped to America. Since no FOLIANT production facility was never completed, no FOLIANT production runs were ever made, there was no production output, and therefore no valid process fingerprint exists.
Second, according to Vil Mirzayanov, all research stocks associated with the FOLIANT program were incinerated when the research was terminated at the time of the collapse of the U.S.S.R. These were research stocks, not production samples. There is a difference.
Third, even if a small quantity of research materials had been retained (some appear to have been sold by one of the original Soviet researchers) these stocks would have now aged and deteriorated to the extent the present day toxicity would be negligible. If you are Vladimir Putin, and you intend to kill someone, you do not start out with a 38 year old toxic agent that may, or may not, have any residual lethality.
Fourth, it is not possible to determine what the decomposition by-products of the original toxin might be. To achieve this requires that you possess an original research sample and are able to document the process of chemical breakdown. Try and drink a 38 year old bottle of wine and you will find yourself drinking vinegar. It is not the same chemistry as the original bottled product.
Fifth, laboratory processes tend to be similar the world over and laboratory production tends to be to a higher standard than full scale industrial production. It is therefore unlikely that you could successfully fingerprint a small laboratory sample. Even if you were to make the attempt you would face great difficulty as laboratory environments tend to change on a regular basis. The production facility for a toxic chemical is typically locked down in a set configuration for an extended period of time.
Sixth, to obtain the necessary “fingerprints” requires that you employ a number of secret agents who devote their time to the identification of foreign laboratories and production facilities, covertly obtain samples, analyse those samples, and record the results in a database. The OPCW seeks to do this work on behalf of all signatory states but it is likely that individual states with sufficient resources would attempt to maintain their own parallel records. These records and intelligence activities are the “other inputs” Aitkenhead is referencing.
Is this credible?
The technical means for conducting such an identification are credible. However the application of these technical means against the FOLIANT program is not possible.
In the beginning of March a man and his daughter were sitting on a park bench in Wiltshire when they were impaled by a unicorn. Theresa May claims the unicorn was Russian and was sent by “Bad Vlad.”
Thirty eight years ago the U.S.S.R had a program that is rumoured to have bred unicorns but these were all destroyed when the U.S.S.R collapsed. A Mr. Mirzayanov, who claims to be the government in exile of Tatar wrote a book which contains images of unicorns. Because of the passage of time all of the original unicorns are dead. The breeding stables were dismantled and shipped to the USA in the 1990s.
When evidence of these unicorns was presented to the Technical Secretariat of the OPCW it was discounted as speculative. No one has seen the unicorn that impaled the man and his daughter in the middle of Salisbury. It is believed that the unicorn may have been hidden in the air vents of their car, or dropped from a drone. The British Foreign minister has categorically stated that unicorns exist because “I asked the guy and he said yes.” The Prime Minister has nudged the world closer to WWIII by leading a global demand for sanctions against “bad Vlad” and his unicorn attacks against the UK. No other plausible explanation exists.
If you wrote this up as a movie script it would be rejected as no audience would accept the premise.
Is this only in the capabilities of a state actor?
Gary Aitkenhead stated the substance required: “extremely sophisticated methods to create, something only in the capabilities of a state actor”.
Is this credible?
During the Watergate investigation of US President Nixon there was a meeting in the oval office between Nixon and some of his senior officials. The conversation went like this:
PRESIDENT: You think, you think we want to, want to go this route now? And the — let it hang out, so to speak?
DEAN: Well, it’s, it isn’t really that —
HALDEMAN: It’s a limited hang out.
DEAN: It’s a limited hang out.
EHRLICHMAN: It’s a modified limited hang out.
PRESIDENT: Well, it’s only the questions of the thing hanging out publicly or privately.
The reason for the “limited hangout” was the awareness that the original cover story in regard to the Watergate burglary was verging on collapse. The limited hangout is a strategy of delivering partial truth coupled with disinformation.
This statement by Aitkenhead carries the distinct whiff of a modified limited hangout. Faced with an OPCW review, the UK has likely been forced into making these revelations.
To create a weaponized version of any toxin does require a sophisticated and knowledgeable state actor. State actors are the only parties able to support a military capable of utilizing such an agent in waging war. Making 40,000 tons of anything requires a significant commitment of resources and a wide range of technical sophistication.
Making 4 grams of the same material does not require the same resource commitment.
A university professor has reported that any of his senior students would be capable of creating the CWA alleged to have been used in Salisbury. That may be true. There are other reports of students working on commercial pesticides and organophosphate weed killer who have inadvertently created a highly toxic substance by accident and nearly killed themselves.
Given the fact the basic chemical formula has been published, and the toxin was designed to be formulated using readily available commercial precursors, it is highly likely that a reasonably competent non-state actor may have carried out the Salisbury attack.
The fact that none of the three victims died, one is in stable condition, and two are in recovery, is strong evidence that no competent state actor was involved in the attack.
The available evidence implicates Freedonia. The UK government should immediately attempt to determine the present whereabouts of Rufus T. Firefly, Chicolini and Pinky.
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Prior articles in this series:
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Many persons commenting on the Saker blog, and in information sources other than the MSM, have made statement similar to the following:
While scanning for news that morning I noticed that all of the MSM had basically the same text to describe the event, but in a few cases different headlines, mainly dependent on which side of the Pond they came from. I skipped them, they seemed too coordinated.
This lack of critical coverage on the part of the MSM reduces your ability to come to your own conclusions with respect to the truth. This is a critical issue both with respect to an understanding of this Curious Incident, and to the proper functioning of any democratic polity.
The Saker does not tell me what to write. But he is generous enough, and sufficiently concerned over the current state of geo-strategic chess, that he makes these, and other articles, freely available to a global audience. I see he is presently making an appeal for donations to help defray the cost of hosting the site. I am paid nothing, but I do have an IT background and IT is not inexpensive. I ask that if you find this series informative that you support the site.
The Saker has not asked me to make this request.
Part VIII presents the motives of the attacker.
In memory of David Christopher Kelly, CMG (14 May 1944 – 17 July 2003)
The mere fact that nobody got killed is proof that military nerve agent was not used. Something else was used, if at all. Why have there been no pictures or videos of the victims in hospital ?
Would it be OK for Vlad the Bad to say:
If we had done it, there would be two and possibly three three corpses.
Ergo, look elsewhere for the incompetent malicious perps.
Well he did – kinda.
After the election he was asked about the case and he replied to the effect “they say a military grade nerve agent was used and nobody died – this is not possible.”
Me again, and please forgive me any posting trespasses,
but this Skripal affair really does copy the art of Monty Python, specifically The Stoning Scene from The Life of Brian. Take a gander and see if you don’t agree:….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..10.15.2642.0..46j0i131k1j0i131i46k1j46i131k1j0i46k1.0.J1LASkkE-u0
Katherine-it is quite easy to imagine May in a fake beard. It could only improve ‘the visuals’.
Theresa and Boris — intelligent, truly stunning beauties body and soul alike. Putin and Zakharova should at least take a look in the mirror.
The witch trial scene in Holy Grail also comes to mind.
Remembering of course that Monty Python was british and that they often poked fun at the ridiculousness of their government and ruling class. The fact that Monty Python kept returning to this theme and that their originally british audience loved it tells one a lot about british society.
Exactly. The statement from Porton Down could simply be a qualified lie, based on what they think they can get away with or pass off as an unintended mistake when things go sour, or how far their arms can be twisted by politicians. And the article assumes that all the various additives, etc. could be detected from whatever residue remained at the scene.
This was also true with the early statements by May and BoJo. It was obvious from the stilted and constantly repeated wording that there were experts in the government who would not agree with anything more than ‘highly likely’ and ‘of a type developed by the Soviet Union’. BoJo of course refused to stick to the script and ad-libbed and is now revealed as a blantant liar.
Because the UK is part of the ‘Free World’, B.F. Can’t you see that?
“Why have there been no pictures or videos of the victims in hospital?”
Actually, this is precisely where I believe the Anglo plotters are feeling appreciable unease. In hindsight, it would have been much smarter to kill the Skripals without compunction and then blame Russia on whatever bogus, pre-fabricated “evidence” they could have created rather effortlessly. The CW nonsense and the ensuing necessity to add the ludicrous hospitalization of the Skripals turned a much more promising false flag opportunity (= real, deadly violence) to a considerably hollower hoax.
No, … the Moscow got wind of the assassination attempt on the Russians by the usual suspects and sent through some antidote in the buckwheat. Lol!
This was a very badly planned false flag – not a single duck in the row type.
Makes me wonder if the whole affair was … opportunistic.
A couple where found unconscious in the park and when they realised who it was they sprang into action with their #BlamePutin agenda and now it’s falling apart.
Their doctor said they were poisoned.
(… He also said they weren’t poisoned with a nerve agent.)
PD tested some sample and got positive for a Novichok – but they omit to say where the sample came from, what it was or how many samples they tested. As for “chain of custody” – it’s like that Aikenhead guy never heard of it. Not a peep. Hell – they coulda tested a bit from their own lab for all we know.
Especialy since now two of the three victims are now conscious, and one has been sent home from the hospital.
I’d have expected the propagandists to flood the air with pictures and staged interviews with them as soon as possible. For that matter, I’d have expected pictures of the victims lying unconscious in the hospital before they recovered. That they are not doing this gets filed under another instance of Sherlock Holmes’ curious incident of the dog not barking.
“The fact that none of the three victims died, one is in stable condition, and two are in recovery, is strong evidence that no competent state actor was involved in the attack”.
So it’s “most likely” the CIA, then? MI6 might be too competent.
Or, maybe Vlad the Bad could actually add:
If the FSB had done it, the Skripals would be dead.
This job as the look of a Monty Python operation.
Then he would score some points for getting a laff and also for his casual ref to Monty Python.
It would hit the world’s headlines, and the UK would be a laughingstock.
You might consider Christopher Steele or SCL/Cambridge Analytica as Skripal was assisting them all. There does seem to be a paltry payment to Skripal for the Moscow hotel sheet sniffing component of the dirt dossier on Trump. Perhaps there was a falling out among thieves here.
Hillary trying to cover any tracks that might lead backed to her from the backfired attempt of a dodgy dossier on her political opponent?
Perhaps Steele has shown himself to be reliable enough to remain alive, but if Skirpal was also involved and could not be counted as being as reliable, then, well, there are reasons why Clinton Body Counts on the internet have been around since they first reached for national politics.
And what, Tom, of the ‘doctor’ who was reported to have tended to the Skripals for thirty minutes on the park bench. Has he or she died of the poison ‘ten times stronger than VX’? Where has he or she disappeared to? And the ambulance personnel, and the other coppers who turned up-all immune to ‘nerve agents of a certain type’ are they? This charade makes the ‘Saddam’s WMD’ episode look like God’s own truth.
The ‘persons of interest’ in this case would be Gavin guttermouth Williamson and his immediate superior the mafia boss Temerko. Given Gaven is puffed full of hubris about being the reincarnation of Churchill and everyone knows how Churchill used a false flag CW attack at Archangel to kill Bolsheviks it seems highly likely Gavin and his Defence Department have been reliving past UK glories.
Williamson doesn’t amount to a ‘guttermouth’. He would have to evolve a good deal to reach that level. He seems to me to be a puerile imbecile, the coming type in the Zionazi protectorate formerly known as ‘Great’ Britain.
It is reported that the CIA made 638 assassination attempts against Fidel Castro. Castro died of old age at home in his own bed. A successful assassination may be more difficult to accomplish than the movies would have us believe. My bet is on another actor to be revealed in Part VIII.
The Commandante said he always kept a .45 at hand…
Evidently this had a sobering effect on would-be assassins…
On the other hand, NATO’s auditor-general, Yves Chandelon, aged 62, committed suicide in his car and then placed the gun in the glove compartment. The Belgian police didn’t think this suspicious. Belgians are such tidy people.
The real mystery here is what does a NATO auditor-general do with his time? Before MH-17 went down, the Dutch were demanding to see audited NATO accounts, which had never been seen in their lifetimes.
Of course it is poisons that we speak of, but biological assault is simply another sort of poison. This some may be interested in – the terrorist attacks in New York, and the anthrax infections…not the “9-11” fairytale though… the first “9-11”,,,in 1916
Book “The Detonators” goes into some detail…
Both were intelops.
So’s the Skirpal Affair.
Interesting the odd arsons and fires in Ru…these seem to follow the paradign of Black Tom type operations.
Beware that the cited book “Detonators” is, though useful, also a fairytale insofar as it serves to remove British influence on the deeper level – as the Germans got blamed for BT, and had to pay out.
The who’s who in the BT matter leads to the Warren Commission and the JFK job…by the way. The shadow of deepstate is what’s left out.
Lack of consistence – ” Consilience” in fact, always reveals the lie.
This lack is what Lavrov and the fellas are pointing out…in the specific matter.
Nah…you are once again attempting to wrong foot readers…the UK government is justifying its stance on the basis of the consilience it has manufactured. Russia is not arguing a lack of consilience. It is using a corruption of the notion of consilience to further this total hoax.
I don’t think you are irrelevant. I think you are an agent provocateur.
The UK story lacks consilience, Comrade. The essence of science is consilience… it is impossible, by definition, to make it up or to “manufacture” it.
If you knew more about things you would speak and think differently.
What do you imagine is my “provocation”? All “hoaxes” fail precisely because it is impossible to maintain the illusion of consilience in the example of a hoax. As we all can see in the novastuff fairytale.
Try harder.
Err…da illusion of consilience is exactly the issue. There can be no illusion except by manufacture in this case. It is you who needs a rewire. The consilience the UK has used to pin the deed on RF is manufactured. Poo bum wee dude…poo bum wee.!
So there you go lil fella…your irrelevant posting was fixed up by my effort to explain to yourself and perhaps others that the UK has falsified consilience.
Monobozo’s ego has hijacked the thread.
“Russia is not arguing a lack of consilience. It is using a corruption of the notion of consilience to further this total hoax.”
Consilience is a valued, tried and tested method of reaching a conclusion but there is no longer any conclusion of consilience when consilience runs into a brick wall.
*“Sir, Further to your report (“Poison exposure leaves almost 40 needing treatment”, Mar 14), may I clarify that no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning in Salisbury and there have only ever been three patients with significant poisoning. Several people have attended the emergency department concerned that they may have been exposed. None has had symptoms of poisoning and none has needed treatment. Any blood tests performed have shown no abnormality. No member of the public has been contaminated by the agent involved.
Stephen Davies
Consultant in emergency medicine, Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust” [my underline]
Until they spin that one – or get Sr Davies to retract and change his medical assessment – there is no evidentiary consilience that changes that fact.
Besides, the arguments they make to support their consilience are things like : Russia has a history of assassinations (big deal – so have the UK/US/France/Israel esp/you-name-it), Russia invaded Crimea (irrelevant), Russia supports Asaad’s use of CW (manure of the male cow) etc. etc. In fact, not a single item they list in their consilience stands as valid let alone even possible cause nevermind probable. … It doesn’t even pass the bar for conjecture and the English term “highly likely” now morphs into “Yee-up we’re all idiots so what.”
Oh – they killed Litvinenko did they? …. Then DECLASSIFY the court’s report – ‘cos really – the only reason not to is – it doesn’t say what they want it to say. (Can you think of another reason? ‘Cos it sure ain’t current valid British state secrets if Russia used polonium 12 years ago.)
And here’s another bit of consilience for their consilience:
We ALL remember Tony Blair and his “Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction” and his “Saddam Hussein might nuke London in 45 minutes” and we ALL remember where that went (esp Iraq – Iraqi have extra special good reasons to remember) and we ALL remember that was the UK govt with their special relationship pals across the pond playing their consilience games.
Not again. Not again.
This time we want to see a smidge of probability included in British (or American) consilience.
Now feel free to call me an agent provocateur too.
Cat, did you catch the bovine female UK UNSC representative lying through her multiple chins that ‘Russia invaded Georgia’, as part of a litany of false accusations? When they are prepared to regurgitate lies that putrid, you know you are dealing with psychopaths in the throes of a sort of group hysteria of hatred.
Oh I especially loved the bovine female with her multiple chins explaining that “highly likely” is a legal term that means “nearly absolutely certain” outside a British courtroom because only a British court can determine absolute certainty. That added an extra nice touch to the excrement piled on her cake of consilience.
irrelevant, you old pachyderm, Russia should have followed the US example and sprayed England with Agent Orange (Types I,II, and III), Agent Green, Agent Pink, Agent Purple, Agent Blue, Agent White, and Super Agent Orange. And, in a perfect example of those ‘Western Moral Values’ that we SO admire, the USA was just copying the UK’s efforts in spraying herbicides and defoliants in Malaya, as they suppressed the natives there. Why poison two when you can poison millions, generation after generation?
The whole Skripal incident is a state staged drama- I really can’t conclude anything else
Regarding the statement made by Aitkenhead?
As stated Here by myself and it’s relevent to this discussion
The inability or unwillingness to verify the precise source of the Novichuk enables us to draw two conclusions……
1- Very obviously, there is no proof the state of Russia was behind the alleged incident
2- Very obviously, Porton Down CANNOT be excluded as the source for the Novichuk
If Porton Down cannot verify the precise source of the Novichuk, then Porton Down CANNOT be discounted as the source of the Novichuk. Additionally, I’m unsure of how they can call it ‘military grade’ without knowing the ‘precise source’ ie: military.
My initial thought was this was a psyop and nothing has changed that opinion
The Skirpal incident ws pre-planned to discredit Russia.
The UK government is lying through its teeth.
They will throw out all sorts of BS to distract people from the real clues that they were involved.
People will willing follow this BS down the rabbit hole.
The latest BS is that an unidentified Russian flew into Heathrow just before the incident then left. Yup, that’s right. Someone from Russia flew into Heathrow with no id whatsoever. Must be a State Actor and he probably brought in the buckwheat. Happy rabbit holing over this.
Meanwhile the dog that didn’t bark goes on being ignored.
LOL!!! yes the Russian landed at Heathrow had a cup of tea then flew back to Russia,next thing will be they will come up with some random low level Russian official they would like to question over the matter,like they did with Lugavoy.
OMG! You mean to tell me that Russians know how to board airplanes. How awful! Out of 145 million Russians, one actually flew to London? It must mean war!
“it is highly likely that a reasonably competent non-state actor may have carried out the Salisbury attack.
The fact that none of the three victims died, one is in stable condition, and two are in recovery, is strong evidence that no competent state actor was involved in the attack.”
Yes, and a non state actor organised the anti-Russia campaign, got multiple western regimes to back it, and got the zionazi-gay media to propagandise it without deviation.
That “non state” actor sure has a lot of clout. Several parts back, I began wondering if the goal of all these reports was leading up to get readers to believe in a “non state” actor scenario. Basically the “lone gunman” theory as applicable to this false flag.
“The limited hangout is a strategy of delivering partial truth coupled with disinformation.”
A limited hangout also consists of a good amount of misdirection and obfuscation to lead the reader away from the truth and towards a story that essentially “clears” the guilty of the wrong doing reinforces one that could plausibly present an alternative answer to divert suspicion.
Seymour hersh is an expert at such story twisting. He masterfully makes support for regime dirty tricks look like believable opposition to these and the regime.
For example, with regard to the Russians shooting down KAL007 in the 80s, hersh used a lot of intellectual and evidential gymnastics to present the incident as a series of accidents leading to further accidents, which the u.s. regime then conveniently then took advantage of after. Rather than a carefully planned provocation by the usa.
“Sushi on March 23, 2018 · at 2:52 am UTC
See the following for a similar incident from 2013:
The sidebar contains a link to The Red Line and the Rat Line another great article by Hersh.”
Exactly vot tak.
This remains a serious stain. The goal is as you say. The mendacity is not opaque. We are up against it here.
The continuing question of whether at least Mr Skipal will recover fully…who knows long term prognosis maybe also perhaps designed to create a running sore to be built on in time to point of absolute hysteria and psychosis… hence BJ referring back to alledged previous 14 other “state assassinations”……..
Rectification of sorts: the partial sentence quoted in reference to the statement by Aitkenhead is missing a very important word as was noted in an article written by Craig Murray in “True Publica”. The word ” probably” was omitted from the reportage of the interview. That word is very important since it continues the narrative line of the British State in using ambiguous or equivocal language in order to conceal the true nature of the event.
The full statement quoted “It’s a military-grade nerve agent, which requires extremely sophisticated methods in order to create – something that’s probably only within the capabilities of a state actor.”
Probably is a word used when one is speculating- Usually accompanied by “I don’t know” or Probably, but, I can’t say for sure.
The link to the Murray article is here:
Thanks for the heads up.
The above also includes the Boris Johnson interview in which he categorically affirms it was Russian responsibiity.
The same claim is found in the following FCO transcript of a statement given by the UK ambassador to RF delivered on March 22nd. Will likely be deleted soon.
Thank you. Careful analysis of the wording, as Craig Murray does, is very important to unpack the 50 shades of lies that wrap the Anglo elite statements….
I would like to quote a paragraph from a book written in the 1980’s by a Frenchman named Guy Debord that accurately expresses the contemporary historical situation: “With the destruction of history, contemporary events themselves retreat into a remote and fabulous realm of unverifiable stories, uncheckable statistics, unlikely explanations and untenable reasoning. For every imbecility presented by the spectacle , there are only the media professionals to give an answer……The primary cause of the decadence of contemporary thought evidently lies in the fact that spectacular discourse leaves no room for any reply; while logic was only socially constructed through dialogue.”
Excellent, Rufus. A perfect example here in Austfailure is a current kerfluffle over energy. The Federal regime is hard Right and stuffed to the gills with enemies of renewable energy, lovers of ‘coal-a boon to humanity’ and deniers of climate destabilisation (and ALL ecological catastrophes). That regime plans to attack renewable energy, for reasons of ideological fanaticism, despite it being the cheapest source nowadays, on the spurious basis of price increases, actually caused by the ideologically driven privatisation of electricity utilities.
During all the endless argy-bargy, there is much lying and bull-dusting about ‘price’, ‘dispatchability’ and other blathering, but NEVER a word about green-house gases or climate destabilisation. In a country where the weather and climate disasters are rapidly increasing, and where 90% of surveyed farmers have described the rapid climate changes affecting their activities, the entire subject has been TOTALLY disappeared by the fakestream media. Not denied anymore, although that still occurs in the Murdoch cancer. No, simply made to cease to exist, to disappear into the ether, to not any longer exist. All with TOTAL fakestream presstitute compliance. Not one, nor any ‘guest’ dares mention it. That’s really existing ‘Freedom of Opinion’ for you in the necrotic West. If there was a complete revelation of the true causes and means of this false-flag op, do you really think anything would appear anywhere in the Western fakestream media sewer? Not on your life!
+++ Right on Mulga, and don’t forget we see it all through the five eyes project. Austfailure is up to its neck in these grubby little games. Soon SCL/Cambridge Analytica will surface here too like all fatty turds.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Christopher Steele turns up ‘retired’ in Tasmania or even Kangaroo Island. I hope he has washed that novistuff off his hands first.
gronkle, thanks to our membership of the Five Eyes, we have long been a protectorate of the USA, that feels free to depose Prime Ministers it does not approve of, like Whitlam and Rudd (the Zionazis also wanted Rudd’s head for various ‘antisemitic’ acts like changing our votes re. Palestine at the UN), demand our complicity in aggressions and genocides like Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, that owns much of our economy and that is the beneficiary of a Free Trade Agreement that favours the USA to a ludicrous degree. Moreover no public figure durst criticise any US crime, lest he, she or it face a vicious vendetta from the Murdoch hate-machine, and general social ostracism. Our ‘intelligence’ community and much of the military, business and political elites, plainly owe their first loyalties to Imperial HQ in Thanatopolis DC, then Holy Israel, and then Austfailure, but only as long as we remain faithful running-dogs. And in the last two years or so, the USA has plainly instructed our ‘elites’, their stooges, to launch a virulent hate campaign against China, in which effort they have enthusiastically joined in.
Follow the money.
Industries and lobbyists associated with coal or oil attack renewable energy source, but not out of ideology. They do so to protect the profits of their industries.
Trying to understand capitalists by associating with them motives other than profit are futile and misleading. Its all about money.
“Three people appear to have been poisoned by a “military grade nerve agent” in Salisbury on March 4th, 2018.”
While acknowledging ‘appear’ may be an example of a weasel word, I disagree. It may be likely they were, but we still have no independent proof that anyone was poisoned and no reliable access or identification of the Skripals in hospital. Visual independent ID and DNA swabs are required to match with each other and relatives
The one victim that is out, DS Bailey, is part of the UK establishment and therefore suspect. That they were poisoned with a “military grade nerve agent” seems unlikely given the swift and fatal effect and lack of any antidote common to other agents such as VX. More likely is that CIA sourced “military grade nerve agent” was sprinkled about after the event by the ‘Moon suits’ to implicate Russia.
The only exception could be if the sourced “military grade nerve agent” was itself expired and thus had only limited lethality and hours of time delay in onset. Can anyone knowledgable of organophosphate poisons and their effect when expired, comment?
I still think the Novichok wrapper post sushi poisoning is in the running as a plausible contender.
Part VI Anonymous on April 03, 2018 · at 3:23 am UTC
From Wiki:
“,,,the CIA is known to have issued a small dose of saxitoxin to U-2 spy plane pilot Francis Gary Powers in the form of a small injection hidden within a silver dollar, for use in the event of his capture and detainment”
“Symptoms typically develop within 30 minutes of ingestion, but may be delayed by up to four hours; however, if the dose is fatal, symptoms are usually present within 17 minutes of ingestion.[41]
From the UK state propaganda outlet: “Russian spy: UK brands offer of joint inquiry ‘perverse'”
Maybe the author of this article or someone else could comment on this Wikipedia article that says that four “Novishoks” agents were weaponised. Please comment on the rest of the article as well
[quote]Uglev revealed more details in 2018 following the poisoning of the Skripals, stating that “several hundred” compounds were synthesised during the Foliant research but only four agents were weaponised (presumably the Novichok-5, -7, -8 and -9 mentioned by other sources), [/quote]
Is this article totally wrong or am I missing something?
Wikipedia edits are the most interesting……..who wrote the item ?
Vladimir Uglev was one of the Soviet researchers in the FOLIANT program.
He stated in a March 20 interview with the Russian web publication the Bell
1) Soviet researchers did not use the naming convention “A-230” “A-231” etc. Instead the used a letter plus the 4 year date of discovery such as “A-1980” “B-1983” etc.
2) Only four FOLIANT agents were identified and named in this way, not five
3) Uglev states he has never divulged FOLIANT formula information. In the interview he suggests you could spend years studying the formulas made public by Myranazov and not be able to identify the actual FOLIANT formula.
4) Leonard Rink was another Soviet researcher but he was part of the team working on weaponization. It is not clear that this work ever proceeded to completion as the Soviet Union collapsed and the work was abandonned. Rink ended up selling FOLIANT research stocks in order to stay alive due to the collapse of the state and the loss of income.
5) Other sources indicate the name “Novichok” was an element in a Soviet counter-intelligence operation. They created a number of named secret programs, amoung them “Novichok.” The secret program named “Novichock was revealed to Myrazanov but to no other worker. The counter-intelligence people discovered that knowledge of the secret “Novichok” program had been passed to the West and they arrested Myrazanov.
The real crime in the Skripal case is government sponsored vigilantism against an innocent sovereign State.
In American jurisprudence, Lady Justice symbolizes a court of law. She wears a blindfold and holds a balance scale in one hand and a sword in the other. The covering of her eyes is necessary to maintain the court’s impartiality, so that only relevant facts introduced as evidence are used to decide an outcome irrespective of the wealth, power or status of the adversarial parties. The scale weighs the amount of evidence for the State and for the defendant. The sword represents the authority to convict or to set free the accused. The right to a trial is fundamental in any civil society including England, where U.S. common law originated.
However certain parliamentary officials have corrupted the foundation of international legal behavior to further their political agenda. The sitting Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has chosen a path of negative propaganda to vilify the Russian Federation and gain advantage and favor with her western counterparts. She has acted undignified in diplomacy and statesmanship, used the power of the press to further personal ambitions and brought disdain upon English law by placing herself above it. To profit by false and unproven statements is slander and libel; the whip of unjustifiable hysteria only a miscreant of the highest order would use.
This is one of many dilemmas we Americans share with our fellow citizens in the United Kingdom. Fools, incompetents and self-absorbed megalomaniacs lead our respective nations who will bring war down upon the heads of the citizenry and destroy our very lives if we allow it to happen.
Apologies but would still like to know if there is an answer…if someone wanted to indicate a “Russian” source…by using Russian manufactured chemicals such as freely available organophospates.. is it possible to imitate impersonate simulate even copy a previous manufactured chemical to establish such “markers” ( ie imperfections -seems to be the word being used)….to lay blame at “Russian” manufacture…presumably using copying imitating “Russian”methods of manufacture that can be identified using say local water or distilled water or other reagents peculiar to “Russian” methods.
Dear mods…as I have posted this before on previous post by sushi..I will leave it to your discretion or sushi’s approval if still thinks it relevant or not… for posting again….must be the influence of my grandfather who was an analytical chemist.
Apologies if I missed your earlier query.
Ther is no need to simulate Russian chemicals or water.
You can buy both in Russia and smuggle them out of the country.
That is what diplomatic bags are for.
I hope someone qualified might respond to you. Meanwhile, it seems to me that any of the ‘cookery’ apparatus, chemical precursors and any other associated physical ingredients, liquids etc. could be easily transported from Russia, Uzbekistan or wherever a ‘fingerprint’ can be made point to Russia. But why bother? An oligarch could easily have access to a lab in Russia (or Georgia, where the CIA has its biolabs) that has nothing to do with the Kremlin.
But, another point, if this A234 or Novichok whatever family was never produced in Russia then how could there be a definitive fingerprint pointing there in the first place? A fingerprint, if there is one, will likely point to a US created Novichok albeit with perhaps a ‘made in Georgia’ stamp whose border being one inch to the south of Russia is close enough geographically for ‘proof’ of Russian villainy?
Thanks guys for both replies.
“is it possible to imitate impersonate simulate even copy a previous manufactured chemical to establish such “markers” ( ie imperfections -seems to be the word being used)….to lay blame at “Russian” manufacture”
That certainly sounds like it might be possible (I suspect difficult, time consuming and expensive but probably doable at the molecular level) – but they’d still need an original sample to compare it to to prove the Russia comparison and …. well… the Russian ambassador stated twice very clearly that Russia does not have Novichok and has never manufactured Novichok – EVUH.
So if Porton Down was to manufacture the evidence and claim that their sample definitely came from a 38 year-old old Soviet CW program, all Russia would have to do is go thru’ their old Soviet files and find the paperwork that shows “Novichok” was one of multiple disinformation projects designed to turn off a leaky tap and never the name of a CW. It was also the project that succeeded and went West…… (And the sheer, almost uncontainable glee Mr Ambassador displayed when he was saying “Never” twice makes me think that is the most “highly likely” explanation.)
That 38 year old gap could be extremely useful the British…. it could be used to explain why an 8x more deadly than VX nerve agent failed to kill anyone and validate their claim “Russia must admit it lost control of old stocks” and so drop the insistent Putin’s malicious intent that is starting to aggravate some allies. (Not the important allies like France, USA and Oz of course – but the other NATO little bits who reluctantly expelled diplomats on trust that the UK had the evidence.) It would keep the blame in Russia’s court so to speak.
But that 38 year-old proof could equally hold another bite – if the Russians could prove the PD proof contains current impurities and not impurities from 38 years ago and conditions have changed over the years. … For that I’d guess they’d need any organic sample mass manufactured in the area 38 years ago…..
All in all – it’s a very badly planned false flag…. one would expect them to have all their ducks in a row BEFORE they put it into action. I don’t think the British are usually this incompetent in the dirty tricks dept which is why I think this was opportunistic.
“Never mind the evidence. Blame Russia”
The above ‘Party Line’ has actually improved even further. Today, it rather should read: “Never mind the massive contempt and ridicule which these stunts evoke. Blame Russia”. Seriously, it has been on my mind for a while now that the most witty answer to these pathetic provocations would be asking (without apology):
“Even if Russia were fond of poisoning people, why should we believe for a frigging second that the Zionazi Western gangsters would be the slightest ‘morally concerned’ about it?”
Really, it is people — from any walks of life — who attribute to the West any moral stature whatsoever who need their heads examined. Please do nuke the Euro-trash now. In case the latter cannot stand seeing the (mushroom) light, they are very flexible indeed as regards their commitment to ‘European values’.
Is it possible that what was used was an old, degraded sample of Novichok from the 1990s or earlier? That might account for its reduced lethality.
Commercial organophosphate toxic material such as pesticides have a 2 year shelf life.
I do not have the knowledge to determine the quality of FOLIANT toxin at year 38.
None of the research stocks would exhibit the chemical trace elements expected to be found with weaponization as a “military grade nerve agent.” This implies DSTL is wrong footing the public.
Use of a 38 year old toxin suggests an attacker who does not understand toxicity and the decomposition profile of the toxic agent. Such an attacker is therefore unlikely to be a state actor, as states typically have available resources with a high degree of scientific knowledge.
This set of conjectures implies a Rufus T, Firefly type operation rather than an attempt by calculating “Bad Vlad.”
I had a hypothetical scenario in mind of some CIA hack turning up a vial in an old fridge, with a cyrillic label, figuring out what it was, and thinking, “hmm… maybe we can frame Russia with this. I’ll call my old chum at MI6…”
Anyway, just a sprinkle of speculation on top of your own thorough analysis.
After listening to and reading of this entire farce since the beginning, I’ve come to the opinion that not only is it a false flag but no one was poisoned at all. It’s all false and the entire charade is falling apart. You can expect OPCW to be like OSCE in Novorossiya, they will utter a false report that will be proven nothing but lies with time. In my opinion the Skripals are in really serious danger now as they were a part of this theatre from the beginning, now their lives aren’t worth a plug nickel and you can expect them to be dead in the near future. Alive they are a liability now, dead they are worth something to prove the ‘truth’ of an abject lie. The supposed ‘policeman’ also has a big sign around his neck that says ‘I’m dead, too’.
ever The Last One A Deep Look In To Russia, Her Culture And Her Armed Forces
An Incident On Simonka NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Exactly Auslander
Right, and the fact that no one was poisoned/killed means that it wasn’t even a false flag but a — very silly — hoax. Poor Skripals should the Anglos decide to improve the credibility of the entire stunt.
One thing is 100% certain, though: As with all these demented Western shitstorms/screamfests, this one too will be ”another crime in the litany of crimes that we can lay at Russia’s door”, to quote the enviable owner of the most gorgeous hairstyle on Planet Earth, LOL.
I like to point out that while we can discuss ad nauseam the type, origin, delivery systems, “military grade” of the “Foliants” or “Novichoks” or whatever, it is incumbent for everyone skeptical of the veracity of the fairy tale being sold by the empire that nothing is going to change in that which concerns the culpability of the Russian State and/or Putin. Period!!!
There is not a single international institution, neither the UN, the OPCW, etc. that can be appealed to for any kind objective investigation into anything, and I repeat anything. Ever since the virtual elimination of any kind of independent objective investigation ( whose only object would be the truth) a state of affairs which coincided with the rise of global neo-liberal capitalism and the imposition globally of its totalitarian ideology, all rules have been thrown in the garbage if they do not conform to its objectives/dictats. The triumph of Stalinism has occurred where it was least expected, in the so-called democratic west. History can be rewritten, facts can be omitted or fabricated to suit a particular objective, logic can be dispensed with on a whim, lies can be repeated ad nauseam with a straight face, everything is permitted as long as it conforms to the party line.
The road for Russia will be a difficult one, its enemies will give no quarter, their objective is no less than its destruction/submission. The struggle will be long and hard. It faces the US(Nato) which is not really an empire in the historical sense of the word since it is just nothing more than a Mafia with its capo di tutti capi and its obedient servants.
But the problem does not belong to Russia alone.
The minds that wifully accept and comply with the “new Stalinism” are constantly provoked by any entitiy which fails to demonstrate the required obedience and acceptance of the imposed “truth.”
The Stalinists will continue an imperial march toward conflict in the naive belief that such is “winnable” and that they will emerge “victorious.” This is the narrative they construct for themselves as it makes them wealthy and delivers a sense of self importance.
But the rest of the global public has to live with the results of ther miscalulation and self-delusion. And to use the words “live with” greatly exaggerates the quality of life to be expected in the nouveau stone age to come.
The Stalinists want to give us a new Unternehmen Barbarossa. They need to encounter France 1879.
My error.
1879 above should re corrected to 1789.
Also is is interesting to note that the Craig Murray article here:
Points out a discrepancy between the video statment of Aitkenhead and the text version on the Sky web site here:
I just checked the Sky web site and the word “probably” is now present in the Sky text.
But a careful reader will note that the word probably is omitted from my presentation upthread
Is this only in the capabilities of a state actor?
Gary Aitkenhead stated the substance required: “extremely sophisticated methods to create, something only in the capabilities of a state actor”
Since I have limited confidence in my abiity to correctly transpose data, I was careful to cut and paste the Sky text verbatim when preparing this document aaround 0300 hrs on April 4th. The quoted text you can read above is exactly what was posted at that time. Craig Murray catches them out, the “error” is corrected, and Mr Murray is made to look a less than competent critic.
They didn’t have these sorts of problems in 1789.
Should be most grateful if you could once and for all stop speaking Westish. Stalin saved Russia, he purged the enemy within, resoundingly defeated the enemy without, and responded most appropriately to Western nuclear blackmail. He is accordingly held in high regard in Russia while he, similar to Putin, stirs up psychosis among Westerners.
Bottom line: To really make a statement, cut out the Zionazi memes and show some admiration for the West’s most reputable enemies.
Force chemical weapons inspections on Moscow. That is the title of the article on the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists website.
The OPCW is a western cats paw. A demand will be made for Russia to open itself up the in effect NATO chemical weapons inspections with a deadline for acceptance by Moscow falling a few weeks out from the opening ceremony of the World Cup. When Russia refuses the UK and other teams will be withdrawn. The UK and its partners Germany and France will wait until the last moment to pull the teams for two reasons…1) to prevent a firestorm amongst its football hordes, and…2) to prime the public with the notion that if the event is cancelled it is all Russia’s fault and not the perfidious UK government and their partners in crime Germany and France.
Exactly! There was never any intention of allowing the FIFA World Cup to be held in Russia. The softening-up process began with the USA’s typically arrogant extra-territorial charges laid against FIFA officials, after one corrupt criminal turned into a handy denouncer of his erstwhile colleagues to the US Gestapo, the FBI, in the fashion of the Russian athletics doping conspiracy. The possibility that the world would see a decent, friendly, competent World Cup in Russia is one that the Evil, and by God they are truly diabolical, thugs of the West could never countenance. I see that the vermin of that Soros operation, Avaaz, are mobilising their crazy, arrogant and pig ignorant followers to demand a boycott.
From the Financial Times …. who for some reason are allowing me to read them again without demanding money upfront. It’s 4 hours old. (Tass is also reporting it.)
“The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons conducted an inspection in Russia this week, according to information published by a state media group under the Russian defence ministry.
“The weekly overview “Armed Forces this week” on the website of Krasnaya Zvezda, the military’s and defence ministry’s media outlet, lists two international weapons inspections, one by an inspection group of the OPCW Technical Secretariat, and one by Portugal under the 2011 Vienna Document, a military transparency agreement under the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
“It is unclear whether either inspection is linked to the attack on former double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury with what the UK says was a military-grade nerve agent developed in the Soviet Union.”
It looks like that boat has sailed……
No change expected in the EU vassals behavior.Merkel just said she stil ‘fully supports’ T May statement even after yesterday laboratory revelations(not from Russia).
New sanctions this time against Russian Oligarchs.
“US Planning Sanctions Against Russian Oligarchs”.
RF and Syrian Gov expecting new false flag in Syria(Idlib)?
US will stay in Syria forever.In fact Trump has zero power he is even less than a puppet.Every time he says something relatively positive,he is humiliated or by CIA or the Pentagon and always by the MSM.
Russiagate season 3 is back again.
The news comes amid reports that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is preparing a report about Trump associates and their interactions with Russians during the campaign – as well as a separate report about Trump’s purported obstruction of justice in firing former FBI Chief James Comey.
In Parting Speech, McMaster Warns “We Have Failed To Impose Sufficient Costs On Russia”
Reasons for this attack(false flag,diffamation etc)against RF and Trade war against China(Iran coming soon)??
Probably a mix of reasons..the launch of the petroyuan,Syria US/Proxis defeat,Nordstream 2,World cup in june,reelection of Putin(massive victory),03/01 Putin weapons conference.
What is their final goal?Capitulation.
Putin is hostage of the WC soccer at least till 07/15.If I was NATO/US/EU,stupid as they are…attack on the Donbass,more terror in Syria(the West control 80% of the Oil).The French are entering kurdistan.They want to splitt the country at Israel request.
Once again only the blind does not see that it is only about the Zio regime since 2011.Their slaves/vassals are fighting for them(and a few dying).
An interesting read, well written. My only comment is the weaponisation part.
As far as I’m aware most CW agents are weaponised in the delivery means rather than by adding other materials to change physical properties. This is because the agents are selected for basic physical properties that make them suitable as weapons in their own right.
Mustard gas(es) Sarin, VX are all pretty good on their own if delivered appropriately. However, there are often chemicals generated or used in the delivery process as well as the primary production, e.g. amines in some Sarin delivery systems.
The only example I can immediately think of where the physical properties are altered is Anthrax where silica is used to prevent clumping.
In the meantime – I found this jolly good read about VX.
Good read.
I understood weaponization to refer to such things as the last line of the above page:
” . . .as a mixture with a clay or talc in the form of a thickened agent”
So some admixtures added as required to optimize for storage and the final mode of application.
Would you be able to offer conjecture on the decomposition products of a VX agent? My understanding is that UV promotes decomposition. Under optimal storage the rate of decomposition is reported to be 3% and this is not a straight line but accelerates as decomposition by-products build up.
After 38 years VX should be what? With a toxicity of ?
You got to feel sorry for Germany and the other nations harbouring US nukes given that a flick of a switch can make them all blow up in situ. Never were aimed at Moscow. Are always only there as a fun way to exterminate their host countries if they ever step out of line.
Turkey’s incirlik has probably got nice little radiators at the ends of long closed off tunnels set to be triggered as required…if necessary…of course.
“One idiot chose OTHER idiot!” The heated Kedmi FELL critism UPON the Anglo-Saxons!
Video – you can change the language of the subtitles from Russian to English
Anyone know the exact voting that defeated Russia at the OPCW?
6 for – China, Azerbaijan, Sudan, Algeria and Iran plus Russia
15 against -US and UK obviously -who else? There are 29 NATO countries, 192 countries in OPCW and 41 on the executive.
Who were the 17 that abstained? Who voted against?
Tryin to find this information is like pulling teeth.
Just heard on late night news: Russia has asked for emergency meeting of the UNSC, tomorrow (Apr. 5).
Dear sushi,
You are analyzing a fairytale as if it were factual in your series of posts. We don’t know any of the facts here except that Yulia Skripal flew from Moscow to London to visit her father Sergei and they subsequently disappeared from public view.
More interesting to me is why the fairytale came to be at this particular point in time and what the nature of the blackmail is that is so effective in a rather fractious EU. If it were just to do with UK internal politics and BREXIT would all the other pigeons have flocked to the banner? Is it an opener with the main act to follow? An ill-advised scheme initiated at a low level or by peripheral ax grinders (like Bill Browder) that got out of hand?
MH17 was a much more provocative act and I can understand how it was effectively used to bully the EU into full support for sanctions. Here the prod seems to be “use of noxious banned chemical weapons within the precious sanctum of European turf [is Britain still a part of Europe proper since the brexit vote?] by the evil demigod Putin himself”
As an example of the power to manipulate whole sets of countries and their external policies based on mere assertions by known liars about the fate of a couple of citizens of minor note it’s a real zinger.
Kind of how the swindler Bill Browder used the unfortunate death of his former tax accountant to manipulate the foreign policy of the USA, Canada, and now perhaps the EU…
Speaking of Browder, he is up to his usual tricks:
“Foreign Minister Stef Blok should take note of what happened to his Canadian colleague, Stephane Dion, after he opposed the hard line on Russia, Browder tweeted on Tuesday,,,,”
Browder is the perfect embodiment of the hyper-avaricious and hyper-arrogant Zionazi thug-in my opinion at least.
I think you are correct. The whole thing is a wag-the-dog propaganda fairy tale. We might as well launch an investigation as to why Albania has declared war on us.
At this point, we don’t even have reliable and incontrovertible evidence that anyone was actually poisoned.
This Op as always has a domestic component, namely that after THAT incident ‘Europe’ must stand together as one (against Vlad), while Brexit being silently postponed indefinitely. In order for this to work however a constant state of hysteria is to be created and maintained… we will soon find out.
Strategically nothing has changed, with the exception that now that miscreant ‘Europe’ will decompose even faster, while the Russian Federation and China advance steadily just as before, only relatively their pace has considerably increased. The lair of insanity all the while is not affected the least, it’s now falling through space solitary only orbited by it’s satellites, totally encapsulated by it’s own lies, unstoppable to it’s destination.
Starting in Jan 2018 at Porton Down, Gary Aikenhead, was previously a Motorola marketing suit.
From Craig Murray:
“In modern Tory Britain, it should be no surprise to anybody that, to be the Chief Executive of Britain’s chemical weapons establishment, they recruited a radio salesman:
Aitkenhead’s PR skills were clearly thought sufficient to get across the government’s key propaganda points, and his struggle to do this throughout the Sky interview is telling”.
This NHS hospital that is holding the Skripals has an Australian CEO trained as a nurse and appointed only in 2017. It also has a £12.5 million deficit and is in danger of losing its NHS operating licence. It would be clearly very very wise for this hospital and its CEO to go along with whatever the government is prepared to pay for
It’s appropriate that Le Affair Skripal was curiously “anticipated” by the British television drama, Strike Back, where the plots of episodes 50-52 (which aired last year and earlier this year) involve Russian scientists and Noviochock
The British Government’s ‘Novichok’ Drama Was Written By Whom?
Indeed, the entire Skripal provocation and psyops appear to be modeled on other real-life scripts such as Operation Hades below:
Operation Hades Blamed Russia – A Model For The ‘Novichok’ Claims?
Meanwhile, America is using the furor about the Skripal poisoning to distract from its broader attempt strangle Russia:
“No, it’s not a return to George Kennan and his containment policy. It looks more like a slow strangulation, with mounting pressure everywhere. The furor over the Skripal poisoning case is being raised at a time when moves by the West are going almost unnoticed, eclipsed as they are by the narrative of nefarious Russia. Although it all started in Europe, it’s largely being done the American way.
Recent reports pieced together from different sources lead to the conclusion that a well-thought-out and well-orchestrated campaign is underway.”
A Dangerous Crossroads: What’s in Store for the Relations Between Russia and the West?
Lies Are Washington’s Chosen Path To Dominance
Will Putin Fall for Washington’s Lies?
Paul Craig Roberts
I have been waiting to see how long the British Prime Minister, the British Foreign Secretary, and the British Defense Secretary could contine to lie through their teeth before it caught up with them.
The liars got away with their lies longer than would have been possible if there was any longer any respect for truth in Western governments and media.
The British Foreign Secretary announced publicly that he was personally told by someone at the Porton Down laboratory that it was “absolutely categorical” that the nerve gas allegedly used in an attack on Skripal and his daughter came from Russia. The chief executive of the Porton Down laboratory has now stated that the scientists at the laboratory cannot confirm that the nerve agent is Russian.
Unlike NIST, which the US government forced to lie about how the World Trade Center buildings were destroyed, the British government was unable to force the Porton Down scientists to lie, or to lie enough. Consequently, the British government deleted its postings on social media as this one:
“Analysis by world-leading experts at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down made clear that this was a military-grade Novichok nerve agent produced in Russia. Porton Down is OPCW-acredited and designated laboratory.”
There is little doubt that the attack on the Skripals was an orchestration by the black op departments of the US and UK intelligence agencies. Just as George W. Bush was given a script to read about 9/11, the British government was handed a script to read about “the Skripal poisoning.”
This is the Russian government’s own stated conclusion:
The Russian Ambassador to the UK said, “We have very serious suspicion that this provocation was done by British intelligence.” Actually, the UK, a militarily insignificant country, would not have dared to make this level of provocation to Russia, which is capable of wiping the British off of the face of the earth in a few minutes at zero cost to Russia. The British were acting as agents of their masters in Washington. Surely, the Russian government knows this. In “the Western alliance,” the only country permitted to have an independent policy is the US.
The question before us is: what is the point of this blatent transparent provocation of Russia? What is the American deep state trying to achieve. Surely not to get the world destroyed in nuclear war, or so one would hope.
Nevertheless, war is a possibility. Pat Buchanan, a man of intense Washington experience, has asked, rather than asserted, if Trump is assembling a war cabinet with his choice of chief warmonger John Bolton as National Security Adviser, his choice of warmonger Pompeo as Secretary of State, his choice of the woman who ran the secret CIA torture prisons as CIA Director. If this is not a war cabinet, what is? It makes Hitler’s war cabinet look mild.
The demonization of Russia that has been ongoing since the Russian government blocked Obama’s planned invasion of Syria in behalf of Israel and Obama’s bombing of Iran in behalf of Israel has the appearance of preparing Western peoples for war with Russia. Before Washington destroyed Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen through its Saudi proxy, and attempted to destroy Syria through its “democratic rebels” proxy, Washington demonized the leaders and the countries that were subsequetly destroyed. Why should Russia not think that Russia is being set up for destruction in the same way?
This scenario, should it be the one unfolding, is too scary. Unlike Hitler, whose secret weapons were not ready in time, Russia’s are. The West is so outclassed that nothing whatsoever will remain of the West if Russia’s weapons are unleashed on an arrogant, stupid, West drowning in Washington’s hubris.
Another possible answer to the question is that Washington is playing to the Atlanticist Integrationists in the Russian government and business and financial elite. The message is that you will never be accepted into the West until you get rid of Putin and accept Washington’s overlordship. Some of the Russian elite find this to be a tempting proposition. In my opinion it includes members of the Russian Academy of Sciences who value their relationships—free trips and paid speeches—in Western capitals. Washington buys everyone, Russian academics not exluded. Washington is making clear that paid trips for Russian academics abroad are at stake, Western financial holdings of Russian businesses and oligarchs are at risk of seizure along with Russian real property abroad, and important members of the Russian government and elite risk being sanctioned from traveling to the West.
In other words, Washington is telling members of the Russian elite, get rid of Putin, or we will get rid of you.
Just as Russian athletes were framed on false doping charges and prohibited from participating in the Olympics, now it seems Washington intends to cancel or boyott the World Cup in Russia. Washington intends to use Russian athletes against Putin, who is blamed for the expulsion of Russian athletes from the Olympics and for Russia’s possible loss of the World Cup.
What should Putin make of Trump’s invitation to come to Washington to discuss the arms race?
My advice to Putin is not to accept. It is too risky for Putin to put himself in Washington’s hands where he could be arrested on any number of false charges for which he is already set up in the Western media. He stole an American election — a felony. He invaded Ukraine and stole Crimera — war crimes. He poisoned Skripal and his daughter — attempted murder. He invaded Syria and defeated the “democratic forces” striving to bring democracy to Syria — more war crimes. He covered up Iran’s nuclear weapons program.
Considering the compete and total lawlessness of the government in Washington, why would any sane person as demonized as Putin go there? Washington doesn’t even respect US law. Torture is a US crime as well as a crime under international law; yet President Trump has appointed a US and international criminal to be the Director of the CIA!!
Putin should tell Trump that whenever, if ever, Trump achieves control of the Deep State and can act independently as a president of the United States, then, and only then, he is welcome to Moscow to discuss the conditions on which the two countries can cooperate and mutually benefit. God forbid that Putin, who holds all the weapons cards, agree to any arms control with a government that has broken every agreement and thrown the pieces into the face of the Russian government.
If Putin succumbs to the Western harlot, Russia will be destroyed.
Washington is a hostile and determined enemy of Russia. The inability of Russia to accept this conclusion is a direct threat to the existence of Russia.
In the Russian military/security sphere there is realization that Russia now holds the balance of power and does not need to accept any “favors” from Washington. The director of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergey Naryskin, said today that the West is an Orwellian version of itself in attempting to hold onto unilateral power when in fact, Western “influence, which used to be unchallenged, is now diminishing.” Washington’s unjustified arrogance, Naryskin said, “resembles the overconfident Biblical strongman Goliath, who was slain by the young David.”
Washington, Naryskin said, tries “to present the US-centered system of international relations, which is based on coercion and even blackmail, as an appearance of voluntary submission.” In this way, “the US is trying to masquerade the brutal American dictate as ‘Euroatlantic” or “international solidarity.”
Washington attempts to cover up its crimes, Narysin said, with “big talk about human righs and democracy,” but instead uses “military interventions into sovereign nations” which “were plunged into bloody chaos that had no place for such a fundamental right as a right to live. Over the past two decades hundreds of thousands [millions by my count] of innocent people fell victim to NATO aggression in Europe, the Middle East and Northern Africa.”
If President Putin makes the mistake of trusting Washington yet another time, he will destroy Russia and the world with it.
“The British Foreign Secretary announced publicly that he was personally told by someone at the Porton Down laboratory that it was “absolutely categorical” that the nerve gas allegedly used in an attack on Skripal and his daughter came from Russia.”
Here’s the thing about that…. I was surprised to hear him say that … it’s the sort of statement that, if not true, will really come back to bite you in the ass – as it did Boris. Also, he didn’t look like he was lying so…. either he was certain Porton Down was going to lie for him or someone at PD actually said that to him.
I suppose we’ll have to wait 20 years for his memoirs or something.
Very good article/blog. Question is: now that we know that the UK did not want anybody else to cooperate and/or witness anything about the process, how then do we know if they provided the correct, original sample to the OPCW? In the last false flag in Syria, the OPCW was sent samples provided by the “rebels” and they did not even dare to go to the crime scene. They admitted this, but the story still stands as if they agreed it was a chemical attack by the Syrian government (at a most peculiar time, as per usual, like in 2013).
If the UK cannot adhere to any British or International law or agreements, then why would anybody believe conclusions? False flags means using fake samples too!
TsargradTv has an article that Novichok never existed but was just an operation to find a mole. At the end of an article they add an opinion about what kind of neurotoxin would cause symptoms that Skripals had according to eyewitnesses. They say something similar to the toxin of fugu fish.
Now the niece Victoria Skripal thinks they had such a meal and is outraged their last restaurant order is classified by UK. Usually I would skip such news but it is on Sputnik ???!!! without background or explanation.
Poisoned Skripals’ Last Restaurant Order ‘Classified’ by UK, Niece Outraged
Victoria Skripal, the niece of the former Russian intelligence officer poisoned in Salisbury, England, has given her thoughts on the incident during an interview with Russia’s Channel One TV network.
The niece of Sergei Skripal referred to the Salisbury pizzeria where her uncle and his daughter were found by policemen after the March 4 incident. She pointed out that the two ordered fugu fish, a dish that should be carefully prepared to avoid a lethal poisoning.
“Is it difficult to obtain an account and see what people ordered at the restaurant? For some reason this information is classified. Did they eat some unknown dish that you cannot eat? Or is it forbidden in England?” Victoria Skripal said.
She also noted that the story of the Skripals being poisoned by a nerve agent from the door of Skripal’s house holds no water. According to her, police conducted a search in Skripal’s house, where she said lived “two cats and two guinea pigs.”
yandex translate:
Judging by the symptoms and the eyewitnesses who saw Skripal and his daughter before the arrival of the security services and doctors, a defector could be poisoned with a neurotoxin, similar to the toxin of a puffer fish.
Saxitoxin (STX) is a potent neurotoxin and the best-known paralytic shellfish toxin (PST). Ingestion of saxitoxin, usually by consumption of shellfish contaminated by toxic algal blooms, is responsible for the human illness known as paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). Saxitoxin has also been found in at least 12 marine puffer fish species in Asia and one freshwater fish tilapia in Brazil.[3]
In the past, it was considered for military use by the United States and was developed as a chemical weapon by the US military.[22] It is known that saxitoxin was developed for both overt military use as well as for covert purposes by the CIA.[23] Among weapons stockpiles were M1 munitions that contained either saxitoxin or botulinum toxin or a mixture of both.[24] On the other hand, the CIA is known to have issued a small dose of saxitoxin to U-2 spy plane pilot Francis Gary Powers in the form of a small injection hidden within a silver dollar, for use in the event of his capture and detainment.[23][24] (Wiki)
“Some so called intelligence from secret sources in recent times”…duh
Mentioned article has been expanded by now and is better.
Nice article by Joaquin Flores
“Dad is fine” – Sergei Skripal’s daughter calls Moscow – Reports
Victoria Skripal, the niece of the allegedly poisoned Sergei Skripal, gave Russian journalists a recording of a telephone conversation with Julia Skripal, the daughter of the defector.
Victoria sent the recording of the telephone conversation to the editorial office of the “60 Minutes” program of the “Russia 1” TV channel. Victoria assures that she is in contact with Julia Skripal. It is clear from the conversation that Julia Skripal herself called Victoria. She says that the phone does not belong to her – it’s a temporary number, and insists that she cannot leave the UK at the current time.
“You know what the situation is now,” says Julia “Do not worry, we’re all well, I’m already being discharged, dad is also well, he’s resting now.”
Julia Skripal also insists that Victoria would not get a visa to go to London. “Maybe, something will change later”, adds Julia.
“Nothing irreparable has happened,” adds Sergei Skripal’s daughter, “everyone is alive.”
The “60 minutes” programme stressed that they can not confirm the authenticity of the record yet. They have only the assurance of Victoria Skripal, who herself asked to publicize the conversation. However, “60 minutes” is a well-researched programme run on a federal channel, their content is usually legitimate.
Yulia Skripal describes ‘disorientating’ episode in UK police statement
Salisbury poisoning victim Yulia Skripal has released a statement through police in London. Yulia has insisted she is on the road to recovery. She and her father Sergei were attacked with a nerve agent on March 4.
Yulia issued a statement on Thursday saying the “entire episode is somewhat disorientating”.
Yulia Skripal thanks people of Salisbury and hospital staff
— Metropolitan Police (@metpoliceuk) April 5, 2018
“I woke up over a week ago now and am glad to say my strength is growing daily,” the 33-year-old said in the statement issued on her behalf by London police.
“I am grateful for the interest in me and for the many messages of goodwill that I have received.
“I am sure you appreciate that the entire episode is somewhat disorientating, and I hope that you’ll respect my privacy and that of my family during the period of my convalescence.”
Last week Yulia was reported to be in a stable condition after falling into a coma following the chemical attack. Moscow-based relative Viktoria Skripal told the Guardian that she had spoken to Yulia and that a statement would soon be released by Russian news agencies – “even in English.”
“She said everything is fine and she is doing OK,” Viktoria told the Guardian over the telephone. “That’s all I’m going to say.”
Details To Follow
Yulia Skripal: I Woke Up Over a Week Ago and My Health is Improving
Transcript of the phone call between Yulia and Victoria Skripal:
Viktoria: Hello?
Yulia: Hello. Do you hear me?
Viktoria: Yes, I hear you.
Yulia: It is Yulia Skripal.
Viktoria: Oh, Yulka [diminutive of Yulia] it is you! I recognise from your voice that it is you but cannot understand. So, they gave you a telephone, didn’t they?
Yulia: Yes, yes.
Viktoria: Thank God! Yulyash [diminutive of Yulia], is everything okay with you?
Yulia: Everything is ok, everything is fine.
Viktoria: Look, if tomorrow I get a (British) visa, I will come to you on Monday.
Yulia: Vika, no one will give you the visa.
Viktoria: Well, I thought so too. Oh well.
Yulia: Most likely.
Viktoria: If they give it, I need you to tell me whether I can visit you or not, tell me that I can.
Yulia: I think no, there is such a situation now, we’ll sort it out later.
Viktoria: I know it, I know it all.
Yulia: Later, we will get it sorted later, everything’s fine, we’ll see later.
Viktoria: Is this your phone?
Yulia: It is a temporary phone. Everything is fine, but we’ll see how it goes, we’ll decide later. You know what the situation is here. Everything is fine, everything is solvable, everyone (he and her father) is recovering and is alive.
Viktoria: Ok! Is everything alright with your father?
Yulia: Everything is ok. He is resting now, having a nap. Everyone’s health is fine, there are no irreparable things. I will be discharged soon. Everything is ok.
Viktoria: Kisses, my bunny.
Yulia: Bye.
Victoria seems to be suspicious of the phone….one would think Juliya would want to see her relative asap…is she warning her away from visiting..naturally one would assume “guardians” of various kinds would be with J….where is her original phone probably being decoded as evidence like the menu details of what they ate……still no news of the boyfriend in any way either….there is an oddity there…..sounds like J is going to go to some kind of “protective custody”…
Why do you suppose Yulia telephoned her Russian sister in Russia and spoke to her in English?
Someone was listening to her side of the the conversation?
Someone who told her “English. Only.”??
She spoke in Russian.
The entire transcript in fact gives the strong impression – at least in translation – that Yulia Skripal feels deeply constrained about what she feels able to say.
It is also striking that she seems to know that the British authorities intend to deny Viktoria Skripal a visa (on what grounds one wonders?)….
I am yet unable to determine who voted against a Russian Federation plea to the OPCW.
The vote has not been advertised on the official OPCW website… here:
Maybe they will advertise the votes soon? Maybe…
My understanding is that six countries that voted for the Russian Federation request for an OPCW formal investigation were: Russia, China, Azerbaijan, Sudan, Algeria and Iran.
16 un-named countries voted against.
17 un-named countries didn’t have the guts to register an opinion (abstained).
I’ll be willing to bet a million dollars that I don’t have that the16 un-named countries that voted against are mostly NATO states.
Guilty until proven innocent is an entirely incorrect attitude, given that is a bedrock of jurisprudence the world over. Unless, of course, the court is composed of politicians, like the UN, or the International Criminal Court.
I’m sickened by the fact that western mouthpieces are more interested in their own partisan politics rather than avoiding WW3. Such is what western politics has become. Guess why I refuse to partake in what they call democracy, there is simply no-one I can vote for, if I was at all interested in their nonsense and distractions.
Beer and circuses.
The Russian ambassador to the UK, Alexander Yakovenko, stated that the countries which abstained from voting in favor of providing Russia access to Skripal case documents “had been pressured.” The envoy stressed that those that abstained were “all Latin America, all Asia and all Africa, with 2 exceptions,” which means that the international community on the whole is not ready to associate itself with the UK.
He added that states that voted against Russia in the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) are mostly the countries of the EU and NATO.
Voting against this decision, the OPCW “voted against transparency,” he noted. …
“A month has passed since the time when two Russian citizens had been poisoned,” he noted, adding that London refuses to cooperate with Moscow on the case.
A criminal case has been opened in Russia into the poisoning, he said, emphasizing that the Skripals are Russian citizens.
The envoy also noted that Moscow has some suspicions about the UK, as “so many Russian citizens died on British soil under very strange circumstances.” He mentioned the “mysterious” death of a former top Aeroflot manager, saying that Moscow also hasn’t been provided with the case’s materials, while Nikolai Glushkov is solely a citizen of the Russian Federation.
Due to actions, or non-actions, in Syria over the last couple of years, it has become obvious that the OPCW is not a reliable and independent voice.
For instance, it was the OPCW that simply accepted claims and a few samples from known terrorists in Syria and then agreed with the terrorists that Assad must be responsible. At this point, it would seem that the OPCW has simply accepted claims and a few samples from one of the historically terroristic governments and then agreed with the terrorists that Putin must be responsible.
Agencies can be taken over and controlled. Put the right person into a leadership position, and presto, you now own an agency. For countries and people with billions of dollars or euros to spend, this is not difficult.
The expelled diplomats after ‘Novichok’ (or saxitoxin in the sushi).
Speaking about Canada’s uber-russophobe’s nazi grandfather is ‘scurrilous’ apparently and qualifies as ‘Russian interference” and a ‘plot’ too.
Trudeau says disinformation campaign against Chrystia Freeland was an example of Russian interference
After Global Affairs said it was expelling four Russian diplomats, a reference to an apparent plot against Canada has sparked calls for details”
Does anyone know – is the full interview with Gary Aikenhead available anywhere?
I want to know if the following was asked and answered:
What samples were tested, where did they get them from, was blood from both Skripals as well as the copper verified and tested and most important – was chain of custody preserved?
‘Cos I just don’t believe in military grade nerve agents that kill in seconds taking 7 hours to affect their infected —– and then whoopdeedoo – everyone survives with not even a tad of brain damage in sight.
And I am TIRED of politicians and leaders that tell Obvious Stupid Blatant Lies.
And I am even more tired of their getting away with it ‘cos some ass with a big gun arm-twists them. FGS – let’s have some (even just a little) self-respect please.
The statement Yulia Skripal released through the cops reads like somebody either dictated to her what to say or somebody else wrote it. Note:
“I hope that you’ll respect my privacy and that of my family during the period of my convalescence.”
Very similar to the statement from the exposed cop, Bailey, after he was released from hospital.
What Yulia said in the phone conversation transcript of Yulia and her relative in Russia is worrying. Russia needs to get her and her old man out of the uk now.
The uk intelligence (security) services kill those who they even think might “talk”. Look at David Kelly, murdered simply because he talked to the media without authorization. Not for what he said. They have absolute zero tolerance, even hint you might whistleblow, or that your loyalty or silence is in question, they kill you. You talk, you die. They even think you may talk, you die. That lesson is hammered home from the beginning.
Look berezovsky, he was instrumental in the litvivinko false flag, but later developed a desire to return to Russia. And dies soon after. Look at the number of other exRussians associated with uk security services who developed “short lifespam syndrome” recently with even less known about their activities shortly before their deaths.
Sergei Skripal reportedly expressed a desire to return to Russia prior to his poisoning.
The Skripals need all the media coverage they can get, much more difficult for israel’s uk quislings to kill them in front of the cameras. Once away from the publicity, their fate will be that of berezovsky.
This assumes the Skripals are innocent in all this -which may be true, or not. If not then there never was any poisoning, MI5/6/CIA made the Skripals an offer they could not refuse and any ‘Novichok’ was produced directly or indirectly by the USA and either sent directly to the OPCW or sprinkled about strategically.
If it turns out Skripal senior was a triple agent and this was only discovered recently then this would be a good case for house cleaning by MI5/6/CIA with the added benefit of turfing diplomats and ramping up the russophobia to fever pitch.
Saxitoxin poisoning from fish, capitalised on by MI5/6/CIA would explain the time lag, the Salisbury hospital doctor’s statement that 3 people were admitted and none from nerve agent poisoning and the hurried and poorly executed plot.
If the Brit tabloid rag articles about the authorities allowing Sergei Skripal’s cat and guinea pigs to die of thirst and hunger are true then this could turn many people against the government.
Not that testing was needed but obviously they could have removed, quarantined and tested them and kept them alive and well. Many in the UK love animals -arguably far more than double agents so this animal cruelty could be a major blunder and against Porton Down too.
Time for removal of forced funding for the BBC government propaganda wing and a general sanitising of this rogue government -a regime change.
Such a poorly executed false flag with so many holes is damning proof of an incompetent regime. Out with the nasty lot of them.
”Such a poorly executed false flag with so many holes is damning proof of an incompetent regime. Out with the nasty lot of them.”
No doubt that the ”Western democracies” amount to a cesspit of extreme vileness, corruption, lawlessness, greed, and incompetence. Their preposterous lies and imbecilities speak for themselves. Even if, say, Saddam Hussein did have the option to nuke/pulverize/poison Tony Blair to hell within 45 minutes (a most well-deserved fate of Blair’s, I must admit), why should we believe that the Zionazis would be the slightest ’morally concerned’ about it? Maybe the Zionist Entity’s own leadership is sacred but hardly a drooling Shabbos Goy like Tony Blair. Expendable to the hilt, indeed.
On second thought — and it’s particularly true of their anti-Russian stunts — the lying was always very blatant, poor, and sloppy. For example, the Swedish Security Police in the early 1950s had caught a suspected ”Soviet super-spy” (the Enbom affair), and thanks to a most interesting ”discovery” a little later — very much along the lines of Mohammed Atta’s passport 50 years on — the Swedish Corporate Media went apeshit. In a forest very close to the Swedish capital, a small box was ”found” stuffed with banknotes and, below the money, a hand-written message ”To Enbom from the Kremlin”. Then we were to be blessed with all these equally braindead Soviet submarine hoaxes in the 1980s.
My conclusion is that we have seen a conspicuous erosion of the West’s authority both at home and abroad. The Skripal hoax could have prevailed as a total success 20 years earlier, when the all-out absurdity of Western propaganda still wasn’t an issue.
Has the uk told Juliya her pets have allegedly died according to certain uk press? Maybe they were disorientated….being deprived of food water in the sealed off building. But surely they should have a post mortem in case they may have adsorbed various substances???? Did they have blood tests skin swabs whilst alive to confirm presence of chemicals..and those results should be made available to Russia….if not why not….
UN Security Council Discusses Alleged Poisoning Attack Against Skripal (VIDEO)
“The main argument of the British side about the unquestionable Russian origin of the substance is no longer valid,” Vasily Nebenzya, Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, told the council.
“Boris Johnson continues to convince everyone the British side supposedly sent Russia a list of questions to which it still hasn’t received any answers. Everything in fact is completely the opposite. As I said, we never received any list of questions and I turn to the British side, if you have such a list of questions, please tell us, please list those questions,” he said.
Regarding the UK’s insistence that Moscow coordinated the attack, he asked, “Couldn’t you come up with a better fake story?”
The UK is engaged in a propaganda war against Russia, Nebenzya asserted, aiming to discredit the country globally. But even propaganda wars are dangerous.
“We have told our [UK] colleagues, ‘you are playing with fire, and you’ll be sorry,’ because it’s one thing to put forward unsubstantiated accusations and it’s quite different to start speaking using professional terms which means not simply who will speak loudest in diplomacy, but it requires clear answers to very specific, substantial questions.”
“Believe me, my friends, this story and this investigation is far from being over,” Russia’s envoy said. “In fact, it’s just begun.”
“We also are assuming with a high degree of probability that the intelligence services of certain countries are behind this mega provocation.”
The attack on Russian citizens in Salisbury was likely a “terrorist attack,” the official noted. “We demand consular access to Yulia Skripal,” the Russian diplomat said. The UK side claimed that Skripal has received this message and that the UK side is “await[ing] her response.”
This is a case of “sentence first, verdict afterward,” Nebenzya responded, alluding to the absurd children’s classic “Alice in Wonderland.”
“We also are assuming with a high degree of probability that the intelligence services of certain countries are behind this mega provocation.”
IE: a state actor. This isn’t a blogger or a journalist making speculations. It is an ambassador with solid data backing up what he says. Or he would not say it.
The fall back position the zionazis will adopt once their “Putin dun it” propaganda approach no longer washes will be some rogue element or private party dun the deed.
IE: a non state actor.
This is standard operating procedure for these things. Peel off their mask, you find another beneath. Peel that one, yet still another is presented.
““We also are assuming with a high degree of probability that the intelligence services of certain countries are behind this mega provocation.”
why doesn’t Zakharova talk like this when questioned by journalists?
I tag dale . . .
OPCW: For an immense pack of lies from the Hegemon this one is hard to beat:
I still don’t know who voted against or who abstained. We should all know who the guilty countries are.
Uhmm…. why would Yulia Skripal telephone her Russian sister in Russia and speak to her in English?
The same Anonymous answering you the second time with an advise to at least click a link in a comment you are replying to before making a ridiculous statement disguised as a question. You could read in a linked page of the conversation not only it is translation into English but also who translated it.
She spoke in Russian.
The entire transcript in fact gives the strong impression – at least in translation – that Yulia Skripal feels deeply constrained about what she feels able to say.
It is also striking that she seems to know that the British authorities intend to deny Viktoria Skripal a visa (on what grounds one wonders?)….
Why would Yulia Skripal, herself a Russian, telephone her Russian sister in Russia and speak to her in English?
I want apologize if this issue has been discussed in advance.
What is the role of DS Nick Baley? The Policeman who become ill after visiting Skripals home.
They tell us that they found “Novichok” at the doorknob of Skripals home.
DS Nick Baley got immediatly ill after contact with the “Novichok” poison.
But DS Nick Bayley survived and is now recovered.
Only explanation , he got an antidote in a very short timeframe after the poisoning.
Now they tell us that Mr.Skripal and daughter after leaving their presumably poisoned home with doorknob went to a cemetery by car , had some beers at local Pub and ate Pizza at Nizzi. So they make several hours normal life after the poisoning and than they sit down at a bench and get ill.
Why the poison has immediate effect on DS Bailey but a very deleted effect in time with the Skripals?
Different personal constitution can not be an explanation , because the effect on the Skripals was simultaneously.
One plausible explanation is that DS Nick Baley planted the “Novichok” at the doorhandle at Skripals home by himself. And in his role as “discoverer” of the poison he , to follow the narrative had to become ill.
But as he isn´t suicidal , he took the antidot.
One plausible story:
The Skripals have been poisoned with something else , not “Novichok” , maybe while drinking beers or eating the pizza. The poison is not lethal.
DS Nick Bayley is part of the plot and plants the false clue with “Novichok” at Skripals doorhandle.
The “Novichok” was fabricated by someone with a proper installation in the vicinity , because the handling of that agent , once fabricated , is very dangerous. Best candidate , Porton Down.
Is my logic silly or is it not?
Correct me if I am wrong, but we still are still denied access to which countries voted against or abstained at the OPCW.
Interestingly, the only document available at this time out of the list is the US pack of lies.
There’s more lies in thiese 2 pages than you can shake a stick at:
Now we have another -wait for it- from the UK.
And another entire pack of insulting lies:
As for voting one can get speculate who voted against from the list of speakers. USA, UK, Canada, Lithunia, Latvia, Estonia, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Czech republic -NATO countries. Austria likely abstained -they are not in NATO.
Skripal’s niece denied visa to visit Yulia & Sergei:
“We have refused a visitor visa application from Viktoria Skripal on the grounds that her application did not comply with the Immigration Rules,” a Home Office spokesman stated.
And the latest from the CIA via its UK poodle outlet:
US punishes key Putin allies over worldwide ‘malign activity’