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Tag "Skripal false flag"

The Alternative Skripal Narrative

by Michael Antony for The Saker Blog The recent titbit fed to us by Bellingcat (reputedly close to MI6) that a third Russian agent was booked on the flight from Heathrow to Moscow on the night of 4th March 2018 — the flight taken by the two alleged GRU officers filmed in Salisbury — but didn’t show up for it, has pointed to a possible solution to the baffling Skripal

How the Brits soiled their pants in the Skripals case by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated and subtitled by Scott Humor It seems that the main function of British diplomacy is to entertain the Russians, while trying to hang all the dogs in the “Skripals case” on the GRU.  The last attempt caused an explosion of violent and offensive mockery in social media. Every time we think that London has reached the bottom in its “Skripals case,” new abyss opens below. Have you seen a

Skripal 2.0 – another couple found poisoned by “Novichok” (UPDATED 2x!)

RT reports: UK police say couple in Wiltshire contaminated with same substance as Skripals   British authorities are saying that the couple that is currently in critical condition in Salisbury hospital was exposed to the same substance as Sergei Skripal and his daughter in March. UK counter-terrorism chief Neil Basu said that the substance was ‘Novichok,’ the same one that the UK claims the Skripals were poisoned with. He said

The Salisbury Poisoning: A Plausible Explanation

by John Bull, England for The Saker Blog I’m an ordinary member of the British public concerned about the consequences of the Salisbury poisoning. My contribution to the debate is modest and mainly in the public domain, but I do have some personal snippets which may be relevant. Where I have indulged in conjecture, I have made this obvious. I am not a ‘conspiracy theorist’ nor a Kremlin stooge. I

A Curious Incident Part IX

bu Sushi for the Saker Blog Observations on the OPCW Report The OPCW report dated April 12th, 2018 was released in two versions. The minimal public version is available here. The full report is only being made available to State Parties and will likely make its way into the public domain at a later date. The OPCW public report contains a surprising amount of information if you know what to

The Russians Are Flabbergasted

by Israel Shamir (cross-posted with the Unz Review by special agreement with the author) President Trump is so pissed off by the Stormy affair that he is likely to prefer a good old war to another humiliation. This suits his enemies and friends (though not his voters) to a tee. He has a choice of doing a difficult manly act that needs all his courage, but which one? Should he

A Curious Incident Part VIII

by Sushi for the Saker blog An Open Letter to the UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson Sir: In the matter of the Skripal affair it appears the facts are once again being fixed around the policy. While the prior attempt at a “dodgy dossier” had the intent of giving grounds for an attack upon a foreign state, the present course of HMG appears confused, contradictory, alien to the interests of

Russia’s UN Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya Comments on Salisbury Case in the UNSC

Russia’s UN Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya Comments on Salisbury Case in the UNSC: Remarks and reply by Ambassador Vassily Nebenzya, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council meeting regarding the March 13, 2018 letter from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, New York, April 5, 2018   Mr Chairman, On March 14, the Security Council had an open meeting on

A Curious Incident Part VII

by Sushi for the Saker blog On April 3rd, 2018, DSTL Porton Down released further statement in regard to the toxic material employed in the March 4, 2018 attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal. On April 4th, the OPCW will meet in closed session at the request of the Russian Federation. This update provides the reader with background information to assist in an understanding of the issues raised by this

The Russian party’s questions for the OPCW’s Technical Secretariat regarding the UK’s fabricated “Skripal case”

The Russian party’s questions for the OPCW’s Technical Secretariat regarding the UK’s fabricated “Skripal case” On April 1, the Permanent Representation of the Russian Federation to the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) sent the following questions regarding the fabricated “Skripal case” to the OPCW’s Technical Secretariat: What kind of assistance has London requested from the OPCW’s Technical Secretariat? Will the OPCW’s Technical Secretariat, acting in accordance with

Chemical weapon named “Novichok” – a reality check

“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”. Carl Sagan, an American astronomer “A wise man … proportions his belief to the evidence”. David Hume, a Scottish philosopher by Eugenia for the Saker Blog Britain accused Russia of poisoning a double agent Sergey Skripal and his daughter Yulia using a super-secret nerve agent with an easy to remember name “Novichok” (“a newbie” in Russian). The accusation came with a suspicious speed: the Skripals

14 simple yet crucial questions London needs to answer

1. Why has Russia been denied the right of consular access to the two Russian citizens, who came to harm on British territory? 2. What specific antidotes and in what form were the victims injected with? How did such antidotes come into the possession of British doctors at the scene of the incident? 3. On what grounds was France involved in technical cooperation in the investigation of the incident, in

A Curious Incident Part V

by Sushi for the Saker blog Part I may be found here: Part II may be found here: Part III may be found here: Part IV may be found here: “The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.” Sherlock Holmes The End Let us begin where it all ends. In the Graveyard. This is the London Road Cemetery located just

A Curious Incident Part IV

bu Sushi for the Saker Blog Part I may be found here: Part II may be found here: Part III may be found here: “It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.” Sherlock Holmes Theresa May and the Dodgy Statement to Parliament On Monday March 12th 2018 Theresa May
