by Sushi for the Saker blog
An Open Letter to the UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson
In the matter of the Skripal affair it appears the facts are once again being fixed around the policy.
While the prior attempt at a “dodgy dossier” had the intent of giving grounds for an attack upon a foreign state, the present course of HMG appears confused, contradictory, alien to the interests of the citizens of the UK, and to the interests of the greater global public.
In a March 22 2018 briefing, the UK ambassador to the Russian Federation alleged that Russian actions “. . . left us with no choice but to conclude that this amounts to an unlawful use of force by the Russian state against the United Kingdom.”
As you are no doubt aware, the wording “an unlawful use of force” in state relations implies an act of war. It has been reported that P.M. May has sought to invoke NATO article 5 against the Russian Federation. She employed similar construction in her address to the HoC on March 12 2018: “. . . this was a direct act by the Russian State against our country.”
These are serious allegations. They hold consequence not just for the citizens of the UK, but have the prospect to mimic the European sleepwalk of June to August 1914. During Archduke Ferdinand’s death rattle, he is reported to have murmured “Es ist nichts.” The potential outcome of recent events can hardly be labelled as “nothing.”
The claim of the UK government to the effect that the compound used against the Skripals was an organophosphate nerve agent (OPNA) with a toxicity 8 to 10 times greater than VX is hardly supported by the facts of the event.
Publicly available imagery discloses that on the evening of March 4 2018, members of the Police Services not wearing CBRN protective equipment, stood in close proximity to the place the Skripals took sick. They were unaffected by any toxin.
At least 8 members of the public assisted the Skripals prior to the emergency service response. These individuals reported contact with the bodily fluids of the victims. They were unaffected. The emergency medical personnel, and the medical staff of Salisbury District Hospital, exhibited no ill effects despite coming in close contact with the victims, and with clothing contaminated by bodily fluids and / or toxic agent. Public imagery of the “decontamination” teams reveals they failed to follow appropriate protocol for dealing with an agent of the toxicity of VX, much less an agent rumoured to be 10 times more toxic. If VX had been present, the “decontamination” effort would have caused further spread of the toxic material, and injured both the decontamination team and those “helpers” who were absent any form of protection.
If the Skripals had in fact been attacked with a “military grade nerve agent,” especially a “military grade nerve agent” for which there is no known antidote, or medical therapy, they would now be dead, and not in the process of recovery. The members of the public rendering assistance, the Police and Fire service, and the medical personnel involved in the Skripals treatment, would also be dead, or fighting for their lives.
These are facts. They are in public evidence. They are therefore known to you, and to the members of HMG.
As reported in the Guardian on March 18 2018, you had knowledge of the fact that a state party, a signatory to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), was acting in default of its responsibilities under the CWC and was actively engaged in a program intended to circumvent the provisions of the CWC. Having acquired this knowledge you, by your own admission, did nothing.
Your inaction places the UK in breach of articles: VII 3.; VIII A 1., 40., 44.; IX 2., 8., 9., of the Chemical Warfare Convention to which the UK was a signatory effective April 29 1997.
Such inaction on the part of the UK is unacceptable as it places at risk the welfare of all of those persons the CWC is designed and intended to protect. Your inaction vitiates the very intent and purpose of the CWC.
You cannot have lived on this planet for the last fifteen years and not have come to an appreciation that there exists a group of disaffected persons whose sole goal is the creation of mayhem. These persons have no concern for their own welfare, or the welfare of any other member of the global public. They have utilized whatever weapon comes to hand. These weapons have ranged from large commercial lorries, to home-brew explosives, automatic weapons, saloon cars, and ordinary garden machetes.
The irresponsibility of the UK, and its utter disregard for the obligations and responsibilities imposed upon it by the CWC, has now brought to the attention of the disaffected the great lethality of toxic agents for which there exists no known antidote, toxic agents easily concealed and transported, toxic agents which may be dispersed with ease within the public square, toxic agents which kill and injure even when applied in minute quantities no greater than the amount that would rest upon the head of a pin.
These adduced facts will not have gone unnoticed by the disaffected. Professor Collum of Cornell University has attested that the manufacture of these lethal compounds is within the competence of any person with a modicum of training in chemical science. Over ten years ago the US state department acted to minimize public awareness of these toxic materials largely out of concern that to broadcast any knowledge of them would risk attracting the attention of the disaffected to weapons of incalculable lethality, weapons that promise great bodily harm and major social upheaval in any place of application.
A unique feature of the CWC is its incorporation of the ‘challenge inspection’, whereby any State Party in doubt about another State Party’s compliance can request the Director-General to send an inspection team. Under the CWC’s ‘challenge inspection’ procedure, States Parties have committed themselves to the principle of ‘any time, anywhere’ inspections with no right of refusal. Such inspection can proceed in confidence and not arouse public attention.
Why was this action not taken at the time you first obtained knowledge of another party acting in violation of the CWC?
Why did you wait until an alleged attack was attempted before you raised concerns over information the Foreign Secretary now claims to have had available to him years previously?
Why has the UK still not proceeded with a Challenge Inspection as of this date?
Why did you inform the Russian Ambassador on March 22nd that the toxic agent was A-234, when Gary Aitkenhead, the head of DSTL Porton Down, has indicated only that the toxin was within the OPNA family of agents? How did you come by your specific knowledge?
To which molecular form of A-234 were you making reference? N-(O-Ethyl flourophosphoryl)-N2,N-diethyl-acetaminidine? N-2-diethylaminomethylacetamidido-ethoxyphosphonofluoridate? Or ([(2-chloro-1-methylpropoxy)fluorohydroxyphosphinyl]oxy)carbonimidic chloride fluoride?
Hoenig describes A-234 in Hoenig, Steven L. (2007), Compendium of Chemical Warfare Agents, Mirzayanov in Mirzayanov, Vil S. (2008). State Secrets: An Insider’s Chronicle of the Russian Chemical Weapons Program. And Rohrbaugh in an assay published to the OPCW database (since redacted).
Since Rohrbaugh carried out his synthesis of A-234 under the auspices of the Edgewood Arsenal located in Gunpowder, MD, USA, does this not falsify your claim that only the Russian Federation has the capacity to synthesize this toxin?
I am a firm believer in that process known as “capitalism.” It is the working of capitalist enterprise that generates the funds to pay the salary and pensions of those who claim to be “Public Servants.”
The core attribute of capitalism, the prime reason for its success, is that it is based on the consumer having alternate options and the freedom to exercise choice.
This does not apply to the provision of public services which are delivered in monopoly form, With government you receive only what the state cares to deliver to you: Inadequate health care, living rough, a falling standard of living, military unification with Europe, the FUSION plan for social control, and the prospect of a European war. All of this so some ill-mannered toff can pretend to be in control of events.
The anticipated outcome of your contempt for the welfare of your fellow citizens, and the greater global public, is that within a year there will be a mimic attack, one modeled on the events of Salisbury, or something even more malevolent and destructive.
Such attack needs not succeed as planned to have calamitous effect. A disaffected individual cooking lethal chemistry in a bedsit has every chance of causing an unexpected synthesis which not only terminates his / her life but also snuffs the lives of every nearby innocent. Someone unable to drive a commercial lorry at speed through a crowded pedestrian avenue may prefer the mayhem to be achieved through a chemical act of self-immolation in a crowded theatre.
It has today been over 34 days since the attack in Salisbury yet the Metropolitan Police Service has been unable to ascertain the exact mode or place of application, or the physical characteristics of the toxin. Nor have the security services been able to offer a description of any person or persons who carried out the attack beyond innuendo in attribution to a foreign state. This languid police action gives great comfort to any potential miscreant.
To paraphrase the words of Arthur “Bomber” Harris: “You have sown the wind, and now, you are going to reap the whirlwind.”
It is the public who will bear the brunt of the whirlwind you have unleashed.
You should tender your resignation.
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Prior articles in this series:
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Many persons commenting on the Saker blog, and in information sources other than the MSM, have made statement similar to the following:
While scanning for news that morning I noticed that all of the MSM had basically the same text to describe the event, but in a few cases different headlines, mainly dependent on which side of the Pond they came from. I skipped them, they seemed too coordinated.
This lack of critical coverage on the part of the MSM reduces your ability to come to your own conclusions with respect to the truth. This is a critical issue both with respect to an understanding of this Curious Incident, and to the proper functioning of any democratic polity.
The Saker does not tell me what to write. But he is generous enough, and sufficiently concerned over the current state of geo-strategic chess, that he makes these, and other articles, freely available to a global audience. I see he is presently making an appeal for donations to help defray the cost of hosting the site. I am paid nothing, but I do have an IT background and IT is not inexpensive. I ask that if you find this series informative that you support the site.
The Saker has not asked me to make this request.
Forthcoming Part IX examines motives.
In memory of David Christopher Kelly, CMG (14 May 1944 – 17 July 2003)
As I have written before, this was a poorly planned false flag attack, timed with the elections in Russia. The impression is that it was planned by bureaucrats who had no scientific training. They used the same methods that were applied in Syria, blaming President Assad for the gas attacks. In England they blamed the Russians, Syria’s allies. In Syria people were killed. During the first attack, the West was quick to condemn President Assad, while at the same time ISIS commanders openly admitted they were responsible, as they didn’t know how to use gas canisters. After that we had a number of other “attacks”, it being debatable if they ever happened. In England nobody got killed. People are recovering. This is proof that no nerve gas was used. Had it been used, a heap of people would have been dead in about ten minutes.
This false flag attack, being instigated prior to the elections in Russia and the World Cup, and on the anniversary of the end of World War One, has done immense damage to Britain. In Continental Europe people are openly asking questions. In Britain too. One hopes that sanity will eventually ensue.
Sanity ensue? In the UK? It is to laugh!! The fakestream vermin will lie and lie and peddle hatred until their objective, a boycott of the FIFA World Cup, is achieved. The latest phony ‘gas attack’ in Ghouta is just part and parcel of the effort. In fact it was in Douma, where a butchering of Shia and non-jihadist Sunnis by the takfiri scum was portrayed as a massacre by Alawites loyal to Assad, of Sunnis, very early in the jihadist onslaught. This complete inversion of the truth, a favoured tactic, has never been acknowledged as far as I am aware. Still, these insects still maintain that the ‘Saddam’s WMD’ was an ‘intelligence failure’ not the deliberate lies that it really was.
Sushi, you have again given credence to my last post of your postings. There was no ‘chemical attack’ nor was there even an attack of any kind, this whole mess is a fabrication, a shadow puppet show put on by a mange infested 3/4 dead cat occupying an island no one wants and whom no one listens to and using a poor excuse for an ex spy who served hard time in Russia before being ‘allowed’ to leave with a hearty ‘good riddance’.
However. This would not have been done without specific permission and direction from Langley and/or Five Points in CehSha. No one in either that island government or eu ‘governments’ in general take their morning constitutional with first asking how many squares of TP or corn cobs they can use to clean up the mess.
Never The Last One A Deep Look In To Russia, Her Culture And Her Armed Forces
An Incident On Simonka NATO Is Invited To Leave Sevastopol, One Way Or The Other.
Yes, nothing but a false flag attack planned jointly by London and Washington, right before the elections in Russia. However, the whole thing turned out to be a very messy and unconvincing piece of fraud, which nobody believes, as it’s so obvious what happened.
“…the whole thing turned out to be a very messy and unconvincing piece of fraud…”
Correct. The “planners” are incompetent, lazy, and cognitively damaged by their habitual opportunism and dishonesty. Brennan, Morrel, Hayden, Steele, Allen and such make an impression of scoundrels and careerists unable to perform their foremost duty of protecting the fatherland (see also Awan affair). Moreover, the US/UK security apparatus has become subservient to ziocons’ interests.
I would love to buy your two books. But I don’t have nor intend to have an Amazon account. Is there any other way to buy these ?
…if there was no attack, daughter and father were working for UK against Russia?
Could be … involuntarily working for the UKG and against the RF.
They were obviously sacrificed without their knowledge. Father was of no use any more, while daughter was expendable.
Drifting off to sleep last night, I pondered the semiotics of Mr. Johnson’s coiffure. The initial received message obviously, is something along the lines of buffoon. After some reflection, I surmised, “No, what Boris and his handlers want to suggest is an English sheepdog.” So we have have the City of London, shepherding the wayward and recalcitrant –in their eyes– Russian state.
I must agree, our boy ‘Boris’ is certainly swave and deboner, albeit in a curiously ‘english’ fashion. Like I posted, an island nobody wants or listens to occupied by a mostly dead and mangy kat thing with no teeth and no claws but very dangerous in that the island tried to invoke Article 5 of nato. Damned fools, begging for Armageddon.
Well, let’s see when one country invokes that Article 5 of NATO if any country steps up and acts.
What very few know, is that, contrary to the grand standing offered by these NATO powers, this article does not force any other NATO country to do anything following such invocation.
I dare say, it’s the one reason this article will never be invoked. They won’t risk their bluff being called as it would reveal the vaccum of this article.
UK investigators set to hide the truth, not find it’ – Litvinenko’s father on Skripal case
Published time: 2 Apr, 2018 20:05
Nerve gas attack on russian british agent in salisbury was the work of english pirates aswell.
Behind cambridge analytica and behind russiagate of british spy chrustopher steele are the hands of british through and through.
They english are the most desperate, for without their leash tugging at the “Special Relationship” Dumb Giant USA very few developed nations would still fear them.
You have the same ex MI-6 Agent Christopher Steele involved with Skirpal, historically and presently as passed off the Piss-Gate Dossier to John McInsane to hand deliver to the FBI.
In fact cambdrige analytica was boasting about interference in Nigerian election , scottish refrendrum in favour of english and anti scottish agenda and other african countries. It also boasted of supplying women to discredit the presidential candidates with character assasination like in case of ex french foreign minister ex IMF president .
Behind all plots are the dirty hands of english nation.
Uk has become a gangster state. Government. Royals being the godfather and the dons… and the police being the foot soldiers.. God save the world
England must be not only sanctioned but attacked and bombed to oblivion for producing secret chenical weapons which many in world have discarded under agreement.
A Russian Defense Ministry official comments on the work of Britain’s top secret laboratory Porton Down
The UK has shown it’s true colors after centuries of Raping & Plundering the Planet. Opium Wars & Slavery. It was reported that the British taxpayer has been paying compensation to the Slave Owners until 2015. How many millions have died by the hands of the British Monarch?
The idea of West being puppets of the Saudis is silly nonsense. It’s the West that’s sold hundreds of billions in weapons to Saudi so al-Qaeda/ISIS would justify Western intervention everywhere. Western govts, banksters and corporations had vested interests in the creation of saudi Arabia . British created saudi arabia and saudi arabia is hostage to what english pirate race tells them to do.
Saudi funding of taliban and IsIL was done at british prompting.
BOMBSHELL: French Counter-Terror Boss: ‘I Have Proof Who Killed Litvinenko – It Wasn’t Russia’
He says it was done by US and UK secret services .
Boris J. said, that to identify the substance used, they compared it to a sample. He admitted UK has a sample (therefore also the formula) of said substance. Therefore, the argument that it could have only been Rus’sia to use that substance is false. What proof is there, that the UK didn’t poison the victims?
Trump is fighting the ‘deep state’ at home. They attack him because he wants to befriend Russia, which will destroy their NATO scam. It was the British that supplied deep state with the ‘false document’ from Steele, who happens to be linked to Skripal. Corbyn is being attacked in the same manner, he too is against their agenda
Unfortunately, Trump has been approached, like every Western head of state before him. The options are; take this shitload of money and do as we say or you, and each of your loved ones will meet an untimely demise
Johnson and May must both go. The steel dossier was attempted interference in US election, Americans when they sing the national anthem should remember whose “bombs bursting in air” and “rockets redglare”. May also lied to the Queen when setting up the government. The Tories should have kicked her out them, shows what degenerate liars they are. From the white helmets to the numerous false flags in Syria, the Brits lie and the Russians invariably tell the truth,
This site (in Russian) has a copy of information relating to a US patent on Novichok; fairly interesting comments/explanations. FWIW
(may have to scroll down, if not at the top)
“Folks, the reason for all this anti-Putin nonsense is the one fact that the Syrian government now holds over 11 British officers who were liaised with the terrorists in the Ghouta. They were captured 2 weeks ago by Syrian Army commandos and are being held in separate jails around the Damascus area inside heavily guarded military bases. The Brits want them badly before they are used to implicate England in the mess it helped to create in Syria. Damascus won’t budge on this issue and, evidently, the English are assuming Moscow is not putting pressure on Dr. Assad to release them to Old Blighty. Too bad. And they were caught out of uniform, such that they could be executed as spies under international law. Isn’t that a howler?”
I was aware of those reports but unaware the total number was 11.
It was also suggessted that French and or US special forces were also captured.
Do you have any links to solid reporting?
The jungle telegraph is reporting the same, although the reports are some Americans and Germans were captured also and the numbers are listed as 17, not 11, most, if not all, captured in Ghouta by Syrian units stiffened with Russian and Chechnyan Spetznaz.
The word on the street is this time there will be no ‘capture and release’ as happened in the early fall ’14 cauldron battles near the Russian borders with Lugansk and Donetsk and the Debaltsyevo Cauldron of early ’15. After all the vitriol of the last three years, the captives will not be quietly released and may well stand trial for war crimes.
For the Americans, by UCMJ, Universal Code of Military Justice of US Armed Forces, an illegal order can, and must be, refused. To not do so opens one up to prosecution under international and various national laws. Of course to refuse a direct order, legal or illegal, might be a little hard on one’s career and personal safety but reality is reality, any operatives captured outside of declared areas of conflict, read declaration of war, are in effect acting as mercenaries and as such fall outside of any national and international laws. Woe betide them and don’t be surprised to see them walking in chains at the Victory Parades in Syria and Novorossiya.
Once again, I doubt this is true even though I wish it is.
Hard to believe that alleged special forces would stay in Eastern Ghouta after announced offensive by SAA.
They would get instructions to leave straight away, and that is what they probably did, before SAA offensive begun.
Of course they have the run of the place. I cannot believe SAS men ever get caught with their ability to fly and use their invisibility cloaks. It is simply incredible to think they could be captured by mere mortals
In 1963, John Profumo and Harold Macmillan were forced to resign for much less.
Honestly, I find these articles confusing. The author keeps trying to force a crime at us. It’s a con. There’s a difference. It’s frustrating to read.
The bs brits win the instant you listen to them. It’s not whether you believe them, even. It’s that you’re still listening.
No attacking the author please. Mod
“If the Skripals had in fact been attacked with a “military grade nerve agent,” especially a “military grade nerve agent” for which there is no known antidote, or medical therapy, they would now be dead, and not in the process of recovery”
There is a US patent specifically covering antidotes to/treatment of Novvichok poisoning. It is dated 15 September 2015 – though it was originally filed in 2008.
Unlike the Skripals, the policeman ‘recovered’ within days. Were the Skripals denied a known medical treatment until it was politically expedient for them to ‘recover’?
Thanks for the link.
There appear to betwo competing thesis
1) Saxitoxin from the Zizzi meal. This does not explain the toxic traces found on the doorhandle and the possible environmental samples tested by DSTL. Saxitoxin thesis requires a corrupt Met and a corrupt DSTL working in concert with ?? to organize the hoax.
2) Organophosphate toxin from the VX or similar family. VX has a known antidote. The FOLIANT NGA are rumoured to not have any antidote available. At least until the time of the patent found at the link.
The timing is also interesting as the patent dates from 2008 which is also the date of publication of the Mirzayanov, Vil S. (2008). State Secrets: An Insider’s Chronicle of the Russian Chemical Weapons Program.
This is also around the time (need to confirm this) the date of the synthesis of A-234 by Edgewood Arsenal.
One of the major concerns with FOLIANT chemistry was that there was no known antidote. My interpretation of this data is that 1) Soviet researchers made an advance in nerve agents; 2) US commenced investigation of these agents with a view to improving detection and antidotes; 3) US patents antidote (but keeps it confidential until 2015); 4) Now having an assured defence the US permits Mirzayanov to publish.
The fact of an available antidote serves to validate the thesis that there was a toxic agent utilized and that the hospital was informed of the appropriate therapy and was able to assist the Skripals to recover. This then suggests the trace evidence on the door handle is genuine evidence of something and that DSTL is operating in a way that is not collusive with a larger scem of deception.
This does not necessarily exclude the existence of a false flag or other deception event. It also does not fully explain all the known facts of the case. But the patent is I think a crucial bit of evidence.
“You cannot have lived on this planet for the last fifteen years and not have come to an appreciation that there exists a group of disaffected persons whose sole goal is the creation of mayhem.”
Those creating the mayhem, via proxy forces, have been at it for a lot longer than 15 years.
Excellent article. Thank you Sushi.
It really doesn’t make much difference to the Skripal case if BOJO resigns or is dismissed. Whoever replaces him would just continue the charade. A dismissal would make a difference to the May government, weakening it and probably irreparably, so it is unlikely at present.
At the risk of confirmation bias, if the following link excerpt were true, one explanation is that the Skripals were in on the scam. It is obvious there was no nerve agent and, if the Skripals are innocent, it could be that they just ate seafood naturally contaminated with Saxitoxin or that it was laced with it in the restaurant’s kitchen.
No bystanders would be affected.
“Victoria Skripal said to Russian media that she had been informed by the Russian Embassy in the UK that the reason behind her visa refusal was that Yulia Skripal “seemingly” doesn’t want to see her.”
The Skripals have an offer they cannot refuse?
There are various scenarios to rationally explain any of the apparent holes in the above. eg. DS Bailey:
Perhaps DS Bailey was ‘infected’ with an organophosphate ‘Novichok like’ nerve agent e.g. VX, one for which an antidote exists, with or without his knowledge and quickly given the antidote?
Sent to the same hospital as the Skripals, it is his blood with the ‘Novichok’ like markers that will be switched with the Skripals that were just suffering (or complicit and part of the hoax) saxitoxin seafood poisoning. This is what is destined for the OPCW and will ‘prove’ the Novichok case against Russia.
Soooo…in preparation for next article…will Skripal continue with the meme due to his own proven nature as a British spy acting against Russia..and no doubt supported by his handlers…that Russia is guilty just as Browder Litvinenko and Khordokovky are-were(free pass to their club now?)…..or presumbably as an officer trained in intelligence he might realise this is a set up..a patsy…is there a continuing involvement with Steele black ops that he might reevaluate…is he going to get rewarded for a part he might have “played”…or as a sky “reporter” said..police are continuing to guard him as it is impossible for them to rule out a second assasination attempt…..will he return to a quiet life in Suburban Salisbury…fit cctv cameras burglar alarms personal alarms so that he is forever “tied” or “prisoner “of whoever is dealing with him now…MI6?…who else…?
Or possibly value the word if it comes from Pres Putin he could be safer in Russia with his daughter…pressure must be on for her to claim asylum getting an extended visa unlike her cousin …surely if not just for continuing medication- treatment for either both of them?
Now that the british government has been exposed as BSers, and the Skripal farce is crashing down on top of them, in tomorrow’s (british) sunday times they are claiming that the Skripals may be wisked off to the USA – cia involved naturally – and given new identities…
This is what you must expect from satanic, demon infested, mass murderers.
Note that the MSM sunday times is owned by murdoch, you know, the one which fully supported the invasion of Iraq.
It looks like Skripals Daughter has all but been abducted.
Marine Toxins in Bivalve Shellfish: Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning, Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning and Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning
Consumers should be aware of some potential food safety issues associated with bivalve shellfish (i.e. clams, oysters, scallops, mussels, cockles), other molluscan shellfish (i.e. whelks and periwinkles) and the tomalley of lobster and crab.
These animals are highly sensitive to the quality of their marine environment. Because they feed themselves by filtering microscopic organisms from the water, harmful bacteria, viruses and biotoxins from their surroundings can build up in their tissues and cause illness in people who consume them.
Eating shellfish with high levels of certain toxins can lead to serious and potentially fatal illnesses such as: Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP), Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning (ASP) and Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning (DSP).
Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP)
PSP is an illness that may have serious and potentially fatal effects. It is caused by eating bivalve shellfish and other molluscan shellfish that have been contaminated by toxins produced by certain species of microscopic marine algae found in coastal waters. Lobster and crab tomalley (also called hepatopancreas, which is the soft green substance inside the body cavity) can also accumulate the toxins which cause PSP.
The toxins that cause PSP are not destroyed by cooking.
Symptoms of PSP
Symptoms of PSP could begin within a few minutes and up to 10 hours after consumption.
Symptoms of PSP can include:
•a tingling sensation or numbness around the lips that gradually spreads to the face and neck,
•a prickly sensation in the fingertips and toes,
•headache and dizziness, and
•difficulty swallowing.
In more severe cases one may also experience:
•incoherent speech,
•a prickly sensation in the arms and legs,
•stiffness and non-coordination of limbs,
•weakness, and
•a rapid pulse.
Respiratory difficulty, salivation, temporary blindness, nausea and vomiting may also occur.
In extreme cases, paralysis of respiratory muscles may lead to respiratory arrest and death within two to twelve hours after consumption. Seriously affected people must be hospitalized and placed under respiratory care. There is no known cure for PSP.
If you suspect you have PSP you should immediately seek medical attention
Is it a case of seafood poisoning? would be interested to know what the skripals ate for their lunch in Salisbury,maybe the Menu is a State secret.
You can’t always believe newspapers but according to a Brit tabloid rag:
“They ordered from the menu, choosing the 600 calorie risotto pesce with king prawns, mussels and squid rings in a tomato, chilli and white wine sauce”
I’d suspect the mussels…..
Look at the menu – it cost £12.95 which is very very cheap for seafood risotto in Southern England. Who knows how the seafood was treated – defrosted and re-heated ?
This is a chain Italian owned by private equity owners so it will be cutting corners
I found a very interesting article about this subject that I thought could be of interest
Have a nice reading
An ill-mannered, fractious, bratty Kay Burley trying to (unsuccessfully) be a prosecution counsel against Craig Murray.
At around 16 mins she starts to lose it:
“While scanning for news that morning I noticed that all of the MSM had basically the same text to describe the event, but in a few cases different headlines, mainly dependent on which side of the Pond they came from. I skipped them, they seemed too coordinated.”
This should make people question whether the vaunted “Free Press”–especially the Anglo-American Free Press–is a Big Lie.
Think of how, in everyday life, there is a wide diversity of opinions on a variety of mundane topics.
But when it comes to fundamental issues of foreign policy and geopolitics (like the Skripal affair, Iraqi “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” Sept. 11th and the War on Terror, etc.), the self-proclaimed Free Press displays a shocking homogeneity of perspectives with merely a few cosmetic differences.
What are chances of this homogenization of viewpoints–if in fact the Free Press were truly “free”?
Highly unlikely.
All the whining about “Fake News” is a diversionary limited hangout.
The real threat is the Fake Free Press as a whole.
Operation Mockingbird
Her we go again…this was the real Skripal goal:
The US State Department told Sputnik on Saturday that Washington is concerned about reports of chemical weapons used in the Syrian city of Douma, and suggested that Russia was responsible “for the brutal targeting of countless Syrians.”
The Department of State also said that at least forty people may have been killed in Douma by chemical weapons, citing third-party organizations.
“We have seen multiple, very disturbing reports this afternoon regarding another possible CW attack near a hospital in Douma, Syria. Reports from a number of groups and medical personnel on the ground indicate at least 40 killed and hundreds injured, with many more families, including children, hiding in shelters but believed to be dead,” the representative said Saturday.
The State Department’s representative also accused Syrian government of chemical weapons use, claiming that the past use of such weapons by the government of the Arab republic “not in dispute,” and ultimately calling Russia responsible…
Syrian Observatory one man dress shop propaganda nonsense. Chlorine is a very poor and ineffective chemical weapon as it dissipates rapidy.
There are much more efficient ways to kill 40 people.
Chlorine isn’t a “chemical weapon” ‘cos (far as I know) it’s not on the OPCW list of the banned…. ??
The usual UK funded suspects -White Helmets, Syrian Observatory plus Al Jazeera, USA and BBCIA:
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USA 19801
RF weakness once again does not pay:
The fallout from the Salisbury nerve agent attack reminds us of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, which was the most immediate catalyst – of many parallel narrative and sequences of events – that ultimately resulted in World War I. We are not alone in this reasoning, as one high-level retired Russian general warns the Salisbury poisoning could lead to the “last war in the history of mankind.”
Ret. Lieutenant-General Evgeny Buzhinsky — who served in the Russian Armed Forces for more than forty years — said relations between Russia and Washington could become “worse” than the climax of the Cold War and “end up in a very, very bad outcome” following the nerve gas attack in the United Kingdom.
White Helmets false flag:Add to this the Syrian gas attack today. By tomorrow it will be all over the news blaming the Syrian government and Russia, Iran. The more likely culprits: CIA, Israeli Mossad, MI6. What will Trump say now that he “wanted” out of Syria?
Just imagine May and the Boris this sunday with this false flag..more sanctions,UN meeting etc..more troops,more bases,Assad must go…etc etc
“Add to this the Syrian gas attack today. By tomorrow it will be all over the news blaming the Syrian government /…/”
Exactly, thesis confirmed as per today’s (April 8th) Evening news. And the usual bogus moral outrage of Western governments. Silly beyond laughable.
Two curious reports from the Salisbury Medical Team occasionally resurface in reader’s comments. Firstly, the prompt letter from Physician in Charge of Accident and Emergency at Salisbury Hospital, to The Times, that no patient has been treated for nerve agent, and none are suffering from nerve effects. Nothing more has been heard from this physician since his letter more than a month ago, nor from other staff; in fact, the Medical Staff at Salisbury Hospital are effectively silenced as political prisoners at the whim of Her Majesty’s Goverment. But now the Skripals have survived and Yulia shows no signs of the alleged nerve damage; so this first “curious incident” resurfaces: the curious incident of the nerve agent that needed no treatment and produced no nerve damage.
The second curious incident, closely allied to the first, is an alleged report (which I cannot confirm) from the Emergency Services in the ambulance, who examined the Skripals on the park bench where they had collapsed, and suggested they might have taken Fentanyl. That is an opioid 10 to 1000 times stronger than opium, fast acting, short duration, medically prescribed as a pain killer but often misused by the public as a “recreational drug” — or by criminals as a “knock out drug”. This would explain the first curious incident — the doctor’s report, and the subsequent silencing of the Skripals and indeed of the entire medical staff at Salisbury Hospital, by Her Majesty’s Govt.
If Fentanyl indeed was administered to the Skripals, as the Emergency Services suspected in their initial diagnosis, then the criminals who administered those “knock out drops” were probably working for Her Majesty’s Government. Like the criminals in high places who silenced Dr. David Kelly, overrode the legal requirement of a Crown Court Autopsy for Cause of Death, silenced any further investigation for a period of 70 years, and cremated the mortal remains of Dr.Kelly to prevent any possibility of an independent scientist ever finding out what drug was put in his body that caused his death.
link for fentanyl
Emergency services suspect the powerful drug fentanyl – a synthetic opiate 50-100 times stronger than heroin – may have been involved.
It was also reported that the Salisbury District Hospital went into “lockdown” at 1100 on Monday the fifth. This too was attributed to Fentanyl.
But this makes no sense as the ambulance personnel and first physicians would have been able to quickly confirm Fentanyl poisioning on admission to SDH or shorthly thereafter.
This May 5th SDH lockdown may represent the time at which the security services took over the case.
It is also possible the Skripals were attacked with a chemical cocktail or by two chemicals in quick succession. The first is to ensure and immediate knockdown as VX typically affords suffcient time to self-adminster atropine (and military training encompasses this response) immediately followed by a topical application of nerve agent.
A direct application to the skin of the victims makes more sense then a doorknob application.
One of the responders then had the misfortune to make contact with this dab of VX and became similarly contaminated and then transferred this contamination to the Skripal door and to objects in the interior of the house.
Reports suggest the Skripal house is to be demolished along with Zizzi. This serves to conceal evidence as does the fact of the cremation of the Skripal cat.
I believe we were moving toward a hot war. See the comment from Cat Pillar downthread and my response.
The Jewish Mafia does a Skripal and the whole world is novichoked for weeks and weeks. Yawn.
Seized in Ghouta..surprise surprise at 00,41
What should Sakers learn from the Skripal farce?
Understand that the Skripals, hoaxes, and false flags are the Jewish Mafia’s modus operandi. The more absurd, the better. The most absurd fictional tales mass-projected into people’s minds will be promoted to religious sacraments – like Holy 9/11 or Saint Holocaust.
Your hypothesis must be: taking the Skripal fairy tale as a blue print, I reexamine all the nonsense I was forced to accept as truth and memorize at school – Napoleon, Moses and the burning bush, the Inquisition, the witch hunts, Jesus walking on water, the moon landings, the French Revolution, the founding fathers, the glory of chemotherapy, etc.
Nothing will pass the smell test. Cut your emotional attachment to it – ruthlessly, without blinking !
Gautam Buddha called it ‘right memory’ – recognizing all the rubbish that has accumulated in your brain circuits and now impedes your cognition from functioning properly. Be a hero and throw all the toxic waste out !
Yes, it will hurt in the beginning and make you feel like forlorn nutshell in the open ocean. Next thing you realize: you are still alive – without all the consoling lies and fraudulent certainties – actually, you will feel more alive than ever. You are a grown-up now, non-attached, innocent and filled with wonder.
Will you be able to uncover the hidden harmony that cannot be found in any blog, history book, or scripture, but is embedded in every cloud, stone, smile, flower, childern’s voice?
Who cares! All you know is that you will go wherever the journey takes you, without looking back. This life, the next life, whatever – incomparable is God’s grace !
The text below is from Sputnik-World and I think worth reading it:
“Yulia and Sergei Skripal have reportedly been conscious for several days, while British intelligence is hoping for their assistance in the investigation of the poisoning case as soon as possible.
Former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia may move to the US under new identities, the Sunday Times has suggested.
According to the media outlet, Britain’s MI-6 has been discussing a possible resettlement with the FBI in order to “provide security” and protect the Skripals from “new assassination attempts.”
“They will be offered new identities,” a source in the British government told the newspaper, adding that the intelligence services were choosing between a number of countries, including Canada, Australia and New Zeland.
“The apparent place for their migration is the US because there is a lesser chance that they will be killed and it’s easier to defend them there,” the source noted. The source added that both victims had been conscious and expressed hope that they would help the investigation as soon as possible.
Yulia Skripal, daughter of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal has been awake for several days after being poisoned in early March, while some reports claim that Sergei himself has already regained consciousness and the ability to speak.
READ MORE: Skripal’s Niece Viktoria Opens Up on Why Yulia is Eager to Return to Russia
© AP Photo/ Toby Melville/PA
UK Conclusions on Skripal Poisoning Too Hasty, First OPCW Head Says
The Skripals were found unconscious on a bench at a shopping center in the UK city of Salisbury on March 5. Shortly thereafter, London accused Moscow of orchestrating the poisoning attack with what UK experts claimed was the weapons-grade nerve agent A234 allegedly from the military-grade Novichok group. Moscow has refuted the accusations, pointing to the absence of evidence.
After refusing Moscow’s offer of aid in the investigation of the incident, the UK expelled 23 Russian diplomats, initiating a wave of similar moves by a number of states, including the US, Ukraine and a range of EU member-states.
The Russian Foreign Ministry, for its part, responded with a tit-for-tat response, expelling diplomats and closing the US Consulate General in St. Petersburg.”
Helmer: Salisbury Hospital Becomes Secret Rendition Center For Yulia Skripal
“Salisbury Hospital’s chief administrator and chief doctor refuse to say they are holding consent forms signed by Sergei Skripal and Yulia Skripal. Without those forms, and proof the hospital has obtained them from the Skripals since they regained consciousness last week, the hospital is making claims about their privacy which are improper according to the rules of the British National Health Service, and unlawful violations of their human rights, according to British and European law.”
And why hasn’t the Russian embassy mounted court actions such as an application of Habeus Corpus to pursue these Consular rights etc? I must say I am not particularly impressed with the Russian response to this thus far, particularly in UK.
Habeas Corpus is the correct term
An earlier quote supposedly from the Russian embassy stated that Yulia was not interested in talking to them.
If true, there are several different explanations:
1) She is not feeling that good and doesn’t want to talk to anyone.
2) She is embarrassed, because it was e.g. a self-inflicted Fentanyl OD and she has perhaps not seen, or been allowed to see any of the media coverage and is unaware of the global geopolitical mess that has ensued.
3) Same as above but it was Saxitoxin either natural or spiked by CIA/MI6 in the mussels they ate at the restaurant.
4) The skripals are part of the scam
5) The skripals are not part of the scam, but have been persuaded that the Kremlin did it to them.
6) The skripals are not part of the scam, but have been persuaded that Russian oligarchs in London or elsewhere did it to them and will try again.
Combinations of 3,5,6 are possible.
As a plot to cancel BREXIT the ramifications are intriguing but it seems excessively elaborate and prone to unintended outcomes.
The ‘US owned’ OPCW has still only published the US and UK vitriolic documents against Russia:
I feel sure Russia knows far more about what is going on than is being said. Perhaps somebody can interpret (by what is not said) some of the statements by the Russian Embassy:
The completely over-the-top and immediate accusations and US/NATO countries response makes it hard to believe that this part was not pre-planned.
The legal route through the English courts has difficulties and the outcome is neither certain nor possibly politically desirable. John Helmer has described the subtle but effective manipulation of legal process in the court action that has already taken place over blood samples from the Skripals. Suppose a party with accepted legal standing (and there’s a hurdle to overcome) were permitted to mount action against Her Majesty’s Government. This would have to start in the High Court. If the party failed there, they would need permission of the High Court judge to appeal to the Appeal Court. The Appeal Court would accept the case only on grounds of legal niceties, not on grounds of alleged incorrect facts (such as the Judge would “find” them). Again, failure there would require permission for an appeal to the Supreme Court. But supposing the matter reached that far, and by some strange “Act of God”, the appellant prevailed, well, that is not the end of the story. For there is a still higher legal authority called the Privy Council, which may override Supreme Court decisions by fiat – as it did so in the case of Chagos Islanders expelled to make way for the U$$A base of Diego Garcia. If the Russian government were to mount an action for prima facie breach of diplomatic conventions that have been incorporated into English law; and finally find themselves stonewalled by the Privy Council… it would be a politically critical and potentially dangerous situation.
“If the Russian government were to mount an action for prima facie breach of diplomatic conventions that have been incorporated into English law; and finally find themselves stonewalled by the Privy Council… it would be a politically critical and potentially dangerous situation.”
I.e., whistling past the grave yard?
This part of John Helmer’s letter is priceless:
“I have highlighted two word forms in the Metropolitan Police quotation of Ms Skripal’s remarks. These cannot be translations from the Russian language we know Ms Skripal uses. They are also English idioms which she cannot form herself. Do you as the responsible physician have evidence that Ms Skripal’s exposure to the purported nerve agent has improved her English beyond the level she exercised prior to March 4.”
Hi there…
It is unlikely the British clown would read The Saker so perhaps you should send that letter directly to the UK houses of parliament – and perhaps to Mr Corbyn too? Perhaps some British online media would publish it too…
I believe the actions of the West are likely to precipitate WWIII it would require a great many people to bring the same message to the attention of their representatives and / or local media.
What is clear from Johnson’s statements it that he had awareness of prior state violations of CWC and did nothing.
If true then this is a violation of the purpose and intent of the CWC and he should resign.
If not true then Johnson has uttered another lie, one in a series of lies, uttered with deliberate intent to decive the public and he should resign.
But this needs to be broadly communicated beyond just this blog.
Zerohedge runs an interesting take on the ineptitude of this Skripal affair and suggests:
Can be read here:-
I read the ZeroHedge piece and a lot of it makes sense.
But what I don’t get when it comes to May-Brexist-Skripal is that I thought May was a Remainer.
If so, then wouldn’t the Skripal hoax or whatever it is play into her own agenda of trying to scuttle Brexit?
BTW, response to typing very slow and jerky.
… However, it seems that the “miraculous” recovery of both Skripals from the alleged “attack” by the deadly nerve agent didn’t stop local authorities from being extremely cautious about the case. The UK newspaper The Mail on Sunday reported that Salisbury authorities are planning to build 3 meter high walls around areas which the pair visited after allegedly coming into contact with the A-234 substance.
The two victims isolated from public and even their family, evidence — from pets to entire houses — destroyed, UK media response “under government control”. If you have nothing to do with a crime, why tie up loose ends
— Russian Embassy, UK (@RussianEmbassy) 8 апреля 2018 г.
But the extreme care for citizens’ health hasn’t stopped there, as they are also reportedly planning to demolish Skripals’ house, probably for the same reason they left their pets in there starving to death — to prevent any spread of the nerve agent. The Zizzi restaurant and the Mill pub, which both Skripals visited that day, are also, reportedly, on the demolition list. …
It’s all hogwash -there was no deadly 8-10X more potent than VX nerve agent. Does a person really have to ask why?
As for the cat and the guinea pigs, if there was a dastardly ‘deadly nerve agent’ ready to invade Salisbury in its entirety then the chemwarfare suits could have removed the animals for testing at Porton Down just up the road or worst case ‘euthanised’ them in situ.
The cruelty of starving/dehydrating them to death I can only assume was to send a message.
What many foresaw, is now official, perhaps it happened weeks ago…
The Skripals will officially disappear, if they haven’t already been “disappeared” less officially.
Now we’re down to 3 possibilities:
– they’re dead, perhaps as payback for his role in generating Steele’s “Dodgy Dossier”, but just as likely as payback for other dodgy activities he was involved in.
– they were in on it from the beginning, and will be sipping Margaritas on a beach in the Bahamas for the rest of their lives.
– after a botched attempt on their lives, they were made an offer they couldn’t refuse.
London ‘Tying Up Loose Ends’ in Skripal Case Investigation – Russian Embassy
“As new details in the case come to light, it is becoming increasingly obvious the UK may have something to conceal.
Yulia Skripal’s cousin, Viktoria Skripal, was recently denied a visa to the UK, on the grounds that her “application did not comply with the Immigration Rules.” According to an interview with Viktoria in The Sunday Telegraph, Yulia had a boyfriend, a pet and a job in Moscow, and therefore would certainly return to Russia.
Earlier this week, the UK government confirmed that the Skripals’ long-haired black Persian cat had been put down at the Porton Down lab and then cremated, while a pair of guinea pigs were left in Skripal’s home long enough to starve to death.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova pointed out that the fate of the Skripals’ cat, as well as the fact that the pets’ remains were cremated, looks strange, as “the animals could’ve become an important piece of evidence in the chemical poisoning case.”
The Russian Embassy in the UK suggested that the animals’ remains were disposed of as an “inconvenient piece of evidence.”
The Russians have drawn attention to the sick way the brit bum bandits treated the pets of Skripal. There are reasons for this. The neglect showed these animals shows how little the brits actually investigated the house. This means they knew there was nothing to investigate there to begin with and what little they did was for theatrics.
Another reason is the brits treated the pets the way pets of criminals are treated. They are abused or ignored. Pets of crime victims are not treated to this sort of neglect. What this means is that regardless the spin put out, the brits viewed the Skripals little different from the way cops typically view criminals they arrest.
If the Skripals we’re a voluntary part of this false flag, would they sacrifice their pets, or make arrangements?
This k about that for a minute.
Something else. Three people were poisoned. Bailey, Yulia and Sergei. In order if recovery. This indicates Bailey probably got the least contact, Yulia a bit more and Sergei the most. Alternatively, it could mean Bailey and Yulia had better defenses against the poison, not less contact. Two vectors to consider when attempting to figure out where, when and how, along with potential poison types.
Maybe it was already explained in some of the theories, but I don’t see how could one explain the situation that for Skripals it took 4 hours before they got sick and Bailey was sick immediately when he came into contact with poison?
Several possibilities if you assume that it was the mussels laced with Saxitoxin at the restaurant that felled the Skripals (always assuming Skripals were not part of the plot) and that smears of poison were placed on the Skripal residence by MI6/CIA -again assuming that was actually the case and not made up.
DS Bailey may have been collateral damage.Why, with no search warrant, did he take the key from Skripal and enter the house? Was he looking for evidence of drugs? DS Bailey gets contaminated from the door handle MI6/CIA understand what happened and arrange for him to get the antidote. Alternatively when DS Bailey learned about the non-existent ‘nerve agent’ he started to show psychosomatic symptoms. A deadly nerve agent is enough to scare anybody.
Consider another scenario: that Russia really did something to Skripals. And the Brits knew it. However, the Russians must’ve done it in a very discreet manner, no or barely any evidence left behind. Brits don’t go like that (usually) – guns blazing and oh, so vocal. What changed? I would guess that, rather than a false flag, this is something different: the Brits tried their hand in russian territory, where Mr. (maybe Mrs. as well) Skripal were a part of it. The Brits got caught, and got a shot across the bow from the Russian side in the form of Skripal’s incapacitation (must’ve been something big or, at least, very important, though, judging by the British reaction). So: Brits try a hard pull in the Russian direction. Russians catch wind of it and slap the British (skripalic) hand. British side goes in flames and defends by the best means – attacking. They can’t say they got caught red-handed – they are (part of) The Empire, so shame is reserved to the plebs – but they know that the Russians know, so the Brits went about it first, victimising themselves in the process. Instead of extracting concesions from (obviously) a dirty thing (most likely tied to the recent elections), the Russian part found itself boxed into a corner. For some reason, they do not disclose the British foulness, and the Brits cannot provide the required info about the fact that they know that the Russian side was involved in Skripal case.
The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office is holding a news conference in Moscow on the circumstances surrounding the poisoning of Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury, UK.
PET POISON PUZZLE Russian spy Sergei Skripal’s pet cat and guinea pigs are taken away for tests
By Alex West and Carri-Ann Taylor
17th March 2018, 12:18 am
Updated: 18th March 2018, 1:17 pm
POISONED Sergei Skripal’s cat and two guinea pigs have been taken away for tests, say sources.
The spy’s vet contacted police immediately after hearing he had collapsed along with his daughter Yulia on March 4.
A source close to the family said: “Nobody has seen the poor pets since the poisoning.
“I understand the cat and the guinea pigs were removed from the house and taken away to be assessed.”
The black Persian cat — which Yulia, 33, referred to as Nash van Drake on Russian social media — would have cost around £1,500.
Pals said the Skripals spent thousands bringing it to Britain from their homeland.
Vet Howard Taylor, 56, said: “We phoned the police on day one to offer to help if they needed it.
“I thought it unlikely the police would have gone to the house and not done anything.”
He said of Mr Skripal: “He was a nice chap and we got on well.
“He never said he was in fear for his life. He used the vets for some years and I had seen his cat and his guinea pigs.”
Family Member Suspects London is Forcibly Holding Skripals in UK
“Relatives of the Skripals are worried that Sergei and Yulia are being held in Britain against their will, and the daughter is not allowed to express her real feelings even in a telephone conversation with her cousin.
The former intelligence agent’s cousin, 65-year-old Natalia Pestova, who lives in Siberia, has spoken out amid reports that the father and daughter could be granted political asylum and even new identities, possibly in the United States. She had touched upon the issue of the telephone conversation between Yulia and her cousin, Viktoria, last week, concerned that Yulia was being told what to say.
“We are very confused by what Yulia said – she didn’t quite sound like her usual self. Naturally we understand she can’t be her usual self after the poisoning and the shock of what happened to her. And yet the feeling from hearing her voice that she wasn’t speaking at her own initiative. I wonder if she is in fact in some kind of detention [in Britain],” the Daily Mail cited Pestova as saying.
Speaking on the phone with Yulia, Viktoria promised to visit her if her visa was approved, the former, however, answered that it was unlikely.
“It’s so hard not to be able to talk to her or see her, to make a judgement. There is too much room for rumors and no proper stream of reliable information. It’s incredibly hard to understand who is lying and why, who is playing [a] double game, and who is telling the truth,” Pestova told the media outlet.”
Polonium-210 that killed Litvinenko was in UK before arrival of Russians accused of murder – Moscow
“Polonium-210 was in London before the Russian citizens accused of poisoning Aleksandr Litvinenko arrived there, and evidence pointed to his patron Boris Berezovsky, Moscow has said, citing a German probe.”
Back then, the zionazis covered for berezovsky. In a prelude to the zionazi Skripal false flag, this took place:
“Last week, Terluk made a statement that was shown by the Russian prosecutors. He claimed that he was approached by a Scotland Yard officer in late January, whose name was redacted from the statement, with an offer to make a public statement against Russia in exchange for an extension of his residency permit in Britain. Terluk said he is currently facing expulsion after his previous five-year permit expired. The proposal reminded him of the experience he had in 2003, when Litvinenko coerced him into giving false testimony to help Berezovsky’s asylum case, he said.”
This attempt to coerce Terluk into the zionazi propaganda war expansion planned against Russia. So in January, the zionazis already had their brit toys laying the groundwork for the propaganda war to begin after the Skripal false flag. The Skripal false flag itself being a part of a meticulously crafted much wider and larger expansion of the zionazi aggression against Russia and her allies.
The niece of the former Russian spy, Viktoria, has alleged during a Russian TV program on April 9 that she knew “there will be a statement by Yulia Skripal on political asylum.”
She, however, did not specify from which country Yulia will be seeking asylum or explain how did she get the information.
The claim has been made just days after Viktoria herself said that Yulia wanted to return to Moscow as “she has a life here, she has work here, and a loved one here.”