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Ukraine SITREP for 24th May 2015 By Baaz

US vs Russia , The Ukraine ,Russia ‘s Near Abroad and US’s Fake Far Abroad plus The EU,Friends and Foes US Blinks in Face-Off with Russia ( Source) After staring Russia in the face for the best part of a year, the poker-faced Americans finally realised they are holding a bunch of worthless cards. And the Americans blinked. Diplomatic Victory, and Affirmation, for Putin (From New York Times of all

A few thoughts about the murder of Mozgovoi

Friends, I will be honest with you: the murder of Mozgovoi hit me like a punch in the stomach,  just as had happened with Buzina my first thought upon hearing the news was “Oh God – not him!”.  I did not always agree with everything these two man said, but they were dear to my heart for their immense, truly shining, honesty and courage.  At a time when the world

Alexei Mozgovoi has been murdered!

Numerous Russian sources are confirming that Alexei Mozgovoi has been murdered today on the road linking Lugansk and Alchevsk.  The details are still very sketchy.  Apparently his car came under assault-rifle and machine-gun fire.  Two, possibly three, of his bodyguards were also killed.  The attackers apparently got away.  Last March Mozgovoi had already been the target of an assassination attempt. Vechnaia Pamiat’ (Eternal memory) for a true hero of Russia,

The Head of the GRU accuses US and allies of creating the transnational “Islamist” terrorist network

Dear friends, I am posting today the speech of Colonel-General Igor Sergun, Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia.  To say that his man, or the GRU is secretive would be an understatement.  Almost all the information publicly available about Sergun is in the short biography (researched by Scott) which I have placed at the end of this post.  As

The Godmother of the Saker Community was in Moscow for Vday!

Dear friends, Claude Roddier, the “Godmother” of the entire Saker Community has just returned from a trip to Russia were she participated in the Vday events in Moscow alongside a delegation representing the French Resistance to the Nazi occupation of France during WWII.  Initially, Claude had planned to travel to Odessa and because of the risks associated with such a trip, we kept all these plans a secret.  Then, after

9 May, 2015: The Day Russia Showed The World How To Kill Color Revolutions

by Andrew Korybko The 70th anniversary of Victory Day in Moscow was monumental for a few primary reasons (Shoigu’s solemn reverence, Russian-Chinese friendship ), not least among them the fact that it symbolized the utter death of any Color Revolutionary hopes the West may have still been harboring from the early 2000s. The patriotic resistance on display didn’t subside when the record-setting parade ended, but instead was uplifted to epic

One Miserably Failed State

Author Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Eugenia source: The Ukrainian elites, which receive upon the division of the Soviet inheritance everything necessary for the successful state building, by their own actions brought the country to the brink of a collapse. Ideal starting conditions Politics and history are not pre-determined. The “project Ukraine” living its last days was not doomed from the start. Suddenly emerged new country had the world’s 10th

Russia has “hardened” her southern border, politically and militarily

Russia plans to invite India, Pakistan and Iran into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) This has been discussed for a very long time already, but this time it is official: Sergei Lavrov has just declared that at the next summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) countries Russia will propose to the initiate the process of accepting Iran a a full member alongside India and Pakistan. Quick reminder: the following

Look Homeward, Hegemon Part 1: Cold War 2.0 Abroad, Cold Civil War Between the U.S. Government and Its People At Home

Look Homeward, Hegemon Part 1: Cold War 2.0 Abroad, Cold Civil War Between the U.S. Government and the American People by American Kulak Introduction: We want to start by thanking The Saker for giving us the opportunity to publish a series of articles for this community that looks at the late, great American Empire from a slightly different perspective. While most Vineyard readers come to this website looking for analysis

Rise of a multi-polar Asia – a view from India

by Sandhya Jain Continuing tensions over Ukraine notwithstanding, including a US-led boycott of the Victory Day Parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of Germany’s surrender in World War II, Russia under President Vladimir Putin has retrieved much of its eminence as a great power and even managed a handsome recovery of its sanction-hit rouble. By tweaking its West-centric gaze towards Siberia and the Arctic (which Putin likely visited during a mysterious
