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Posts From The Saker

Iraq SITREP 13th July: The time of the Kurds, and Terroristan

Quote of the Day (Khamenei on the US demanding the closure of the underground nuclear facility at Fordow): it is laughable that the US demanded Iran to shut down its Fordow nuclear facility because it happens to be inaccessible and cannot be targeted in an air strike Thought for the day: To bury or not to bury…everything 13th July: The Iraqi Parliament session is adjourned to Tuesday. Problems arose on

Meanwhile, back in Kiev, (and elsewhere in Ukraine) – Economics

by NoBC4U for No Bread And Circuses For You  original link:  Reports from various sources along with “man on the street” observations. Sadly, in the last few weeks, there has been numerous stories about death and destruction in the east of Ukraine by the Ukrainian Army. Let’s face it, death and destruction are compelling narratives. It has often been said about mainstream media, “If it bleeds, it leads”. In

Very telling video (especially for Islam-haters!)

I recently learned this lesson the hard way, so let me begin with a few caveats: I don’t know where this footage was taken, I don’t know when it was taken, and I don’t know by whom it was taken.  It is identified on YouTube as “Interview with Chechens in Donetsk”.  Except for the only flag I see on the video seems to be a South Ossetian one.  And since

July 12th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

Iraq SITREP 12th July: Tony Blair and the orphans of Iraq Quote of the (an earlier) day: General Martin E. Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on hearing of Ayatollah Sistani’s call for defensive Jihad, “the call that the Ayatollah Sistani put out for volunteers is being answered and it complicates the situation, frankly, a bit.” Thought for the day: What did it complicate? The falling of Baghdad?

I need help with PayPal and advice about donations

Dear friends,I just hate PayPal.  For many reasons, but one of them is this recurrent problem: the “donate” button I created following the exact instructions given by PP (the one posted on the left side of this page) seems to redirect to a page to join PP and not directly to the page to enter the donation amount.  I tried several times to re-create that button, but each time I

Humor against disinformation

A couple of days ago I was watching Russian TV news when I came across this absolutely hilarious segment.  I asked the “Russian Team” to subtitle it for my English speaking readers and here it is, thanks to “AE”!This war is truly one of constant and systematic disinformation and one of the many lies spread by the Empire’s corporate media is that the Russian media was “toning down” it’s criticism

Blog news: migration, moderation, new incarnations and donors

Dear friends,I have finally found a few minutes in this totally hectic time to give you a short update about the future of this blog.1) Thanks to the most generous help of a donor (‘A’) and the help of some very skilled IT specialists a dedicated server has been selected in Iceland to host this blog.2) The migration will probably begin in mid-August and it will take some time to

Part II – Press-Conference of Igor Strelkov and Alexander Borodai, Donetsk, July 10, 2014 (UPDATED with video!)

Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov(Note: Rough Translation; Subject to Change) Video: Part II of Press-Conference of I. Strelkov and A. Borodai, Donetsk, July 10, 2014 “Believe it or Not” or Truth and Rumours About Igor Strelkov Igor Strelkov: (cont’d from Part I) … all the light arms and a portion of our armour and heavy weaponry, such as artillery, were taken out of the city and are currently

Check out the latest “Porothreats”

Rather than paraphrase, I decided to post a screenshot, with Ukie flag and all: Some have criticized me for using the word “Nazi”, but here again we have a *typical* Nazi reaction: when members of a national liberation resistance group kill an occupier, they are called “terrorists” and the Nazi command promises to kill 100 locals for every killed occupier.  I think that any French or Italian reader will easily

July 11th Ukraine combat SITREP by Juan

The retreat from Slavyansk and surrounding area was successful. Losses occurred but they were minimal. ‘Minimal’ is a terrible term. Sounds fine unless you happen to be one of the ‘minimal’. The world’s eyes and minds were focused on The Cauldron (Slavyansk and Kramatorsk) and the Novorossiya/Russia borders for over two months. During that time many things happened in other areas of Novorossiya, away from prying eyes. The donations of

July 11th Iraq SITREP: Tug of War

I would like to thank the Saker for allowing these Iraq SITREPs. As I’ve stated before they are a compilation or summary of Iraqi news. If anybody finds anything missing or amiss please point it out and it will be added/corrected in the next days SITREP. 10th July: Kurdish officials declare that they will boycott parliament after Maliki accused them of harbouring terrorists. Massoud Barzani referred to Maliki as having

July 11th Ukraine SITREP: important developments for the Resistance

Besides the apparently devastating attack on a Ukie armored column, there are several important development which have recently taken place which I feel must be reported here: Alexander Khodakovskii 1) With Strelkov’s return to Donetsk, order and unity of command in the Resistance forces have apparently been restored and the disagreements between Strelkov and Alexander Khodakovskii (ex-commander of the Donetsk “Alpha” unit) settled.2) In a joint press conference, Igor Strelkov

Russian and Ukrainian sources are reporting a major battle near Lugansk

Russian and Ukrainian sources are reporting that a major battle took place near Lugansk.  According to these sources, the entire Ukrainian 79th “brigade” was completely wiped off.  The same Ukie sources report 50 killed and 100 wounded.  Russian TV spoke of 30 to 150 killed.  Apparently, the Ukrainians were attacked at about 4:40AM by MLRS (multiple rocker launchers) fire and when they tried to evacuate they were attacked again by

Press-Conference of Alexander Borodai and Igor Strelkov, July 10, 2014

Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov(Note: Rough Translation; Subject to Change) Video: Press-Conference of Alexander Borodai and Igor Stelkov, Donetsk, July 10, 2014 Introduction from Alexander Borodai Alexander Borodai: Yes, we can commence. Hello, friends! Today’s press-conference, or a briefing, it does not matter what you call it, for me, and I believe for both of us, is a particularly happy occasion because it is conducted with a new

The reality of Ukie politics today: it *is* a freak show

Today, I have an extremely telling transcript to share with you.  This is an intercepted telephone call (thank you SVR/ 6th GRU/Spetsviaz FSO!) between Igor Kolomoiskii and one of the Ukie media CEO Alexander Tkachenko (For those of you who speak Russian, the conversation is available here and here).  Here is the transcript: T – Hello,K – Are you done talking shit yet?T – Hello, Igor ValerievichK – Didn’t you

July 10th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

Funny Quote of The Day: From the BBC “Israel under renewed Hamas Attack.” Funny Quote of the Day Two: Iranian representative to Iraqi Kurdistan “The Kurds should not RUSH to declare independence.” It’s Elementary Deduction: In a famous Sherlock Holmes short story, Silver Blaze, Holmes got the key to the murder in this dialog: Scotland Yard detective: Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my

Very interesting video – the people of Kramatorsk vs Ukie occupiers (UPDATED)

This video is nothing short of amazing. Think of it, these people are openly confronting what is clearly Ukie death-squad and not just some regular military unit (their gear is brand new and clearly imported).  Even more amazing is the language used.  While I don’t feel like translating it into English, I will say that it is just about the most overly aggressive, rude and provocative as it gets.  You

It is way too early to give up on Putin or to dismiss the Novorussian resistance

Apparently, my post today expressing my disgust with the way outside forces were arrogantly deciding the future of 7 million citizens of the Donbass was interpreted as an admission on my part that I have given up on Putin (even though I had clearly written “Let’s even add to this, for conversation’s sake, that Putin has decided to yield to the terms of these AngloZionist and that the Kremlin has
