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Posts From The Saker

Ukraine SITREP update – May 3nd, 16:20 UTC/Zulu: “the mysterious Russian soul?”

What happened in Odessa yesterday is much worse than what the initial reports had indicated: it was truly a deliberate and blood-curling massacre.  To summarize:In Odessa the pro-Russian demonstrators had never seized a building, all they did was erecting a small tent city and hanging out there.  Hardly any violence had taken place.  Yesterday, the neo-Nazis finally made their move:1)  They bussed in large numbers of Right Sector thugs.2)  They

Ukraine SITREP update – May 2nd, 20:14 UTC/Zulu: massacre in Odessa

It appears that a massacre did take place today, but not in Slaviansk, but in Odessa were 38 people died when a building in which they had sought refuge was set ablaze.  Here is what RT reports: At least 38 anti-government activists died in fire at Odessa’s Trade Unions House after suffocating with smoke or jumping out of windows of the burning building, Ukrainian Interior Ministry reported. The building was

Ukraine SITREP May 2nd, 17:37 UTC/Zulu: “The Mouse that Roared”

Today’s events in the Ukraine have seen both a dramatic escalation and yet another complete flop.  Let’s restate here the fact which are not in dispute by any part The Ukrainian junta has launched what it calls a major counter-terrorist operation against the city of Slaviansk. Combat helicopters were used. Armored personnel carriers were used. A number of checkpoints have been taken over by the attacking force. Two (possibly three)

Yet another totally crazy idea from Banderastan

Every passing day bring it share of utterly nonsensical news out of the rump-Ukraine aka “Banderastan”.  Today is not exception, see for yourself this headlines from the BBC’s website: Ukraine reinstates conscription as crisis deepens Sure enough, for the zombified TV watchers this might sound like something meaningful.  But is it?  Let’s recall where the current Ukrainian military comes form by remembering what the Ukraine’s military was at the moment

Ukraine SITREP-update April 30, 16:12 UTC/Zulu: “US/EU Hedgehog scaring techniques”

China has officially strongly criticized any sanctions saying that they would be useless. Another six cities of the eastern Ukraine have rebelled. Dmitryi Olegovich Rogozin Russian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia and Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in charge of defense industry has declared that Russia will respond to words with words and to actions with actions.  For example, he said, if the US would try to hurt the

CrossTalk: Containment 2.0? (ft. Stephen Cohen & John Mearsheimer)

Both John Mearsheimer and, especially, Stephen Cohen are both extremely smart and knowledgeable academics and it is a crying shame that these two men are so completely ignored by the current US elites. I highly recommend this very good show.  Enjoy! The Saker  Personal note: I want to add something here. Mearsheimer and Cohen are the living proof that the caricature which a lot of non-US people have about Americans

Ukraine SITREP-update April 28, 1447 UTC/Zulu

The city hall and the city council buildings of the eastern city of Konstantinovka have been taken under control of Russian-speaking insurgents who say that they are here to protect the local authorities (who are opposed to the revolutionary regime in Kiev) from any attack by the junta. Probably lured by the oligarch-galore in the Ukraine, the Jewish oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky has showed up in the Dontesk region to show

Ukrainian special forces team caught near Donetsk

RT is reporting that 3 officers of the most elite anti-terrorist unit in the Ukraine, they are called “A” or “Alpha”, were caught in the city of Gorlovka, near Donetsk.  Read the full article and watch the video of their interrogation by reporters here.Now let me provide some context here.The Ukrainian SBU is a truly frightening secret service.  Ever since it’s foundation following the independence of the Ukraine the SBU

John Kerry and the “last resort” rule as a cause for optimism

[First a small announcement: I will contact the “Saker correspondents” over the week-end with details about how we will get organized and the kind of stuff we will do.  Over 40 people have responded to my offer and I am happy to announce that we got all five continents covered.  Another seven candidates have not answered my request to confirm their desire to participate: “fsd”, “cc”, “sl”, “y”, “aa”, “ov”

Ukraine SITREP-update April 24, 1506 UTC/Zulu (UPDATED)

Wow!  Now things look very serious indeed.  RT reports that Russia is starting military maneuvers involving not one, but TWO military districts plus the Air Force: Russia has begun extensive military exercises in Ukrainian border area following the escalation of violence in eastern Ukraine. “The order to use force against civilians has already been given, and if this military machine is not stopped, the amount of casualties will only grow,”

Ukraine SITREP April 24, 1405 UTC/Zulu

Pretty much all my sources confirm that the junta in Kiev has launched an attack on the city of Slaviansk.  Most sources say that only SBU and Right Sector forces are involved, though other source report that the “special forces” (no details) seen on the airport near Slaviansk are also participating.  My personal take is that at most the military is providing some support, but that the real fighting is

The US plan for the Ukraine – a hypothesis

Listening to Lavrov today I came to the conclusion that the regime in Kiev was indeed about to try to attack the eastern Ukraine.  It’s not only Lavrov, the Russian Internet is on “red alert” and chock-full of rumors and speculation about an imminent attack.  This begs a number of questions:1) Why would the junta in Kiev so overtly renege on the Geneva agreement?2) Why would it attack when the

Replies to some of the comments made about my latest post on empires and lies

First, I have to apologize but the lack of time does not allow me to reply to all your comments.  I had to pick some and leave other out.  Here we go:@Tom Burnett: That’s it. I am tired of hearing you refer to America as an ‘AngloZionist’ empire and me and my countrymen as AngloZionists”.What a stupid comment to make!  First, I never referred to you or any Americans as

How the Ukrainian crisis will eventually bring down the AngloZionist Empire

There are many theories out there about what exactly caused the collapse of the Soviet Union.  Some say that it is Ronald Reagan with his Star Wars program.  Others say that this is the war in Afghanistan or the Polish union Solidarnosc.  Other popular theories include the failure of the Soviet economy, the drop in oil prices, the inability to produce consumer goods, the yearning of many Soviets for western-style

Personal announcement: New moderation policy plan adopted

Dear friends,The following comments moderation policy has now been adopted:1.  Comments must contribute to the interest of a thread, a post or of the blog.  Just venting or totally inane comments will not be allowed.2.  Comments must be respectful. Criticisms are welcome, but they must be fact based on logically outlined.  Name calling does not qualify.3.  Off-topic comments are allowed, but have to offer something of interest to the readers.
