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Blog, Community News and Announcements

SouthFront needs our help!!

Dear friends, SouthFront needs our help and we need SouthFront.  It is really that simple. Please click here to see their appeal: I ask you all to please donate to these good friends of our community, whose videos we feature almost every day. Thank you! The Saker

Vale Jon Hellevig

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog When our friend The Saker asked if either Intibah or I would like to write a necrologue for Jon Hellevig, we both felt we couldn’t give the request enough justice, because we didn’t know Jon enough. But as I decided to take the lead here and write it in my name, with Intibah’s help, I realized that I knew Jon enough to honour

Notification to Patreon Supporters and Subscribers

Patreon has started a system of charging sales tax according to jurisdiction. So, if you are a subscriber from say Germany, they will charge VAT according to the German tax model. For the US, it would be according to the tax model of your state. The reason for this is because so many have now started selling or giving away t-shirts, books and other merchandise on Patreon. For normal donations

The Saker Blog needs more moderators!

Dear friends, In a recent Facebook post Pepe Escobar wrote the following: The low down – on the economic measures, on the Hong Kong question, and on The Big Picture. All in a 5-minute read that… Posted by Pepe Escobar on Sunday, May 24, 2020 This is just the latest in a long series of compliments that I heard from many top commentators (most recently from Catherine Austin-Fitts)! The credit for

After Youtube and Facebook, Vimeo bans ‘Sayed Hasan’ & Nasrallah’s videos

source: ‘Sayed Hasan’ channel censored for the umpteenth time The only sure way to follow my work is to subscribe to the Newsletter. Please write to Vimeo ( to protest this decision, putting me in bcc if possible ( On February 28, 2020, Vimeo arbitrarily deleted my channel ‘Sayed Hasan‘ which, since the deletion of my Youtube channel in December 2017 (followed by my Facebook pages in May 2019),

AngloZionist controlled media bans SouthFront

Dear friends, Here is the email I got in my inbox today: ——- Dear friend, Once again, SouthFront faced an unprecedented censorship. On April 30, our Facebook page with about 100,000 subscribers was deleted without any notifications or an option to appeal the decision: Censorship Continues. Facebook Permanently Deleted SouthFront’s Page On May 1, YouTube terminated SouthFront’s channels with approximately 170,000 subscribers. The main YouTube channel in English had over

Saker Telegram discussion group : ANNOUNCEMENT

Dear Friends In the technical solution that was chosen for this Telegram group, to avoid the need for moderation, and to avoid spam, I made sure to have a group that is technically “closed” to all for the rights of writing. I validate individual members by giving them an administrator status, with minimal rights, just so they can write. But I have just reached the administrator limit that Telegram allows

Saker message: THANK YOU!!!

Dear friends of the Saker Community!  Christ is Risen! I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the donation you have sent me and also for the many heartfelt and very kind emails and even (paper) letters you have sent me! Frankly, every time I post an appeal for support, I not only feel self-conscious, I also can’t help but think “they don’t really know

A quick message for “censored” crybabies

Dear crybabies, I think I need to explain a few things to you: First, the Saker blog is the Saker‘s blog and not your blog or a public blog.  So your First Amendment rights don’t apply here.  Cry me a river! Second, you are mistaken if you think you got “censored” for your views or ideas.  In fact, except for clear cases of racism (this is the only “view” I

Saker announcement: you can now talk to me on my Telegram channel

Dear friends, I have good news:  It is now possible for you to talk directly with me on my Telegram channel! As I have already explained in the past, my have canceled my mailing list and replaced it with a Telegram channel.  I have spoken to my friend (Fedor) who so kindly created the channel and we decided to add a interaction capability to the channel.  However, and especially in

Announcement: COVID19 Cafe project cancelled

Dear friends, I have the painful obligation to let you know that “my eyes were bigger than my stomach” and that I am shelving the COVID19 Cafe project.  Simply put, I don’t have the energy, and we don’t have the manpower.  Furthermore, this might have been an ill-conceived idea to begin with, as this blog is really not a medical one. Anyway, first I want to apologize to all those

Please support SouthFront (our community owes them a lot!)

Dear friends, Yes, I now.  First I put up an appeal asking for your help, and now I am ALSO asking you to help SouthFront.  There are a couple of good reasons for that. First, SouthFront is a totally separate entity from the Saker Blog or the Saker Community, yet we all benefit from SouthFront’s superb analyses and videos on an almost weekly basis.  If they tank, so does our

Last update on Hurricane Dorian

Dear friends It’s over, Dorian never made landfall (at least not in Florida) and we are now out of danger. We are pretty exhausted though, so while I will be back at my keyboard on Friday, don’t expect a flurry of long analytical articles :-) Also, please take it easy with the emails, I will have tons to catch up to anyway, so please keep it to a minimum for

Quick update on Hurricane Dorian – today things definitely look better!

Dear friends Very quick update: big news, Dorian (finally!) turned to the north and, even better, he weakened down to a (still very powerful) CAT2 hurricane.  See for yourself: The only down side is that the wind field has expanded, which they always do when a hurricane weakens. All in all, we are safely hidden inside a sturdy building and we are cautiously optimistic. Hugs and cheers, The Saker

Quick Hurricane Dorian and evacuation update

Dear friend, Since Dorian is now a terrifying CAT5 I wanted to quickly update you on my situation.  In the last 48 hours the projected track of Hurricane Dorian has changed quite a bit, see for yourself: The good news is that Dorian is projected to most likely remain offshore, though that is by no means certain! The bad news is that it is now a CAT5. That is a

The blog goes on “standby” mode due to Hurricane Dorian!

Dear friends, It looks like Hurricane Dorian might become an infamous “Labor Day Hurricane” which will most likely devastate a large part of the state: right now Dorian in scheduled to make landfall just east of Lake Okeechobee and then turn north towards Orlando-Gainesville.  See for yourself: Keep in mind that these tracks just show the statistical center of the “cone of uncertainty” and don’t pay too much attention to
