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July 22nd Nigeria SITREP (Boko Haram) by Fulan Nasrullah

Dear friends, Today I have the pleasure to announce a new regular feature on this blog, a weekly SITREP about the Boko Haram movement and the conflict in Nigeria which has potential regional consequences.  This weekly SITREP will be written by ‘Fulan Nasrullah’, an ex-intelligence analyst and private intelligence contractor who is now an Imam of the Ahlus-Sunnah Wal-Jamaa’ah/Salafiyyah of Sunni Islam and a resident of Northern Nigeria.  No doubt,

Opening remarks of Vladimir Putin at the Russian Security Council meeting

Note: normally the meetings of the Russian Security Council are held behind closed doors.  This time, however, the press was allowed in just to record the beginning of the opening remarks of Vladimir Putin.  Then the press was asked to leave.  Clearly, this is intended as a message to the Russian people.  I have bolded out the part which appear the most important to me. The Saker ——-Good afternoon, colleagues.

July 22nd Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: A normal day in Iraq

Quote of the Day, the bringer of Peace, the great hope of the Arabs, the destroyer of WMD, the remover of tyrants, and the liberator of oil, Tony Blair: I spend two-thirds of my time on unpaid work Thought of the day: Does he mean unpaid or unpunished? Second Quote of the day, Ban Ki Moon: I saw Hamas rockets hitting Israel! It is very sad! No more thoughts for

What Makes Strelkov Feel “Melancholy” – Military-Political Situation Report, July 20, 2014

Note: this article is dated July 20th because it took 2 days to translate it. I think that this is a *must read* for all those who wonder about the nature of the ugle behind-the-scenes infighting between various Russian groups about the future of Novorussia. A huge “thank you!!!” to all those who helped translate this most interesting text. The Saker——-What Makes Strelkov Feel “Melancholy” – Military-Political Situation Report, July

July 22nd combat SITREP by Juan

1. Donetsk, Lugansk and surrounding towns and villages being bombarded ceaselessly by Uke forces using every weapon in their possession, Grad, Hurricane, Tornado and Smerch MLRS and arty up to 20.3 cm. 2. In last 4 days over 300 civilians in the aforementioned areas have been killed and a like number and more wounded. Civilian and industrial areas completely devoid of any Army of Novorossiya facilities and troops are targeted

July 21st Iraq SITREP: Bloody Monday

Quote of the day, Bhadrakumar on the Malaysian Plane Tragedy: The alacrity with which Obama scrambled to take early lead in the propaganda war over Moscow on Ukraine almost makes it appear he was expecting such a horrendous tragedy to happen Thought of the day: Pity Sherlock Holmes did not have a case called the “dog that barked before the crime” 20th July: Government air strikes on Daash held Hawija

July 20th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Exodus

20th July: The Iraqi Security Forces have opened up another from against Daash and are now making a push westwards towards Fallujah. The army claims that “98% of Ramadi is now clear of terrorists.” 20th July: Maliki calls on the world to unite against Daash after the exodus of Christians in Mosul. He claims that the “true face” of the rebels is apparent and that there are genuine rebels, just

July 19th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Daashing Christians in Iraq

Quote of the Day (Courtesy of Robert Fisk), Jonathan Whittall of the Médecins Sans Frontières referring to his job of providing medical aid to Palestinians in Gaza being akin: “to patch(ing) up prisoners in between their torture sessions “ 18th July: The Iraqi Government is coordinating with French authorities is trying to reclaim Iraqi assets of the previous regime in France. 19th July: The representative of the Secretary General of

Small announcement about minor stuff and open thread

First, Alexander Borodai has made an important press conference.  I hope to have the subtitled video available soon.Second, the main story is not MH17 but the murderous attack of the Nazis on Lugansk which, contrary to BBC claims, has not been taken.  However, scores of civilians have been killed in repeated volleys of MLRS rocket strikes by the Nazi forces.Third, the Nazis in Israel are also using the MH17 as

US Senate *Unanimously* Passes Resolution Supporting Israeli Assault on Gaza

By Chris Carlson for the International Middle East Media Center Editorial Group Following a similar resolution passed last week by the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate voted Thursday night to support Israel’s ongoing invasion of the Gaza Strip. No dissenting vote was cast, and no mention was made of the hundreds of Palestinian civilians, most of whom are women and children, that have been killed by Israel in the past

Memories, recollections, guesses and speculations about MH17

Intro and caveat I think that any analysis of the events surrounding the downing of MH17 should begin with the following admission: no matter what, the AngloZionists will blame Russia.  Just like 9/11, there is no way, no amount of evidence, which would affect the unanimous chorus of Imperial doubleplusgoodthinkers in their conclusion that obviously it could only have been “the Russians”. So don’t expect to come across The Proof

Evidence Continues to Emerge #MH17 Is a False Flag Operation

Translated by Gleb BazovPart I of Dissecting the Evidence ————————– FINAL – Part I: Emerging Evidence Points to #MH17 Being a Ukrainian False Flag Translated by Gleb BazovCombined Sources July 17, 2014 – Examination of Available Evidence Manufactured by Ukraine Video: BUSTED! Ukraine Caught Trying to ‘Frame Russia’ for Shooting Down Malaysia Flight MH17! July 17, 2014 – Michael McFaul Speaks Volunteer militia do not have the training to

July 18th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

Iraq SITREP 18th July: Who wants to live forever? Quote of the day, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib on being hit by the (Muawiya’s) assassin’s sword when in prayer: Today Ali is successful/has succeeded! 18th July: Abdul Raqib Amin, 26, a Daash fighter killed near Ramadi by Security Forces is believed to be one of the three British Nationals who appeared in a recruitment video last month 18th July: State

Short message from the Saker

Dear friends,Over the past 24 hours I have run into something of an “organizational cataclysm” (the reality that a day has 24 hours and not 36) and I am late on everything.  Still, God willing, I will post something of a preliminary analysis of the MH17 downing in a couple of hours.  Stay tuned and sorry for the delay.The Saker

July 17th Iraq SITREPby Mindfriedo: Being Played

Quote of the Day, George Galloway: Gaza people are all Sunni. But the only people helping them are all Shia, Think! In the last two SITREPs part of the short analyses was justifying Shia actions and Shia militias. This video linked by augmentedether, in my opinion, justifies in part the anger, hatred, and hurt felt by many of the everyday Iraqi Sunnis (on the receiving end of some of these

Ukraine SITREP July 17th, 15:55 UTC/Zulu: the complete failure of Poroshenko’s “surprise” (UPDATED)

I will begin this SITREP by re-posting the video of the interview made by Ukrainian TV by phone with a solider of the Ukie forces in the so-called “southern cauldron”.  Please make sure to press on the ‘cc’ button to get the English subtitles:Speaking of videos, the I wanted to point out that the video I posted yesterday of what appeared to be Grad systems firing a Ukie forces from

July 17th Ukraine Combat SITREP by Juan

1. Strelkov has allowed the Uke Army to enter in to a trap of their own making in a narrow long corridor between Army of Novorossiya and the Russia Border known as ‘The Cauldron’. Never underestimate your enemy. In this case it seems the Ukeland Army has violated that truism. 2. Minimum 35 Uke soldiers have been taken across the border to Russia for medical treatment. Confirmed.3. Border point near

July 16th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Of Presidents and men

Thank you everyone, Saker in particular, and open minded Sunni commentators who were open about my “sectarian” post and only sought to guide me in their replies. I will try to keep religion out till the next library burns. But I have answered some of the issues raised in this SITREP. Quote of the day: I am a Muslim, neither Shia nor Sunni, and I go to Shia Mosques as

July 15th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Burn Shia, burn!

Quote of the Day, Lebanese Sunni Scholar Sheikh Maaher Hammoud: If you want Arabs to fight Israel, tell them Israel converted to Shiaism Quote of the Day Two, Patrick Cockburn: In some areas, being Shia is akin to being a Jew in Nazi Germany Thought of the Day: Enemy of Enemy is my Friend? 15th July: Tribal Fighters in Dhuluia have fought and forced out Daash Fighters from the entire
