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Russia is winning across the spectrum: CrossTalk, Michel Kilo leaked intel, Egypt to support SAA

Russia is winning across the spectrum: CrossTalk, Michel Kilo leaked intel, Egypt to support SAA   Leaked: Top Syrian Opposition figure: ‘Saudi rulers are mentally impaired’ – English Subs Dec 8, 2016 In an audio leak that was widely shared by social media activists and Arab media outlets – reportedly featuring the voice of Michel Kilo, a top Syrian opposition figure – sharp criticism was aimed at Saudi Arabia and

Statements of Sergei Lavrov and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

LIVE: Sergei Lavrov holds joint press conference with Thorbjorn Jagland Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov held a joint press conference with Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland, following their meeting in Moscow on Tuesday, December 6. Lavrov on the bombing of the Russian hospital and Aleppo crisis at [15:00]     Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation #SYRIA Russian Defence Ministry comments on artillery shelling of

From “grandmas separatists” in Mariupol to students in Donetsk the relay race of Russian patriotic songs keeps on, by Scott Humor

It’s almost impossible to explain to people who didn’t grew up in the Soviet Union, or in the 90s, how truly these songs bring people together. Performed by the Russian people living under an occupation by our historical enemies, these songs bring tears even to my eyes. Even though, I am not a sentimental person. A serious campaigns in mass media is on its way to discredit this singing movement.

People in Ukraine resist the occupation by singing Soviet wartime patriotic songs, by Scott Humor

Flash mobs performing Soviet Patriotic songs across Ukraine It’s all started in Zaporozhye with a song Spring on Zarechnaya street on November 13th. Next, it was a Soviet song Old Maple in Kharkov on November 21st. On November 27th 2016, people of Odessa came to the central train station to sing together Smuglyanka-Moldovanka And… On the same day November 27th, inside the Kievskaya train station in Moscow a group performed

Flash mobs performing Soviet Patriotic songs across Ukraine

Spring on Zarechnaya street theme song performed in Zaporozhye Old Maple in Kharkov   November 27th 2016, people are singing Smuglyanka-Moldovanka  inside the Odessa train station   Смуглянка-Молдаванка Smuglyanka-Moldovanka “the dark haired Moldovan girl” is a song immensely popular during the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945 and ever after. Смуглянка, песня из кинофильма “В бой идут одни старики” This is a movie version from the film “Battle For Old Men (Tried

The Russian destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov rescues a Ukrainian fishing vessel in the Mediterranean

Kind of a symbolic news item today: the The Russian Navy destroyer Vice-Admiral Kulakov has rescued the Ukrainian fishing ship “097” in the Mediterranean.  The engines of the fishing vessel “097” broke down and she was adrift for two days until her captain decided to send an SOS.  The closest ship was the Russian destroyer who came to her help (no NATO or EU vessel offered to help).  The Russians

Soviet song Old Maple performed at the Kharkov train station in Ukraine

Following  the November 13th vocalists of the Zaporozhye musical College of Mayboroda performance  the hit song from beloved by millions classic film “Spring on Zarechnaya street” The Soviet song flash mob went on this time on the opposite part of the country in Kharkov with a performance of  the song Old maple [ Stariy Klion (Старый клен) ]   No matter how intensely and mercilessly people living in the occupied

CrossTalk: Donald and Vladimir

Nov 18, 2016 President-elect Donald Trump says he wants to improve relations with Russia. The Russian President Vladimir Putin tells us he agrees. What does it mean to have better relations and will the American foreign policy establishment allow this to happen? CrossTalking with Daniel McAdams, an Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, and Andrew Langer, a President of the Institute for Liberty. Follow Scott

Guess who that is?

So who is this? Hard to believe, but this is 24 year old Anastasia Deeva, the newly appointed Ukrainian Deputy Interior Minister for EU Integration. You don’t believe me? Okay, you can get all the details from this article in The Duran: Frankly, I would have expected anything from Arsen Avakov, the psychopathic  Ukie Minister of Interior, but here even I am stomped.  I want to believe that this is
