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Documents showing how the Empire plans to overthrow Putin

This information was posted on an anonymous blog Drakula’s blog:  It looks very credible to me.  Just take a look here for comparison purposes. The Saker ——- West and Ukraine against Putin and his politicians Today I’ve got docs on Russia and Ukraine for you. The West got used to solving its problems using someone else to do the dirty work. Putin’s regime is an eyesore for the U.S., UK

Charles Bausman at the World Russia Forum in DC mentions the Saker blog + corrected stats

NOTE: Just a few corrected stats: There are seven independent Saker blogs in total (original, Russian, French, German, Latin American, Oceania, Italian) in five languages (English, French, Russian, Italian, Spanish).  It is hard to estimate how many people actually work on these blogs in total, but I would say that roughly 100 active members sounds right to me.  I am also trying to get some reliable figures the number of

CrossTalk: The Yemen Template (great show!)

Peter Lavelle, Marcus Papadopoulos, Mark Sleboda, and Eric Draitser do a fantastic job taking apart the absolutely insane and incompetant US policies in the Middle East in general and in Yemen in particular.  A great show – enjoy it! The Saker
