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Posts From The Saker

Serbian Saker blog bounces back with a new life!

Dear friends, The Serbian Saker blog has had a difficult history.  This is the only Saker blog which saw not one, but four complete team changes.  It looks like after a few false starts and the loss of one excellent Team Leader (due to personal circumstances), the Serbian Saker blog is now bouncing back with a new, very dynamic, team. If you have not seen it yet, check out this

“Soft Power” And Cultural Diplomacy In The 21st Century Balkans

The below text is a copy of the speech that Andrew Korybko presented at the “”Soft Power” And Cultural Diplomacy In The 21st Century” international scientific conference at the People’s Friendship University in Moscow on 11 November. First off, I’d like to warmly thank RUDN for hosting this event and the Institute of Strategic Research And Predictions for organizing it. My speech will be about how foreign actors are using

The Middle East Wars: Islamic State SITREP

by John Rambo The Islamic State: The Islamic State is going to get its own section after that last debacle you guys made me eat….. ISIL needs to be defined before a report on their situation can be given. So after this I can just focus on the tactical, operational, and strategic impacts of the Islamic State instead of who and what controls it. How far does the Islamic State

Kuwayres air base liberated by Syrian forces!

Finally! Today the Syrian forces have liberated the Kuwayres airbase.  This is the first operational-level victory for the Syrian armed forces!  RT reports: Elite Syrian army units have broken the siege of Kweires airbase, following weeks of intense fighting against Islamic State and other jihadist forces. The base, which opens up routes for offensives against Raqqa and Aleppo, had been encircled for nearly two years. “We, the heroes of Kweires, are

Germany & EU SITREP by ‘C’

The drivel the German mainstream press fabricates is really hard to swallow. I think it is worthwhile to compare the reporting about MH17 and the recently downed Russian airliner. In the case of MH17 it was difficult and took days to get to the hard facts on the ground. But the press could (and did) not wait to roll out a prefabricated media campaign, that without any doubt concluded that

Potential Chinese Military Participation in Syria – Hype and Reality

by Mister Unknown I recently noticed a South Front Analysis which suggested that China will likely participate in the Russian-led regional coalition against ISIS, and by extension – against CIA-backed rebels, as well as Chinese separatist volunteers from Xinjiang. Such an intervention would be politically and emotionally satisfying to us and to this audience, and it would clearly be in China’s strategic interests to ensure the coalition’s success in Syria

Russia’s intervention in Syria – a reality-based evaluation

It has been over one month since the Russians launched their military and political operation in Syria and the time for hyperbole and flag waving has clearly passed.  Gone are the “most anticipated showdown in recent history” along with rumors of MiG-31s, Russian paratroopers, “thousands” of military personnel, ballistic submarines and other such nonsense.   And, contrary to what some wrote, none of what happened was “coordinated with the White House”. 

A new war began on October 31…

by SouthFront The most up-to-date information indicates the October 31 tragedy was the result of a terrorist act on board the Airbus A321. If that supposition is confirmed, and considering the reaction by the Russian authorities, one might say that Qatar finally got what it wanted—a war. Incidentally, Qatar’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Khaled al-Atyya publicly threatened Russia with “World War Three”. We can’t speak for Russia, but as far

SouthFront Offering Exclusive Digital Book ‘Syrian War Diary’

Dear friends, SouthFront has written an interesting ebook which I want to recommend to you.  Here below is their official announcement. The Saker ——- SouthFront Offering Exclusive Digital Book ‘Syrian War Diary’ The SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence project members and volunteers have prepared the original digital book, Syrian War Diary 1st Episode. The book is dedicated to the first period of the Syrian war. SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence goal is

Week Five of the Russian Intervention in Syria: The Russians Are Digging in

This column was originally written for the Unz Review: Whether this tragedy was directly linked to the war in Syria or not, there is no doubt that the downing of Kogalymavia Flight 9268 was the main event of the past week. Since I have covered this issue elsewhere, I shall not return to it in detail again here. I will just repeat here my personal conclusion that this tragedy
