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Posts From The Saker

Who won? Who lost? You tell me!

I won’t make this one long or analytical.  I am sure that somebody will do that within the next 24 hours.  But I will say this: the Ukrainians blackmailed Russia over gas, and that created North Stream and South Stream.  The Bulgarians decided to cave in to the Eurobureaucrats and that created today’s deal with Turkey.  For 63bcm.  Which happens to be the maximal output of South Stream.  But that

Off-topic but apparently needed: Judaism and Christianity – back to basics

I have received a lot of outraged comments for my statement that Orthodox Judaism is at its core just a type of “anti-Christianity”.  My critiques informed me of the fact that since Judaism was older than Christianity, it could hardly have been an anti-Christianity.    Here are some samples of these comments: Well, the first cannot possibly be true as Judaism existed well over thousand years prior, and ever since was

Is Bezler really naive?

“A united federated Nazi-free Ukraine?”  Please, that train has left the station. Total fantasy at this point“ Andreas Walsh This issue is one which divides many sincere and good people and which I rarely see addressed directly.  And yet, it is a crucial one.  Today, I want to address is head on.The realistic argument (version one)As Otto von Bismarck said, “politics is the science of the possible”.  It is all

Very interesting statement by Bezler

Bezler sure is a strange guy and I have to honestly say that the more I see him, the more I like him.  Yesterday he sure made one interesting statement.  Not only does he hint that he is speaking from the Poltava oblast, deep inside Ukie territory.  Better, he also says that Poroshenko used to sell weapons to the anti-Nazi insurgents.  Finally, and very much in line with his previous

Mikhail Khazin Q&A with the Saker Community

Dear friends, It is a huge pleasure, and honor, for me to present you today with the Q&A between Mikhail Khazin and the Saker Community.  For those who might have missed it, here it is (including a biography of Mr Khazin): This was truly a massive effort, not only on the part of Mr. Khazin to whom I am immensely grateful for taking the time to reply in detail

The future of the Nazi Ukraine in 90 seconds

Check the sad and, frankly, pathetic footage recently taken at the Ukrainain-Polish border: these poor people are trying to storm the Polish checkpoint every day to try to sell or barter something, or to find a job.  This has been happening every day.  The saddest thing about that is that this is only a timid beginning for a phenomenon which will inexorably grow.  The poor Ukies can sing “Ще не

Russian commander warns US could control whole Gulf of Mexico

How is that for a ridiculous headline?  You like it?Well, it is just a little variation of a BBC headline today: Nato commander warns Russia could control whole Black Sea Here is an except from this article: Russia’s top military commander, Gen Valerii Gerasimov, has warned that US “militarisation” of the annexed Florida Peninsula could be used to exert control over the whole Gulf of Mexico. Well, the real excerpt

Supporting the Rouble And Other Energy Exporter’s Currencies

by George Oprisko Earler, you specifically mentioned that currencies of many energy exporters, eg: Venezuela, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia, and Ecuador have dropped sharply against the US Dollar. This essay explores the reasons behind the observed sellof(s), and debunks the myth that each currency stands on it’s own, and is a unique case, instead asserting that concerted action by one party is responsible. The party I believe to be responsible

Major political faceplant for French Resistance leader Alain Soral

Dear friends, Just a few days after I posted a report about the French Resistance to the Empire, a really sad news came out of France: Alain Soral, the leader of the movement “Equality and Reconciliation” (E&R) was involved in a disgusting and, frankly, pathetic scandal mixing race, ideology and sex.  The story just broke in the French media, the parties disagree on a number of things and Soral is

SitRep Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia 17 Nov – 23 Nov (NEW FORMAT!)

SitRep Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia 17 Nov – 23 Nov A perambulation around the periphery of Ukraine, looking at local and regional viewpoints. The media coverage varies from relatively neutral to rabidly nationalist. Note: some urls in the links are prefixed with ‘’ . This form provides the reader with a Yandex translated version of the source. The original article can be reached by removing this prefix. Kharkov has experienced

Absolutely crucial statement by Foreign Minister Lavrov (*MUST READ*!)

Note: Finally the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs found the time, energy and personnel to translate this most important statement. They even posted it (thanks to Jonathan Jarvis for the pointer!). And if you detect irritation on my part you are correct – I am frustrated with how incompetent Russians are in anything relating to public information. Anyway, I have bolded out what I consider to be the most important

The Scotsman who took a shrapnel wound for Russia

Yup, I managed to get two mistakes into one title yesterday:  Graham Phillips is not English, but Scottish, and his would was caused not by a bullet, but by shrapnel.  The good news is that he is doing well, here he is making a short statement from the hospital.  And, yes, for those who might wonder, he is speaking in Russian, not English, even if his Russians does sound very,

The Englishman who took a bullet for Russia

I have been aware of the numerous reports by Graham Phillips from Novorussia and I knew that he had been kidnapped by Ukrainian goons not once, but twice.  What always touched me in his reports was the visible fondness of the Novorussians for Graham, and in this video below you will see them calling him “Gremchik”.Not even Graham (terrible!) British accent could be an obstacle for the respect and affection
