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Posts From The Saker

News about Auslander

Dear friends,I just wanted to let you know that ‘Auslander’ is doing well.  I know – I saw him face to face :-)Really, he managed to organize a visit to the USA and we met and spent a full day together.  I could not write about this before as I wanted him to leave the territory of the USA before posting this.  He is doing well and he told me

Podcast project – let’s give it a first try, okay?

Dear friends,Since several of you have expressed interest for this, let’s give it a try.I invite you post your questions in the comments section below (on any topic) and I will try to record a podcast with my replies.  Please do not send me questions by email (I have way too many emails to answer already!).  Also – and just to make clear – I don’t promise to necessarily reply

“Ebola is a Big Lie”

Note: I am submitting the following article to your attention “for your information”.  While I personally do not have the knowledge to have an opinion about this topic, I think that leaving the MSM a monopoly of information on Ebloa is dangerous.  As always, your comments are invited.The Saker——- “Ebola is a Big Lie” — “Nana Kwame” from Ghana speaks out – and a new False Flag of horror dimensions in

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 20 Oct – 26 Oct

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATO Volunteers from the Tachyiv district have shipped ~ 2.5 tons of supplies to the front. These supplies intended for Aidar, the 128th Brigade and the 24th Brigade are described as ‘humanitarian aid’, and consist mainly of winter clothing along with a few specialist items such as night vision imaging devices. Some have raised concerns over these latter items as they appear to have been bought at

Blog news update – decisions, decisions…

Dear friends, Wow!  Really.  Wow!  Your response to my Community Brainstorming: I am swimming against a Tsunami post was nothing short of massive, huge.  I got more donations then ever before, I got long and very moving letters of support, and I got a lot of very good advice and suggestions.  Frankly, I had never expected such an outpouring of support and I am immensely grateful to you all for

Bizarre participation figures in Ukie elections

According to Vzgliad quoting TASS, these are some of the figures of participation:  On average over 30%.  The lowest was in the Zakarpatia Oblast: 12.20%; the highest in the Zaporozhie Oblast 36.75%. Then, somehow, the Ukies managed to get 14.65% Donetsk and 13.07% in Lugansk.  And then this figure: in Odessa 13.22%. Uh?!  Does that mean that there were fewer people voting in Odessa then in Donetsk or Lugansk regions?! 

Oligarchs beat Nazis in Ukraine elections

According to exit polls, here are the (provisional) results of the elections in Banderastan:Poroshenko: 23%Iatseniuk: 21%Self-Help: 13%Opposition Block: 7%Liashko: 6%Tiagnibok: 5%Timoshenko: 5%Assuming this is more or less correct, this means that the various oligarch controlled parties (in blue above) have won a strong victory against the various Nazi parties (in red): 44% vs 16%.  Even if we add the Self-Help party to the Nazis, we still get 44% vs 29%.I

What could the next Junta offensive against Novorussia look like?

Dear friends,On July 1st of this year – just before an imminent Ukie attack – I made a short post entitled Novorussia – Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and settle for anything in the middle in which I was trying to prepare my readers for the possible consequences of a massive Ukrainian assault. Разбор полетов – “after action report” Looking back, I would say that what actually

Which logo do you prefer? (UPDATED!)

Dear friends, I need to decide which logo to use on the new blog.  Which one do you prefer?Thanks,The Saker UPDATE: it just ‘hit me’ that we are a community, right? Okay – if you want to submit a logo of your own, please do.  I make no promises to use it, but if I like it I will add it to the list of logos submitted for comments in this survey

Putin’s speech at the Valdai Club – full transcript

Colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, friends, it is a pleasure to welcome you to the XI meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club. It was mentioned already that the club has new co-organisers this year. They include Russian non-governmental organisations, expert groups and leading universities. The idea was also raised of broadening the discussions to include not just issues related to Russia itself but also global politics and the economy. I

Ukraine mini-SITREP: very ominous developments (follow up)

This post is a short follow-up to the Ukraine mini-SITREP: very ominous developments post I did a couple of days ago.Several of you have noticed what can only be called a declaration of war on Russia by one of the top figures of the AngloZionist international capital, George Soros who has declared that “Russia is an existential threat to Europe“.  First, Khodorkovsky, now Soros – it is pretty clear who

Is the CIA Running a Defamation Campaign Against Putin?

Russia Insider interviews The Saker The latest hot topic in the Russian media. Russian politicians are talking about it. Historical precedent and behavior of Western media suggests that they are. A major topic in the Russian media is mystification with how Putin is portrayed in the Western media. Wildly popular at home, and seen as a decent, modest, an admirable person, and Russians don’t understand how there can be such

Ukraine mini-SITREP: very ominous developments

This short post is just to inform you of the latest developments in the war in the Ukraine.Following the use of a tactical ballistic missile against Donetsk by the Ukies, Zakharchenko has declared that the ceasefire was basically over.Strelkov has made an official appeal warning that according to this information the Ukies were massing troops in preparation for an attack.  According to Strelkov, the Ukie plan is for a very

Community “counter-Tsunami” response: fantastic!

Dear friends,I just wanted to thank you all for the huge response you gave to my appeal yesterday.  Not only did donations come in as never before, you also gave me extremely valuable advice (in both public comments and private emails).  You have also pointed out some mistakes I have made in the past which I shall not repeat again.  In the very near future, I will write up a response

Community brainstorming: I am swimming against a Tsunami

Dear friends,As I mentioned yesterday, I have come to the conclusion that I need to share with you the problems which I and my blog are having and, frankly, to ask for your help.  I have been trying to avoid this, but several good friends have strongly urged me to do so and time has proven that they were right.First, I will begin by a short “state of the community”

October Nigeria SITREP (Boko Haram)

by ‘Fulan Nasrullah’A few salient points on the so called Ceasefire: 1. There is no ceasefire between the trio of Jamaa’atu Ahlis-Sunnah (‘Alal-Haqq) of Sheikh Bukar, Ansorul-Muslimiin Harakatul-Muhajiriin, and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.These groups have been engaged in a heavy battles with the Cameroonians on their side of the Mandara Mountains, and they agreed to a temporary cessation of hostilities with Cameroon in several sectors along the border. Part

Top Putin advisors and experts discuss economy, sanctions & central bank

Dear friends,There is no overstating the importance of the video and transcript I am posting today.  In a crucial moment of the confrontation between the AngloZionist Empire and Russia, two top Putin advisors – Sergei Glaziev and Mikhail Khazin – openly and very candidly discuss the “economic front” of this global war.  Both of these man are top level economists, both of them have a first hand and truly immense

German intelligence report on MH17

by Alexander Mercouris It seems the German intelligence agency the BND has provided a Bundestag committee with a report that once again attributes the MH17 shoot down to the NAF. The report has not been published but for me the single most interesting thing in it is that it apparently finally demolishes the theory that MH17 was shot down by a BUK system secretly transferred to the NAF by the

Major problems for me and this blog – community brainstorming tomorrow, okay?

Dear friends,As many of you have noticed, the new blog was down, now it is back up, but with a older version which is missing at least two posts and many comments.  My fault, my bad.  Now I need to fix it.  I will.  Still,To be honest, I am having major problems and, to be equally honest, I need you guys to help me.  I am too tired right now
