
Russian and Ukrainian sources are reporting a major battle near Lugansk

Russian and Ukrainian sources are reporting that a major battle took place near Lugansk.  According to these sources, the entire Ukrainian 79th “brigade” was completely wiped off.  The same Ukie sources report 50 killed and 100 wounded.  Russian TV spoke of 30 to 150 killed.  Apparently, the Ukrainians were attacked at about 4:40AM by MLRS (multiple rocker launchers) fire and when they tried to evacuate they were attacked again by

Press-Conference of Alexander Borodai and Igor Strelkov, July 10, 2014

Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov(Note: Rough Translation; Subject to Change) Video: Press-Conference of Alexander Borodai and Igor Stelkov, Donetsk, July 10, 2014 Introduction from Alexander Borodai Alexander Borodai: Yes, we can commence. Hello, friends! Today’s press-conference, or a briefing, it does not matter what you call it, for me, and I believe for both of us, is a particularly happy occasion because it is conducted with a new

The reality of Ukie politics today: it *is* a freak show

Today, I have an extremely telling transcript to share with you.  This is an intercepted telephone call (thank you SVR/ 6th GRU/Spetsviaz FSO!) between Igor Kolomoiskii and one of the Ukie media CEO Alexander Tkachenko (For those of you who speak Russian, the conversation is available here and here).  Here is the transcript: T – Hello,K – Are you done talking shit yet?T – Hello, Igor ValerievichK – Didn’t you

July 10th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

Funny Quote of The Day: From the BBC “Israel under renewed Hamas Attack.” Funny Quote of the Day Two: Iranian representative to Iraqi Kurdistan “The Kurds should not RUSH to declare independence.” It’s Elementary Deduction: In a famous Sherlock Holmes short story, Silver Blaze, Holmes got the key to the murder in this dialog: Scotland Yard detective: Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my

Very interesting video – the people of Kramatorsk vs Ukie occupiers (UPDATED)

This video is nothing short of amazing. Think of it, these people are openly confronting what is clearly Ukie death-squad and not just some regular military unit (their gear is brand new and clearly imported).  Even more amazing is the language used.  While I don’t feel like translating it into English, I will say that it is just about the most overly aggressive, rude and provocative as it gets.  You

It is way too early to give up on Putin or to dismiss the Novorussian resistance

Apparently, my post today expressing my disgust with the way outside forces were arrogantly deciding the future of 7 million citizens of the Donbass was interpreted as an admission on my part that I have given up on Putin (even though I had clearly written “Let’s even add to this, for conversation’s sake, that Putin has decided to yield to the terms of these AngloZionist and that the Kremlin has

July 9th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

NB: Please note that I am not mentioning/addressing the Israeli Palestinian conflict in these SITREPs. I expect very little to change there in terms of (im)Balance of Power, unless Hezballah decides to step in (unlikely for now). The suffering of the people there, is endless. Correction: In yesterday’s SITREP I referred to Tom Malinowski as the US Ambassador to Bahrain. He is not, he is the US Assistant Secretary of

CrossTalk: Ukraine, End of Beginning (+ commentary)

Commentary:First, I have to admit that I could not bring myself to watch this show to the end.  Listening to Mary Dejevsky spew her arrogant certitudes about the Ukraine gave me a stomach ache and I had to stop.  What I do want to draw your attention to, however, is the idea which seems to have been somehow accepted by by Mary Dejevsky and Ray McGovern: that the EU and

Interview with Igor Strelkov, First Republican Channel (DPR), July 8, 2014

Video: Interview with Igor Strelkov, July 8, 2014translation by Gleb Bazov(three possible sources showing the same video) Host: Good day, today, in the studio of our First Republican television channel, we welcome, for the purpose of making an address to the citizens of DPR [Donetsk People’s Republic], the Minister of Defence and the Chairman of the Security Council, Igor Ivanovich Strelkov … Igor Strelkov: Good day. Host: And the

July 8th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

Iraq SITREP 8th July: Battle for Tikrit A VERY INTERESTING LINK: YOUTUBE LINK: It shows Daash/ISIS being a proxy of US interests. It’s Rolex wearing Caliph America’s man. A subversion similar to the government backed Islamists during the Algerian Civil War. 7th July: Three mortar shells land near the Northern Saudi town of Arar. It is unclear who fired the rounds near the Iraqi Saudi border 7th July:

For Russia the issues is tactics, not strategy

I think that the unexpected fall of Slaviansk hit us all very hard.  We were used to think of it as a new Stalingrad, as a Donbass version of Bint Jbeil, and the sudden withdrawal of Strelkov’s forces was a surprise for us all.  And I really mean us all, including the Ukies (who had predicted that Strelkov would fight to the last bullet there).  And that is exactly what

Polkovnik (Colonel) Strelkov

by Auslander Sketch by Christopher I’ve read a lot of reports this morning about, according to The West, the ‘catastrophic defeat of the terrorists and rebels with massive casualties’ and the ‘glorious victory of the Ukraine army in evicting the terrorists from their bastion of Slavyansk’ sometimes followed with ‘the incredible destruction carried out by the terrorists as they retreated through Slavyansk’ and in one article ‘the freeing of the

July 7th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo

Iraq SITREP 7th July: Gloves are coming off!!! A VERY IMPORTANT LINK: It shows Daash/ISIS being a proxy of US interests. It’s Rolex wearing Caliph America’s man. A subversion similar to the government backed Islamists during the Algerian Civil War. I will be posting this again in tomorrow’s SITREP for those that may miss it today. 6th July: Iranian Brigadier General Massoud Jazeyri refers to America as the intelligence

Open letter of The Collective of and Publishers to the Russian and Russian Speaking People

Russian and russian speaking friends, welcome to you all! We, people who are living in the west, we salute you. And we are delighted, really delighted, to at last be able to say to you, “NO, NOT EVERYONE FROM US IS AGAINST YOU.” And it is very important to us that you get to know it, that you are convinced of it, that you understand that here, for example in

Important news about this blog, its future, and its mission

Dear friends,Clearly the situation in Novorussia is rapidly turning into a full-scale war and, as Juan always reminds us, it will get much worse before it gets better again.  In this context, I believe that the “informational war” in which we are all participating is more important than ever.  In this context, I have several good news to announce about the future of this blog:1) The Vineyard of the Saker

Background information on the situation in the Ukraine

Dear friends, I am publishing the following map and videos “for your information”, as background information about the current situation. This map is current as of yesterday.  It is in Russian, but it is also rather self-explanatory. Please click here for a very high resolution version of this map I have to tell you honestly that I do not have the time or stomach the following videos which were sent

The German government is acting on it´s own accord as an accomplice, not a vassal of US strategy

Introduction: I am deeply honored and grateful to Dagmar Henn for allowing me to publish here an email she sent me recently. Let me immediately say that I do not agree with her main thesis (that the German government is not a vassal but an accomplice) but my personal views on this topic are irrelevant. What matters is that she makes a very interesting case and that if she is
