
Is the CIA Running a Defamation Campaign Against Putin?

Russia Insider interviews The Saker The latest hot topic in the Russian media. Russian politicians are talking about it. Historical precedent and behavior of Western media suggests that they are. A major topic in the Russian media is mystification with how Putin is portrayed in the Western media. Wildly popular at home, and seen as a decent, modest, an admirable person, and Russians don’t understand how there can be such

Ukraine mini-SITREP: very ominous developments

This short post is just to inform you of the latest developments in the war in the Ukraine.Following the use of a tactical ballistic missile against Donetsk by the Ukies, Zakharchenko has declared that the ceasefire was basically over.Strelkov has made an official appeal warning that according to this information the Ukies were massing troops in preparation for an attack.  According to Strelkov, the Ukie plan is for a very

Community “counter-Tsunami” response: fantastic!

Dear friends,I just wanted to thank you all for the huge response you gave to my appeal yesterday.  Not only did donations come in as never before, you also gave me extremely valuable advice (in both public comments and private emails).  You have also pointed out some mistakes I have made in the past which I shall not repeat again.  In the very near future, I will write up a response

Community brainstorming: I am swimming against a Tsunami

Dear friends,As I mentioned yesterday, I have come to the conclusion that I need to share with you the problems which I and my blog are having and, frankly, to ask for your help.  I have been trying to avoid this, but several good friends have strongly urged me to do so and time has proven that they were right.First, I will begin by a short “state of the community”

October Nigeria SITREP (Boko Haram)

by ‘Fulan Nasrullah’A few salient points on the so called Ceasefire: 1. There is no ceasefire between the trio of Jamaa’atu Ahlis-Sunnah (‘Alal-Haqq) of Sheikh Bukar, Ansorul-Muslimiin Harakatul-Muhajiriin, and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.These groups have been engaged in a heavy battles with the Cameroonians on their side of the Mandara Mountains, and they agreed to a temporary cessation of hostilities with Cameroon in several sectors along the border. Part

Top Putin advisors and experts discuss economy, sanctions & central bank

Dear friends,There is no overstating the importance of the video and transcript I am posting today.  In a crucial moment of the confrontation between the AngloZionist Empire and Russia, two top Putin advisors – Sergei Glaziev and Mikhail Khazin – openly and very candidly discuss the “economic front” of this global war.  Both of these man are top level economists, both of them have a first hand and truly immense

German intelligence report on MH17

by Alexander Mercouris It seems the German intelligence agency the BND has provided a Bundestag committee with a report that once again attributes the MH17 shoot down to the NAF. The report has not been published but for me the single most interesting thing in it is that it apparently finally demolishes the theory that MH17 was shot down by a BUK system secretly transferred to the NAF by the

Major problems for me and this blog – community brainstorming tomorrow, okay?

Dear friends,As many of you have noticed, the new blog was down, now it is back up, but with a older version which is missing at least two posts and many comments.  My fault, my bad.  Now I need to fix it.  I will.  Still,To be honest, I am having major problems and, to be equally honest, I need you guys to help me.  I am too tired right now

Igor Strelkov replies to Mikhail Khodorkovsky (UPDATED!)

Dear friends,Today I am submitting to your attention two interesting documents. A speech by “ex-oligarch and mobster now turned democratic activist” Mikhail Khodorkovsky and a reply to that speech by Igor Strelkov. Make no mistake, there is a war going on. True, it has not yet turned into a shooting war with armies on both sides unleashing their power, but this is a war nevertheless. This war opposes, on one

New Blog down

Dear friends,The new blog is down (good thing I kept this one open).  As soon as I find out what is going on, I will let you know.  In the meantime, the big news is that following today’s ballistic missile strike on Donetsk, Zakharchenko has declared the ceasefire over.I apologize for all the problems with the new blog. The Saker

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 06 Oct – 12 Oct

Transcarpathia ATO Some of the injured and wounded ATO forces reported last week have been identified and reported in local Transcarpathian press. One ATO action against the Novorossian forces resulted in the death of one individual and the wounding of six, one seriously. The dead man has been identified as Major Victor Semental. The man seriously injured has died of his wounds. He has been identified as Robert Petrovich, 24

Blog news and donations update

Dear friends,This has been a “week from hell” for me, with the main blog down for days, but now at least this problem has been fixed.  Still, since there are still some odd things happening with the new blog, I will continue to double-post on both blogs, for the time being.The Latin American Saker Blog is coming along nicely with a top-notch team being assembled for various Latin American countries

EXCLUSIVE: Mikhail Khazin Q&A with Saker Blog readers

Dear friends, Do I have a treat for your today!! The famous Russian economist Mikhail Khazin has agreed to participate in a Q&A with the readers of this blog. Here how this will work: during all of next week (until Friday the 24th 6PM GMT), you will have the possibility to submit questions to Mr Khazin. Then the Russian Saker Blog Team and myself will select the best ones and

A “revisionist Russia” on “NATO’s doorstep”

RT reports:US State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki and Pentagon Press Secretary Rear Adm. John Kirby have been challenged over the Department of Defense’s claims that the US must “deal” with “modern and capable” Russian armed forces on NATO’s doorstep. Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu expressed “grave concern” and “surprise” at a Wednesday speech made by US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel during the Association of the United States Army’s annual

Alexander Mercouris: Deadlock and Gas Talks in Milan

Dear friends, It is a huge pleasure to announce today, specifically in response to the request of many of you, Alexander Mercouris has agreed to send me his his FaceBook analytical posts for posting here.  I have a huge respect for Alexander and I am delighted to welcome him here as a regular contributor. The Saker——-Alexander Mercouris: Deadlock and Gas Talks in Milanby Alexander Mercouris Deadlock in MilanNews from the

Is Russia Trying To Crash The American Stock Market?

by ZenVortex It appears that Russia, probably in collaboration with China, is retaliating against sanctions and oil price manipulation by trying to disrupt the Anglo/Zionist money markets and crash the American stock market. If successful, the strategy will produce an economic decline in the USA and Europe similar to that which followed the collapse of the American housing market in 2008. Last week saw a major increase in volatility in

State Crime in Iguala, Guerrero (Mexico)

By Rolando Garrido Romo In these days the people of Mexico are facing a double assault by the political and economic elite of the country, subservient to Washington, which mainly aims to strengthen control over financial and natural resources of the country through the implementation of reforms imposed by the government of president Peña Nieto; and at the same time criminalizing social protest, suppressing all dissent sample or rejection by

Various small notes + Open Thread

Dear friends,As you can see, the new blog is still down.  I was told by my IT specialist that it will be back up tonight. As soon as I know something I will let you know too. Guys, Hebrew is not the second language in the Ukraine.  Rate your sources, okay?  (FYI – What is true is that the junta wants to make English the second language).Gubarev was shot at.

Geopoliticians discuss the Russian response to America’s ‘declaration of war’

Dear friends,Today, thanks again to the absolutely fantastic work of the Russian and Oceania Saker Blog I can share with you a fully translated and subtitled video of a Russian talk show which I find particularly important. Let me explain.The show in question called “Sunday evening with Vladimir Soloviev” is one of the most watched shows on Russian TV. It airs at prime time, right after the main Sunday evening
