
Two important sources of statistical data

Dear friends,I want to share with you two very interesting articles.The first one was originally posted in the Oceania Saker Blog.  Written by Alexander Latsa, a Russian analyst, and entitled “Russian Demographics: Winter or Spring, depending on whether the analysis comes from the West or from Russia itself“, it takes a close look into the topic of Russian demographics.The second one was posted on the website No Bread and Circuses

Mike Whitney interviews the Saker for Counterpunch

The Ukraine, As We Know It, Is Gone Forever by MIKE WHITNEY for Counterpunch The Saker is an ex-military analyst who was born in Europe to a family of Russian refugees. He now lives in Florida where he writes the Vineyard of the Saker blog and is a regular contributor to Russia Insider. The international community of Saker Blogs includes, besides the original Saker blog, French, German, Russian, Oceania and

Is the US Getting Ready to Dump Poroshenko?

It looks like Poroshenko’s days are numbered. His most likely replacement? The extreme right. originally written by The Saker for Russia Insider So the “great genius” of Ukrainian military strategy, the man who promised to organize a victory parade for the Ukrainian army in Sevastopol was fired. Officially, of course, Ukrainian Defence Minister Valerii Geletei submitted his resignation which was accepted. But the truth of the matter is that Heletey

Ukraine SITREP October 14th, 00:45 UTC/Zulu: Dark clouds over Novorussia

Things decidedly do not look good right now.  Poroshenko has replaced that clown Geletei with a bona fide war criminal Col. Gen. Stepan Poltorak, a far more dangerous and evil character who used to be the commander in chief of the junta’s death squads (aka “national guard”). Stepan Poltarak The fact that Poroshenko would appoint such an odious figure indicates that he is trying to appease the neo-Nazis who are

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 06 Oct – 12 Oct

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATOSpecific figures for the Transcarpathian contribution to the fighting in the east are starting to appear. Mukachevo news reports that more than 3000 local people are serving at the eastern front. These figures, starting from March 2014, include 742 troops, presumably members of the 128th Mountain Infantry Brigade, along with 217 border guards from the city of Mukachevo and a further 153 from the town of Chop.

First Latin American SITREP

Dear friends, As I have mentioned to you, we are working on the creation of a Latin American Saker Blog. The person in charge is organizing an multi-country team of volunteers (if you are interested, please email me) and I will tell you that from my exchanges with this person I have very high hopes for the Latin American Saker Blog. Not only will this add a huge audience to

Ukraine SITREP October 11th, 13:05 UTC/Zulu: no Novorussian “sellout” after all

A few short items about the situation in the Ukraine. First, here is the latest map of the combat situation: (for high res click here) Second, Colonel Cassad is confirming that the Russians are finishing the pipeline which will bring Russian gas to some areas of Novorussia over the course of the upcoming winter.Third, Cassad also confirms that while the voentorg (Russian covert military aid) is currently closed, the Novorussians

Novorussian field commander Givi talks about the Donetsk airport situation

Dear friends, Tonight I want to share two videos with you.  The first one is of a young but very talented Novorussian commander known has “Givi” who is one of the two commanders tasked with securing the Dontesk Airport (the other one being “Motorola”).  In this video Givi explains what that problem is: But, while I am at it, I wanted to share another short video showing Givi being interviewed

Serbian Saker blog joins the Saker community

Dear friends,I have the pleasure to inform our community that the Serbian Saker Blog is now officially online at the following address: blog also contains a large archives of my previous articles all translated into Serbian.I am especially honored and delighted to welcome the entire Serbian Saker Blog Team to the Saker community because of the obvious (and frightening) similarities between the events of the US/NATO war against Serbia in

A very moving video

The following video has deeply moved me. In a way, it is emblematic of the entire conflict in the (now ex-) Ukraine. It shows the profound simplicity and humanity of one of those combatants whom the AngloZionists and the Nazis in Kiev call “terrorists” and the equally profound in-humanity of those Junta Repression Forces whom we can hear in the background using heavy artillery to indiscriminately murder Novorussian civilians (Novorussian

Four minor housekeeping issues

Dear friends, In this short post I just want to share with you four small housekeeping items: 1) Your suggestions and comments about the new blog: they have all been carefully parsed and we have made a few immediate corrections, but there are still major problems with the migration to the new blog which have to be taken care of first before we turn to ironing out the aesthetic issues.

Ukraine SITREP October 8th, 16:00 UTC/Zulu: The calm before the storm?

Military situation The situation in the Ukraine and Novorussia is a very tense and could lead to a major resumption of hostilities.The Junta Repression Forces (JRF) have used the ceasefire to lick their wounds, get reorganized, concentrate their forces, bring in much needed reinforcements, prepare defensive fortifications and bring in new units.  The Novorussian Armed Forces (NAF) have done the same but, unlike the JRF, the NAF suffer from a

First reply to your comments about the new blog

Dear friends,Please forgive the short reply, I am swamped with work, but I want to let you know that the following change to the new blog has  already been approved: adding  another box on the right hand column with St George ribbon in it.  This box will also include links to the blogs philosophy, moderation policy, and a quick blurb about anonymous postings are welcome. Second, the domain name/URL

Is Kiev Wildly Understating Combat Deaths?

by Charles Bausman for Russia InsiderIn the past two weeks persistent rumors that Kiev has been hiding thousands of killed and wounded Ukrainian servicemen and ‘volunteers battalion’ casualties have forced their way into the Ukrainian press. The most vocal allegations of a cover-up of Ukrainian combat deaths comes not from Russian media or the leaders of the ‘separatist’ Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, but from right wing MP and Radical


Dear friends,It is with a huge pleasure that I can announce some very good and long waited  news: the new Saker blog is now up and running and you can use either of the two following links to access it: and My wonderful IT team (A, F and MB – thanks guys!!) put a lot of work into importing seven years worth of posts and comments and to

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 28 Sep – 05 Oct

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATO Charitable events continue as a means of supplying aid to troops in the east. Returning troops from the 15th Mountain Infantry Battalion of the 128th Brigade have stated the prime need is for diesel generators, fuel, heaters, thermal underwear and winter clothing. Collections and other actions have raised funds of at least 41,000 UAH (~ $3000) for supplies such as canned food, fast food, coffee and

Dear Children of Hong Kong

by an anonymous resident of Hong Kong Dear children of Hong Kong: Most if not all of you are very concerned about the puzzling scenes and conflicting interpretations/comments (some with fake photos) flying around, each perhaps serving some untold purposes. Concerned but not necessarily adequately informed (not as those who have followed the socio-political development in Hong Kong as a cool pursuit of truth rather than passion – to look

What the battle for the Donetsk airport reveals about the Ukrainian and Novorussian forces

I hear contradictory reports about the situation of Donetsk airport ranging from “airport 90% in Novorussian hands” to “airport taken”.  Whatever may be the case, I believe that there is a pretty good chance that the Novorussians are correct when they say that airport will be taken this week-end.  I took a quick look at the site to get the latest report and this is what I saw: There
