
No posts were censored and nobody banned

Dear friends,I have absolutely no idea what happened recently, but I am getting comments and emails form many of you saying that their comments had been “censored”.  Guys, I did not censor any comments or, much less so, ban anybody (well, I did trash a few comments, but they were either totally insulting and rude, or spam; I mean no “normal” comment was trashed) Blogger is clearly doing something weird

Murderous lawyers, mainstream officials, the decline of the state and fish soup

Several of you have posted links about that in the comments, but I want to confirm in a separate post that the murderous thug I mentioned a yesterday has been identified. Here is the info Russia Insider posted about him: Apparently he was arrested on charges of violence during the melee, and held for a while, but then released. During the court proceeding deciding his release, pro-Kiev activists demonstrated in

An example of the Russian 5th column at work

Over the recent days bad economic news have been pouring in for Russia: the prices of bread, cheese, medicine, meats and many other product have been going up, some of them sharply.  At the same time, the Ruble has reached a new low against the Dollar which forced the Russian Central Bank to intervene to defend the Ruble.No doubt, Obama would say that the sanctions are showing their effectiveness.Except for

Daily life in Banderastan

Today, the Parliamentarian Nestor Shufrich was beat up by thugs of the Right Sector.  The cops stood by and watched.See for yourself:In Kharkov, a man was found impaled on a church fence, his body attached with electrician’s tape to the fence.  Medical gloves were found on the site.  According to witnesses, he was killed by Right Sector activists on suspicion of being a sympathizer of Novorussia.  According to official police

Short Analysis by Mindfriedo: Struggle for Iraq: Saqlawiyah says it all!

Following is a chronology of events that took place in mid to end September at the Iraqi Army base of Saqlawiyah (Saqlawiyah is located to the north of Fallujah) -Daash and allied Sunni fighters take over a few villages to the north of Fallujah -One of the towns taken over is Sijir, close to Saqlawiyah Military Base -The Iraqi Army sends in 400 men from the 3rd Brigade, an elite

Let’s make sure this video goes viral!

Dear friends, I am still personally in “maintenance mode” until this evening, but I wanted to drop by to urge you all to check out my latest post on Russia Insider and, especially, the “forensic video” RI posted today which clearly shows the face of one the leaders of the Nazi gangs of “Ukrainian Interahamwe” which murdered an unknown number of people (officially 42, according to Novorussian sources over 200)

Blog news and donations (+open thread)

Dear friends,First, the good news: our IT specialists are finalizing the final touches of the new blog and, God willing, it should go live before the end of the week.  I will make an official announcement when everything is ready, so don’t worry about missing anything.Second, today I have so much technical and administrative things to deal with and so many emails that I have to reply to that I

Transcarpathia and Transnistria SitRep 21 Sep – 27 Sep

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATO The ad hoc local collections of funds and material for Transcarpathian police and military units continues. The local football league raised 7647 UAH, and a group of students raised sufficient for 200 pairs insulated rubber boots. Modern personal protection equipment funded through donations was supplied to a group of Transcarpathian police officers due to head to the east. Hubal, the recently appointed Head of the Transcarpathian

Dmitri Rogozin interviewed by Vladimir Soloviev

Dear friends,Today, thanks to the fantastic work of the Saker Community [English Transcription & Translation: Marina (Russian Saker), Katya (Oceania Saker) & CG (Russian Saker) Editing & Production: Augmented Ether (Oceania Saker)] I can share with you a most interesting interview of Dmitri Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Head of the Military-Industrial Commission, Special Envoy of the President and one of the most interesting and influential representatives of the

The Russian response to a double declaration of war

The context: a double declaration of war Listening to Poroshenko a few days ago and then to Obama at the UNGA can leave no doubt whatsoever about the fact that the AngloZionist Empire is at war with Russia.  Yet many believe that the Russian response to this reality is inadequate.  Likewise, there is a steady stream of accusations made against Putin about Russia’s policy towards the crisis in the Ukraine. 

Speech delivered by Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on September 23rd, 2014

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be upon the Seal of Prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad, on his chaste and pure Household, on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. Frankly tonight I have more than one point to tackle: the

Iraq SITREP Update 26th September: Enemy of my enemy

NB: These SITREPs that Saker allows to be posted here will now be twice a week. Significant news events will be posted, recurring ones like the repeated failed attempts to take back a city, like Tikrit by the Iraqi military, will be avoided; unless there are other repercussions to that event. Also body counts are too depressing to keep reporting and there are other sources that list the everyday dead

The Threat of War and the Russian Response

by Sergey Glazyev for Russia in Global AffairsHow to Lead a Coalition and Avoid a Global Conflict  Sergei Glaziev is an Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Summary: The world needs a coalition of sound forces advocating stability – a global anti-war coalition with a positive plan for rearranging the international financial and economic architecture on the principles of mutual benefit,

Is peace in the Ukraine possible?

by M.Khazin translation by “G’ of М.Хазин, “Может ли быть мир на Украине?” The devaluation of the Ruble and the Yevtushenkov affair have so saturated our mass media that it would seem desirable to stand aside and address a more substantial theme. Namely; under what conditions can the Ukraine know peace? Not just any ‘peace’ but a peace without wholesale disintegration of the country into petty fiefdoms, without a bloodstained

Obama places Russia between the Ebola virus and international terrorism

Full speech here.Video of speech here. This is the except in which Russia and the Ukraine are mentioned: (…)  Russia’s actions in Ukraine challenge this post-war order. Here are the facts. After the people of Ukraine mobilized popular protests and calls for reform, their corrupt President fled. Against the will of the government in Kiev, Crimea was annexed. Russia poured arms into Eastern Ukraine, fueling violent separatists and a conflict

Why Ukraine Will Never Retake Crimea

Written especially for Russia Insider The Ukrainian Defense Minister Valerii Geletei is hardly a credible figure. Not only did he recently declare that Russia had threatened the Ukraine with nuclear strikes, he even told a Ukrainian journalist that Russia had already executed two tactical nuclear strikes on the city of Lugansk (apparently to explain why the Ukrainian forces had to retreat from there). The Junta later denied the story and
