
Open letter to Alexei Mozgovoi from an American activist

Dear Alexey, I deeply resonate with what you’re saying. If yours is indeed the position of Novorussia’s fighters and activists, largely shared by the people, if indeed you stand united behind it, then I will be cheering you on and speaking out in your defense. If you stumble and make mistakes, even terrible ones, I will be sharing your pain and rooting for you to survive, pick yourselves up and

The Zionist-Anglo-Saxon caliphate vs the BRICS

by Peter Koenig Ever since the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) expressed their unison through the formation of a joint Development Bank – Durban, South Africa on 27 March 2013 – the Zionist-Anglo-Saxon caliphate attempted to divide them. The BRICS constitute some 45% of the world population and close to 30% of global GDP. The BRICS idea is to issue a joint alternative currency, fully detached from

The Last King of Scotland: Splitting the ‘Anglo’ in ‘Anglo-Zionist’

Dear friends,It is my *huge* pleasure to share with you an analysis written by American Kulak.  I got it a few days ago exactly as he describes: no questions, no warnings, no heads-up, nothing but the article itself.  I *love* this “just do it” approach as it makes it easy for all sides to make good things happen.  And good his piece really is.  When I read it the first

Why America needs a major war in Europe?

(Please make sure to press the ‘cc’ button at the bottom right of the video window to see the English subtitles) Thanks to all the great folks at the Russian and Oceania Teams who translated, subtitled and produced this version of the video!!Transcription: OlyaTranslation & Editing: KatyaProduction:Marina,Katya & Augmented Ether

Russia’s Response To European Capital Sanctions In One Word

by Tyler Durden for Zero Hedge While the West continues to press the “Russia is increasingly isolated” meme, it appears – as we noted ironically previously, that Vladimir Putin is finding plenty of friends… most notably China. While threats of ‘asymmetric’ retaliation over European sanctions may have been enough to worry Europe’s leaders, the slew of news overnight regarding increased cooperation between China and Russia is likely more damaging to

Igor Strelkov: I will definitely continue to fight for my Homeland in one format or another.

From the English version of the Colonel Cassad blog. The following was posted by Igor Strelkov on a Russian social forum Comrades and the accompanying ladies!Snake [n.b. a nickname of a forum admin?] talked me into logging into the forum and telling at least a few words about what is happening. Due to a number of circumstances I won’t comment in any way on the events that occur in Novorossia.

Alexey Mozgovoi: I Will Continue to the End!

from Gleb Bazov’s Slaviangrad website:Against the Oligarchs and False Politicians. For the People. Novorossiya shall be! Oligarchs out! Power to the real, common people! This is our [first] chance in many decades to build an equitable, human and humane society. WITH RESPECT TO STRELKOV HAVING BEEN BETRAYED AND BETRAYAL IN GENERAL. There are so many who did not like what was begun and do not want to push it to

The self-evidently absurd “logic” of the EU

The latest EU decision against Russia is amazing it it’s self-evident stupidity.  The EU has adopted sanctions which will only be put into effect if the ceasefire does not hold.First, the obvious assumption here is that should the ceasefire not hold, it would clearly by Russia’s fault.  No, not the Novorussian’s fault, but Russia’s. art: Josetxo Ezcurra Second, apparently, the possibility that the Ukrainians might break the ceasefire was not

A typical example of Ukie “Christianity” in action

Dear friends, I have often mentioned on this blog the fact that the Papacy was the true “creator” of the Ukrainian project (later followed by the Masons, Imperialists, Nazis and now AngloZionists) and I won’t come back to this. I just want to share with you this small video of Uniat clergymen “in action”. Many thanks to “A” who translated this video from Ukrainian into Russian and English for the

Novorussia – Surrender or victory?

Dear friends, Thanks again to the fantastic work of the Russian Team I can share with you the English translation of an article I find most important at a time when so many commentators and analysts are completely misreading the situation in Novorussia.  This article (translated by Marina and proofread/edited by Alex, John and Michael – thanks guys!) addresses some of the most prevalent arguments used by what I would

Sad Note..Ode To The Dead (Boko Haram)

by Fulan Nasrullah Sad Note..Ode To The Dead Yesterday Michika LGA in Adamawa State was completely overrun by insurgent forces who took about five towns including the town of Michika itself, hometown of some of my dearest friends. All the few women left in the conquered towns are said to have been pressed into sexual service by the conquerors who gathered the few ones unable to flee and then distributed

September 6th and 7th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Time for government formation is running out!

6th Sep: Photos appear on twitter showing Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as having been killed in a US airstrikes. However, the authenticity of the photos and the news, which the Pentagon has denied, are being questioned: However Kurdish Bus news is reporting that he was injured and is being treated near the Syrian Iraqi border:–Not-Dead-/33223 Iraqi airstrikes and artillery strikes on hospitals in Kirkuk and Fallujah, details mentioned

The Novorussian ceasefire agreement + open thread

Dear friends, I had seen the Russian text on the OSCE page, and now Gleb Bazov sent me his translation.  To say that I am under-impressed by this text would be an understatement.  I would also note that many well informed sources spoke of a 14 points plan.  Are two more points held in secret? What is certain is that this documents is imprecise, nebulous, ambiguous and otherwise vague to

Ukrainian ceasefire Q&A/FAQ and RFC

There are so many rumors and opinions about the latest ceasefire for Novorussia agreed between the Novorussian leaders and the Junta reps that I have decided to make a small survey of the issues in the format of a Q&A/FAQ.  I will write up a real analysis next week.  I also will use this opportunity to explain a few thing about what my own personal position is.  So here goes:Q:

5th September 2014 Nigeria SITREP

by Fulan NasrallahMaiduguri: Reports indicate that soldiers of the Nigerian Army 7 Division (Infantry) headquartered in the metropolis of Maiduguri are evacuating their families out of two important Army bases (Giwa and Maimalari barracks) including the divisional headquarters after letters and fliers from the Boko Haram were dropped off in strategic locations across the metropolis (including at the gates of the bases) announcing the intention of the insurgents to attack

Transcarpathia and Transnistria SitRep 30 Aug – 05 Sep

by “Y” The situation in both areas is relatively stable. The sitrep is presented in a thematic order, maintaining chronological sequence within each theme. This should help the reader understand what is happening in these regions Transcarpathia ATO The military units in the region continue to rely on public assistance to acquire non-lethal equipment. A small group of six or so pro-Ukrainian fighters known as the ‘Carpathian Sich’ currently active

September 5th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Infighting begins…

Short Analysis: I put this on top because I feel it is very, very important. It talks about the escape of a Shia recruit from Daash in Tikrit during the Spykar base massacre by playing dead. His captors are merciless takfiris, who don’t think twice about killing the Shia. The beginning of his account is depressing and tragic, but what he talks about later is nothing short of amazing and

Ceasefire in Novorussia

It’s official: the Junta and Novorussia have agreed to a 12 point ceasefire (no details yet).  Lugansk’s leader Igor Plotnitsky declared: ““Most of the points of the protocol correspond with our demands. However, the ceasefire does not mean a shift from our course of breaking away from Ukraine. This is a compulsory measure”. That was, so to say, the easy part.  Now things will get really complicated. Stay tuned, The

September 4th 23:53 UTC/ZULU Ukraine SITREP: Maybe, just maybe?

Many major developments to report today.  First, though I was trying very hard to contain my excitement over the past days, the level of success the Novorussian Armed Forces (NAF) against the Junta Repression Forces (JRF) appears to be absolutely amazing and, should Mariupol fall, which appears to be likely, I would speak of a strategic victory, something which I am normally extremely reluctant to do, especially when speaking to
