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Moveable Feast Cafe 2018/04/09 … Open Thread

2018/04/09 23:30:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

So it was the ‘invincible Tsahal’

Okay, now we know: yesterday panic about a US attack on Syria was all about the “invincible Tsahal” making the usual symbolic attack against some “Iranian” forces in Syria.  These guys were so totally macho and cool that they did not even bother informing Russia, and so totally loyal that they did inform the USA.  The final score is as follows: 5 out of 8 missiles intercepted (you can see

Missile strikes on Syria tonight: do not rush to conclusions + please post here what you hear

Okay, I am getting flooded with email of tweets and FB reports and articles about missiles strikes in Syria.  My first reaction EVERYBODY WAIT! DO NOT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS! We have no facts.  Some reports say that the USA attacked, other that it was Israel or even France.  The truth is that we won’t know for sure for at least 24 hours.  Whoever attacked will present that as a huge

Listening to Russian experts (short report about the mood on Russian prime time TV)

I just spend about 2 hour listening to a TV debate of Russian experts about what to do about the USA.  Here are a few interesting interesting points. 1) They all agreed that the AngloZionist (of course, they used the words “USA” or “Western countries”) was only going to further escalate and that the only way to stop this is to deliberately bring the world right up to the point

His master’s voice (or how an obedient dog goes to war)

This is really pathetic, but it no less dangerous.  First, there was the order given from Above: Israeli officials: the “U.S. must strike in Syria” because “Assad is the angel of death, and the world would be better without him” Then there was the summoned servant’s immediate reply: Trump: “Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by

Petro-yuan is the newest weapon for the China-Russia-Iran anti-USD alliance

by Jeff Brown for The Saker blog Crosslinked with: Pictured above, the currency symbols for the old Spanish peseta and the Chinese yuan. Maybe Baba Beijing can synthesize the two of them into a cooling looking petro-yuan logo. After 25 years of dreams, planning, rumors and testing, the Chinese petro-yuan is now official. Right now, almost all global oil trade is conducted in US dollars, using two


By Ivan Ilyin, from Книга раздумий (The Book of Rumination) translation by Edvin Buday You do not wear glasses? What a shame! In the opposite case, I would have told you a little something about glasses. After all, it is thanks to them that I have learned something in life, something that possibly might not be without any use for others as well. When I was a child I did

A Curious Incident Part VIII

by Sushi for the Saker blog An Open Letter to the UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson Sir: In the matter of the Skripal affair it appears the facts are once again being fixed around the policy. While the prior attempt at a “dodgy dossier” had the intent of giving grounds for an attack upon a foreign state, the present course of HMG appears confused, contradictory, alien to the interests of

Syrian War Report – April 6, 2018: Army Prepares To Clear Southern Syria From Militants The Syrian government has reportedly deployed battle tanks and artillery guns preparing to take back the militant-held parts of southern Syria and the Golan Heights, the Israeli media says. The Haaretz daily has even complained that Hezbollah has allegedly established a Golan regional command center claiming that a hundred of Hezbollah operatives and a thousand other local residents linked to the movement operate in southern Syria. The Israeli leadership

Daring to go beyond Western propaganda on the Great Leap Forward’s famine

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog Between 108 BC and 1911 AD there were no fewer than 1,828 recorded famines in China, or nearly one each year. Since 1962 there should have been in China – if their historical average remained unchanged – 50 serious famines. Instead there have been zero. When one discusses “China” and “famine” – how often do you hear this totally valid point of view? I

Russia’s UN Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya Comments on Salisbury Case in the UNSC

Russia’s UN Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya Comments on Salisbury Case in the UNSC: Remarks and reply by Ambassador Vassily Nebenzya, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, at the UN Security Council meeting regarding the March 13, 2018 letter from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, New York, April 5, 2018   Mr Chairman, On March 14, the Security Council had an open meeting on

Moveable Feast Cafe 2018/04/06 … Open Thread

2018/04/06 12:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Notes on the Catacomb Church in the USSR

By professor Ivan Andreev Translation by Edvin Buday Introduction by The Saker: For all Orthodox Christians, today is the Great Friday of Passion Week (which would be called “Good Friday” in the West), that is the day on which Orthodox Christians re-live (“commemorate” would be the wrong word) the Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Golgotha.  Christ Himself, His Apostles and the Fathers have all taught us that

From Ankara to Moscow, Eurasia integration is on the move

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) The Russia-led Eurasia Economic Union is spreading its wings and gaining strength, with some key projects, big players and big plans in the pipeline As presidents Vladimir Putin, Hassan Rouhani and Recep Tayyip Erdogan met in Ankara for a second Russia-Iran-Turkey summit on the future of Syria, Moscow hosted its 7th International Security Conference attended by

Ukraine v. Russia: Passage through Kerch Strait and the Sea of Azov

by Scott Humor On 15th September 2016, Ukraine has instituted arbitration proceedings against the Russian Federation under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (“UNCLOS”) to vindicate its rights as the coastal state in maritime zones adjacent to Crimea in the Black Sea, Sea of Azov, and Kerch Strait. According to the Permanent Court of Arbitration website the case is still pending:  Dispute Concerning Coastal State

Ukraine’s state piracy and the Sea of Azov development

by Scott Humor “Ukraine will detain all the ships travelling to and out of Crimea without Kiev’s consent, ” said Ukrainian Border Service Spokesman Oleg Slobodyan commenting on the arrest of Russia’s Nord, a fishing boat from Kerch. Claiming that the Kiev regime is in the “legal framework,” he said that Ukraine will continue hijacking vessels of other nationalities and kidnapping people on board of those vessel and imprison those

SitRep: SPACE and the Double Helix (a briefing)

by Larchmonter445 for the Saker Blog GLONASS + Beidou Satellite Systems are to be joined as a unitary global navigation satellite system. It will cover well beyond Russia and China, as it will be the Eurasian satellite system. Of course, both are global systems tuned heavily to Russian and Chinese requirements and available to any public user anywhere on Earth. Two-thirds of world’s population will no longer be dependent on

Syrian War Report – April 4, 2018: Fresh “U.S. Casualties” In Syria On April 3, another convoy of militants and their families departed the district of Douma in Eastern Ghouta under the agreement with the government. According to the Syrian state-run news agency SANA, the convoy consisted of 24 buses, included 1198 militants and their families, and was set to move to the northern part of Aleppo province, which is controlled by Turkish forces. On April 4, another batch of militants
