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Not All Silk Roads Are Created Equal

“Trans-Caspian International Transport Route unlikely to see high-volume PRC adoption in the near term due to insufficient business and geopolitical value prop” by Mister Unknown Several months ago, there were quite a few news/analysis reports lauding the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) as a new path for trade along the Silk Road, which is being revitalized by China and its regional partners under the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) project.

Syrian air defense forces shot down an Israeli warplane and an Israeli drone SITREP, by Scott

Army Command: Syrian air defense forces shoot down Israeli warplane and drone after attack in Quneitra Quneitra, SANA – The General Command of the Army and the Armed Forces announced on Tuesday that the Israeli enemy’s air force attacked a Syrian military position in the countryside of the southern Quneitra province at 1 am on September 13, 2016. The General Command said in a statement the Syrian air defense forces

Israel in Ukraine is entirely out of control Uman August 2016 Video, by Scott Humor

The Israelis use their tactic of taking over the occupied territories in Ukraine. Whatever crimes they conduct in Palestine, they do the same in  Ukraine: war on the local population, ethnic cleansing, takeover of the state power, lands, territories, banks, businesses and buildings. Previously, we met these dirty characters here Uman Ukraine Israeli Hasids attacked journalists, Police, fires shots, threw stones glass bottles and prior to Euro-Maidan here Nittel Nacht:

Syrian ceasefire II – Why any cessation of hostilities in Syria is doomed to fail and what it would mean for the Syrian Army and its allies

By Aram Mirzaei On 12 September a new nationwide ceasefire agreement was implemented in Syria, one brokered by the US and Russian Foreign Ministers after weeks of crunch talks. There had been several attempts to reach a deal in the previous weeks, but finally last Friday when foreign ministers Kerry and Lavrov announced their agreement, the world was lit with hope for some reason. Perhaps this time people believed the

Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/09/12 … Open Thread

2016/09/12 22:00:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Rostislav Ishchenko: The outcome of 25 years of the Ukrainian independence (MUST SEE!!)

Note: I consider Rostislav Ishchenko by far the best specialist on the current Ukraine.  This is why I requested a full length translation and transcript of his interview with Boris Kostenko, a very good journalist.  A huge “thank you!!” to Eugenia and Seva for their immense work and making this most interesting material available to us. The Saker Source: Translated by: Seva BORIS KOSTENKO, ANCHORMAN: Good day, dear viewers.

The 20th anniversary of the second (unofficial) anthem of Russia

How delightful are evenings in Russia This collection was made for us by the Russian translator of my book. This year we marked, somewhat quietly, the 20th anniversary of the second (unofficial) anthem of Russia. Composed in 1996 by Alexander Dobronravov in New York City (of all places!) where he was on a long business trip recording music, this song elicits a lot of purely Russian sentimentalism,  but the song

The New Situation starting with September 11th, 2016 by Scott Humor Updated

The secret Syrian peace agreement just signed by the Russia and the legitimate government of the US leaves many guessing. The first knee-jerk reaction coming from the different power players in the EU and US demonstrate an acute bewilderment. In terms of the certain groups inside the Pentagon, something like a military mêlée against their own Commander-In-Chief is being observed. “EU leaders and Turkey have expressed hopes that a US-Russian peace deal for

The 9/11 Truth Movement 15 years later: where do we stand?

This article was written for the Unz Review: [Note: the purpose of this article is not to debunk of official conspiracy theory about 2 aircraft bringing down 3 buildings and other such nonsense, or to present an alternative theory, but to evaluate how much the 9/11 Truth movement has achieved in the past 15 years.] It has been 15 years since the terrible events of 9/11 and it is

World SITREP September 10, 2016 by BAAZ

RUSSIA Putin knew what to do! His first interview, 2000 On New Year’s Eve, 1999, Putin succeeded the Russian Presidency from Boris Yeltsin. This is his first interview inside the Kremlin…. Retrospectively – He acted confidently, within that which he foresaw..     The New START:  extension impossible By  Vladimir Kozin Advisory Group to the Director, chief advisor, head of advisory group to RISS director, Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of
