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What lies behind the transnationalization and occupation of the Esequibo

by Franco Vielma source: translated by Mateo The dispute between Venezuela and Guyana regarding the Esequibo has taken a significant turn with the beginning of transnationalization of contested land and territorial waters. What follows is an outline of the most profound issues involved. In 2013 Venezuelan authorities detained the ship Teknik Perdana with five U.S. citizens on board. The ship, operated by the U.S. company Anadarko Petroleum Corp., was

Ukraine SITREP June 26, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)Kiev asks “Gazprom” on gas blockade of Donbas  The Ukrainian authorities have to decide whether they agree that the DPR and LPR  its territory or not “Some time ago “Naftogaz” approached us with a very peculiar request —not  to deliver gas to South-East. If Naftogaz believes the South-East of Ukraine is Ukraine, it should not be problems with the payment for the supplies. If they think differently, they will say

The Dark Side: “We should never be like them”

by Dagmar Henn (Thanks to Anja and Riema for their help with the translation!) This is a long text, and I don’t know how many readers are really willing to get involved. This is not about geopolitical considerations or rendering diagnoses. I have tried to grasp the inner nucleus of the struggle and to turn it transparent on the level of ethics and morality, to explain why I (as an

Solving the Ukrainian Crisis

by Oleg Maslov A magnificent project to unite the Eurasian continent in a web of pipelines, high speed rail, fiber optic cables, highways, and trade agreements from Lisbon to Singapore is already under construction and, should this project succeed, it will change the lives of everyone living in between and have profound implications on global geopolitics. Mostly initiated and driven forward by the economic might of China, the New Silk

The arrest of two mass murderers can blow up Europe

by Evgenii Krutikov source: Translated by Seva The arrest of two mass murderers can blow up Europe Within a few days two men were arrested: Naser Orić and Ramush Haradinaj, two well-known figures of the Balkan wars, two mass murderers, whose names are as known to Serbs as the names of Basaev and Chikatilo are to Russians. Both were on trial in the Hague, accused of genocide, and both

Is a “color revolution” underway in Armenia?

Electric Yerevan’ is Sliding Out of Control by Andrew Korybko for Sputink Armenians have taken to the streets to protest a planned 17-22% increase in their utility bills, initiated by the Armenian Electricity Network due to the Armenian dram’s dramatic depreciation over the past year (about equal in percentage to the price hike itself). While it’s understandable that some in the economically struggling country would be upset by the $85 or so cumulative increase in payments each year, many find it troubling

Ukraine SITREP June 24, 2015 by Scott

New trends emerging these past seven days . Where is Russia’s national reserve funds, gold reserves, and Hermitage collections? (I will post more on this tomorrow.) Is China joining sanctions against Russia? Russia’s elite circles its wagons around the President. The Russia’s military take political charge. The pro-Western liberal fraction in the government runs the banks. Will RCB be sidelined before doing more damage? The capital flow out of Russia

I saw death in Odessa

by Claude Roddier The events of May 2, 2014 in Odessa should not be forgotten. Some people from Odessa and Lugansk are currently in Paris, taking part in demonstrations. One of them is Irina Leskova, whom I met in Nice in January 2015 when she came with a delegation of Odessites to present an exhibition and talk to us in person of the drama. It was she who organised the

Європа – це Україна !

Did they expect us to treat them with any respect? They can polish their medals and sharpen their Smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for awhile. Boom boom, bang bang, lie down you’re dead. Roger Waters The Maidanites had this great slogan “Україна – це Європа!” or “The Ukraine is Europe”.  It was short, emphatic and utterly meaningless – hence it’s appeal and success.  Predictably it took the Ukronazis less

Response from a Bosnian Muslim

Foreword by the Saker: Over a year ago, I posted an interview with Nebojsa Malic, a  Bosnian-Serb who know lives in the USA.  In my introduction to this interview, I wrote the following: I understand that the topic of war in Bosnia might reopen old wounds for some readers and I also understand that some might categorically disagree with Nebojsa Malic’s point of view.  To those readers I would say
