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One Miserably Failed State

Author Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Eugenia source: The Ukrainian elites, which receive upon the division of the Soviet inheritance everything necessary for the successful state building, by their own actions brought the country to the brink of a collapse. Ideal starting conditions Politics and history are not pre-determined. The “project Ukraine” living its last days was not doomed from the start. Suddenly emerged new country had the world’s 10th

Russia has “hardened” her southern border, politically and militarily

Russia plans to invite India, Pakistan and Iran into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) This has been discussed for a very long time already, but this time it is official: Sergei Lavrov has just declared that at the next summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) countries Russia will propose to the initiate the process of accepting Iran a a full member alongside India and Pakistan. Quick reminder: the following

Ukraine SITREP May 19th, by Raskolnikova

1)Parliament denied Viktor Yanukovych’s title of President  Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman promises to deal with the fate of the law on deprivation of Viktor Yanukovych  of the title of President. “There is such a question. But I remember exactly that I this law was signed. So now I will check this information. I 100% guarantee you that I have signed it. Next, we’ll learn in

Look Homeward, Hegemon Part 1: Cold War 2.0 Abroad, Cold Civil War Between the U.S. Government and Its People At Home

Look Homeward, Hegemon Part 1: Cold War 2.0 Abroad, Cold Civil War Between the U.S. Government and the American People by American Kulak Introduction: We want to start by thanking The Saker for giving us the opportunity to publish a series of articles for this community that looks at the late, great American Empire from a slightly different perspective. While most Vineyard readers come to this website looking for analysis

Rise of a multi-polar Asia – a view from India

by Sandhya Jain Continuing tensions over Ukraine notwithstanding, including a US-led boycott of the Victory Day Parade commemorating the 70th anniversary of Germany’s surrender in World War II, Russia under President Vladimir Putin has retrieved much of its eminence as a great power and even managed a handsome recovery of its sanction-hit rouble. By tweaking its West-centric gaze towards Siberia and the Arctic (which Putin likely visited during a mysterious

Help On-The-Ground American Reporter In Ukraine Buy a Camera

George Eliason is a US reporter who lives and reports from the Ukraine.  Here are some examples of the articles he wrote: George badly needs a new camera and he has launched a crowdfunding campaign to get one.  He posted his appeal for support on this page: Here is the full text of it: Put yourself in the seat with us as we document the

The Motherland Calls: An OPEN THREAD for the prospective traveler

Dear friend, Since this is my sandbox and I can post anything I want here, I decided agree to the suggestion of a reader who wants to travel to Russia and create an “open thread” about traveling to Russia.  I hope that this will be useful to you and, maybe, provide an opportunity for some of you to meet face to face. Anyway – here is the chance to 1)

Wild, crazy Russian music

Yesterday my friend AK emailed me a few YouTube links to songs by a guy calling himself “Neuromonk Theophan” (Нейромонах Феофан).  I listened to it and, wow, this is truly some crazy music! Imagine a combination of old Russian medieval-style songs with what they call “drum and bass” and then add some balalaika and rural-style vocals to it.  Sounds crazy?  It is. Now, I will be honest, I personally am

The USA wants from Russia the impossible

by Petr Akopov translation: Eugenia source: The visit of John Kerry looks like an attempt to tune down the conflict with Russia. The US is ready to admit the failure of the policy of “isolating Russia” and is looking for ways to back down. Without relinquishing the goal of containment of Russia, it wants to make it less obvious, as it was before, counting in return on Moscow cooperation

Ukraine SITREP May 15th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)Yatsenyuk outraged by the meeting between Kerry and Putin and Lavrov in Sochi  “We understand that in global politics, there are many problems, including ISIS, Yemen and the rest. But my message is this: look, Sochi is obviously not the best resort and not the best place for conversation with the Russian President and the Russian foreign Minister,” — said Yatsenyuk. According to the Ukrainian Prime Minister, he “believes” that
