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President Putin’s speech on Victory Day 2015

Fellow citizens of Russia, Dear veterans, Distinguished guests, Comrade soldiers and seamen, sergeants and sergeant majors, midshipmen and warrant officers, Comrade officers, generals and admirals, I congratulate you all on the 70th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War! Today, when we mark this sacred anniversary, we once again appreciate the enormous scale of Victory over Nazism. We are proud that it was our fathers and grandfathers who succeeded in prevailing over, smashing and destroying that dark force. Hitler’s reckless adventure became a tough lesson for the entire world

Something truly amazing happened today

Today will go down in Russian history, as a truly historical celebration of the victory over Nazi Germany.  The parade – by far the most beautiful I have seen (alas, only on video, not in person) – was superb and for the first time included the Chinese PLA [People’s Liberation Army].  Clearly, we see history in the making.  But something else, no less amazing, also happened today: Defense Minister Shoigu

Today’s Victory Day celebrations in Moscow mark a turning point in Russian history

Today is truly a historical day.  For the first time ever, the West has boycotted the Victory Day Parade in Moscow and, also for the first time ever, Chinese forces have marched on the Beautiful Square, (“Red” square is a mistranslation – the “Red Square” ought be called the “Beautiful Square”) with the Russians.  I believe that this is a profoundly symbolic shift and one which makes perfectly good sense.

It has started or Wise up Macedonians!

by N. Babich translated by SP (thanks brother!) Source: Demonstrations in Skoplje are linked to uncovered evidence that connects Victoria Nuland and her team with the leaders of the protest. On Monday a group of 50 armed men blocked the Islamic Community building in Skoplje. The attack was a consequence of the conflict between the former Skopje mufti Ibrahim Shabani and Reis of the Islamic Community Suleiman Regep. The conflict

Otto Skorzeny: “Why didn’t we take Moscow?“

by Oles Buzina translated by KA source: Otto Skorzeny „Why didn’t we take Moscow?“ German memoirs explain what caused the defeat of the Wehrmacht in the war. Every Spring in the run up to Victory Day, television starts to show feature films devoted to the Great Patriotic War. Honestly: most of them are simply exploiting the grand subject-matter. They need to sell something “interesting” to the belching inhabitant sitting

Ukraine SITREP May 8th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)The message of the Ministry of defence of DPR about preparing provocations of Ukrainian forces. According to secret service received by DPR, the leadership of Ukraine is preparing provocations on the territory of Donetsk People’s Republic. For these purposes, the Ukrainian forces will use the symbols of the Republican guard and the Cossacks.Sabotage on behalf of the Republican guard will be resonant event in which Ukrainian media will blame the

Ukraine SITREP May 07th, 2015 by Scott

I have a pre-made sentence that I have just copy and pasted in my SITREPs: NATO-occupied Ukraine violated the ceasefire … times last night by shelling Donetsk. Interpretations of the word “ceasefire” differ. NATO and Ukro-Nazis understand “ceasefire” as “we fire, you cease.” Whereas, DPR, LPR, Russia and the rest of humanity understand the term “ceasefire” as no fire whatsoever. That’s why efforts to formalize the concept are completely doomed

Novaya Gazeta report on MH17 shootdown: The actual proof

by Tatzhit Mihailovich By now, even Reuters broke the story about yet another MH17 shootdown theory. Why bother with the details? In a word, because the Novaya Gazeta report is the ONLY completely consistent version from an unbiased source that we got so far. Now, that shouldn’t be taken to mean that this thing is the indisputable truth. Novaya Gazeta is generally Pro-Western, yes, and publishes multiple stories about Russian

Russian tanks in the White House?

Check this out: a group of Russian students have somehow projected footage of the Victory Day parade on the White House.  They called their project “polite tanks” and they explained that “if Barak does not want to come to the parade, the parade will come to him”.  I love it!

Ukraine SITREP May 6th, 2015 by Scott

Dear esteemed readers: Here’s our May 6th, 2015 countdown in the NATO Ukraine War 2014-2015. The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 against fascist Germany and its allies was dubbed by the West as an “unknown war.” The NATO Ukraine war will be known in history as The War Russia Never Showed Up For. April 30, 2015: Washington – US Air Force Gen. Phillip Breedlove spoke to lawmakers at a Senate

More signs of preparations for war?

As most of you already know, the Chinese Navy has sent warships into the Black Sea.  They are headed for the Russian naval base at Novorossiysk.  There have been several reasons given for this trip: As part of the preparations for the visit of Xi Jinping to the May 9th celebrations As part of a possible sale of its frigates by China to Russia As a preparation for joint Russian-Chinese

Ukraine SITREP May 5th, by Raskolnikova

1)Handelsblatt: Ukrainian recruits fleeing to the West and the East. Corporations trying to “cover up” from the service their employees, giving the government  false information. Prospers illegal business for those who avoids military service: doctors selling medical certificates, and travel agencies organize special routes for those who want to leave the country.The newspaper reminds that a few weeks ago a doctor from Chernovtsy was arrested, who made a falsification of

Us and them – a study in hatred and love

I am sitting in front of my computer and watch the movie “The Burn,” by Arkadii Mamontov, about the May 2nd Odessa massacre.  The movie is very well made and I hope that somebody will subtitle it in English.  It shows a lot of video footage of various events, which all took place last year.  Scenes include the intercepted telephone calls of local Ukronazi leaders, the smiling faces of the
