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Msg from Webmaster — Removal of ‘Avatar’ Feature

  Avatar On Monday I removed the ‘avatar’ feature from web site. This was done for security reasons. The commentators that choose to have a custom ‘avatar’ are required to register their email address with Gravatar. Gravatar encrypts the provided email address, uses the encrypted data to provide the same ‘avatar’ to whatever other Gravator supported site the commentator visits on the web. The end result is that the

Nuclear Special Forces Only BRICS countries will survive

Foreword by the Saker: Today I am posting an article with great reluctance but with a sense that what this article conveys must be made public in the West.  I will tell you immediately that I am sickened by the idea that Russia might simply completely destroy the entire USA, be it by “regular” nuclear strikes, by blowing up the Yellowstone caldera or triggering a tsunami.  In my years as

Myths and facts about special forces – a recent illustration (UPDATED!)

One of the things which always drives me crazy is that ironclad belief that Americans have that they are “the best”, and so are their country, their army and, of course, their special forces.  None of that is true, of course, but it especially not true in the real world of special operations, where the actual record of the US special forces is, at best, very average and, at worst,

Ukraine SITREP April 28th, by Raskolnikova

1)Pushkov: the Summit in Kiev showed that Ukraine is living with illusions.“The summit in Kiev had a symbolic character. He brought nothing Ukraine, except common words, and showed that Kiev lives with illusions about the EU,” the politician said. Пушков: Саммит в Киеве показал, что Украина живет иллюзиями.   2)Poroshenko: War in Donbass may begin at any time. “War may break out any moment, but we are ready to

If this isn’t fascism and a junta then what is it?

by Nikolai Starikov translated by “KA” source: The coup in Ukraine, which the West shamefully calls “the transfer of power” and the victorious “opposition” calls “the revolution of dignity” took place over a year ago. Not so much time has passed since then but that time has been filled to the brim with torrents of horrific information. The territory of Ukraine has not known so much blood, violence, suffering

Did Kadyrov really threaten to “shoot Federals”? A clarification

When I first got emails telling me that Kadyrov ordered any “Federals” who would cross the Chechen border shot on sight I dismissed this as utter nonsense.  Then, to my amazement, I found out that this was true.  But the context was very specific.  To make a long and confusing story short: A group of special police forces from the neighboring region of Stavropol crossed the Chechen border and shot

From Cyber To Psycho: How NATO Info Wars Kill In Ukraine

by Andrew Korybko It’s common knowledge and public record that the West has intensified its anti-Russian information operations over the past year, but up until now, no direct link could be proven between its cyber warriors abroad and its assassins in Ukraine. That all changed due to the latest revelation by RT, which showed that the Mirotvorets online hit list was unsurprisingly registered by a Ukrainian agent of NATO’s Cooperative

The Saker now *officially* on Facebook and Twitter (and possibly ВКонтаке next?)

Good news!! The Saker blog will now have an existence on the social media, specifically on Facebook and on Twitter.  In the near future, we also have plans for a presence on VKontakte (the Russian Facebook).  I personally do not have the time or inclination to deal with the social media, but others have done so on my behalf in the past, and there are a few “Saker” pages in

“Bella Ciao” Novorossiya in 5 Languages

An interesting take on the famous song of the Italian partisans “Bella Ciao“: From the notes on the YouTube page: The video is dedicated to the fighters of the Novorossia in the сivil war, Ukraine, 2014 Add-ons: 1) Photo album ‘The victims of the Civil War’: ; 2) Playlist Bella Ciao… ; 3) Photo Album ‘Bella Cia – The Army of the Novorosija – Армия Новороссии 2014’

Russian Jews face ‘grave dangers’ if Putin is ousted, warns senior rabbi

RT reports: Russian Jews would be in serious danger if Russian President Vladimir Putin was ever ousted from power, a senior Russian rabbi has stated. He added, the current government guarantees the safety of Jewish people better than many Western powers do. “The Jews of Russia must realize the dangers inherent in the possible collapse of the Putin government, understand the rules of the game and be aware of the

France to pay over one billion Euros to Russia – quel gâchis!

Unreal.  But true.  It appears that France will really not deliver the Mistrals to Russia and will pay 1.1 billion Euros in refunds and fines..  I was pretty sure that this was all bluff and that the French would hand them over within *weeks* of declaring that they would not.  Not even I could imagine the Hollande government so terminally stupid.  But then, they are hardly alone. In this case,

Anti-Fascism, Russian style!

The inhabitants of the southern Russian city of Cheliabinsk have organized a flashmob and got together to sing the famous WWII song “The Sacred War“.  I sure hope that Washington, Berlin and Kiev are paying attention to the proverbial “mood on the street”: This is the translated text of this superb song: Вставай, страна огромная, Вставай на смертный бой С фашистской силой тёмною, С проклятою ордой. Припев: (2x) Пусть ярость

Ukrainian analysis by the Saker: no hope for peace left

Today I will begin by quoting in full two posts from the blog of Colonel Cassad (we owe this translation to “SA” who has done it especially for this analysis literally overnight!): About the intensity of the western “Voentorg” Instructors from Canada have arrived to train Ukrainian security officers The authorities of the Donetsk National Republic announce an increase in the number of foreign military instructors in the territory controlled

Alleged “Azov” battalion troopers crucifying a “separatist supporter”

Friends, you want to very carefully consider whether you want to press the ‣ button and watch this video or not.  It is sickening: it shows a Ukronazi deathsquad crucifying and burning alive a “separatist”.  Also, while the authenticity of this video cannot be 100% confirmed, the Russian TV channel LifeNews has confirmed its authenticity.  LifeNews is a rather sensationalist outlet and I would not necessarily trust it).  The video
