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Ukraine SITREP April 21th, by Raskolnikova

1)Ukraine’s parliament has defined the start date of the “Russian aggression” Парламент Украины определил дату начала «российской агрессии» Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a resolution which demanded Russia immediately withdraw its troops from the Ukraine and to stop supporting the “people’s republic”. The document defines the date of commencement of aggression – February 20. 2)The number of refugees from Ukraine exceeded 800 thousands. Число беженцев из Украины превысило 800

Real world vs “TV reality” – is a war inevitable?

We have all heard the irresponsible statements coming from US politicians and, which is far more worrisome, generals: Putin must be ‘stopped’ and Russia must ‘not be allowed’ to achieve her various nefarious goals.  A typical such statement was recently made by retired four-star Gen. Barry McCaffrey: Because so far NATO’s reaction to Putin’s aggression has been to send a handful of forces to the Baltics to demonstrate ‘resolve,’ which

A place in between

Note: following Desecrated Shrines, this is the second eyewitness report about daily life in Novorussia sent to my by the Saker Community representative in Novorussia, Dagmar Henn, Team Leader German Saker Blog who has found the time to write this text while reorganizing the German blog. The Saker A place in between by Dagmar Henn It´s a cold, but sunny morning when we start for Oktiaborskii, another one of the

Saker rant: A 5th column in the Russian media? Absolutely!

Is there a 5th column in the Russian media? Hell yeah! It is literally all over the place! Like during the latest Q&A with President Putin.  I don’t know if anybody else noticed this, but it really pissed me off.  Check out who got to ask a question from the studio: Khakamada Venediktov Kudrin Remchukov For those who don’t know these faces – they are some of the worst “demofreaks”

Direct Line with Vladimir Putin

Direct Line with Vladimir Putin was broadcast live on Channel One, Rossiya-1 and Rossiya-24 TV channels, and Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii radio stations. During the live broadcast that lasted 3 hours and 57 minutes, the President answered 74 questions out of the over 3 million that were received. * * * Direct Line programme host Kirill Kleymenov: Good afternoon. You are watching Direct Line with President Vladimir Putin. Here in the studio today are Maria Sittel and Kirill Kleymenov. Direct Line programme

Ukraine weekly SITREP by Baaz (and request for comments!!!)

Dear friends, Since my three research assistants are writing SITREPs from Monday through Saturday, a reader – Baaz – has offered to write weekly Ukraine SITREPs on Sundays covering the full past week.  Below you will find his first weekly Ukraine SITREP.  Please read through it and let us know what he should do differently/better and how he can improve them.  Since *you*, the reader, are the ‘end user’ for

Kiev Regime: Fate of the Moderate Opposition

Note by VPE: Ukraine has created a database of “separatists, militants, etc”. They call it “Information for law enforcement authorities and special services about pro-Russian terrorists, separatists, mercenaries, war criminals, and murderers.” Given the situation in the country and recent laws that have been passed, anyone in Ukraine that does not agree with methods or ideas of the regime could potentially become part of the database. Oles Buzina – a

Yeah, I am sick again…

I am sick with the cold.  Again.  I hate that.  Can’t post anything coherent.  So I will leave you with some music by my favorite jazz guitarist, Philip Catherine.  Enjoy! The Saker

Ukraine SITREP April 17th, by Raskolnikova

1) Deputy of the Head of EU diplomacy will hold talks in Moscow. Замглавы дипломатии ЕС проведет переговоры в Москве. The deputy head of EU diplomacy, Helga Schmid will hold in Moscow on Friday talks with Russian diplomats, during which, in particular, it is planned to discuss the situation in Ukraine, relations between Moscow and Brussels and the Iranian nuclear program. 2) War as a reagent paper. Война как

Important Saker Blog Community News and Various Requests for Assistance!

Dear friends, Christ is Risen! The last couple of weeks have brought us a mixed bag of news: some good, some bad and some outright ugly.  Let’s begin with the good stuff: Dagmar Henn safely back from Novorussia Our Saker Community representative – Dagmar Henn – has safely returned form her trip to Novorussia and she has already begun writing her travel reports (for the first one please click here). 

Oles Buzina has been murdered in Kiev!

The Ukrainian journalist and author Oles Buzina has been murdered in Kiev.  He is the latest person to die in a long list of murdered and otherwise “suicided” people in the Nazi-occupied Ukraine. Most of you probably don’t know Buzina and, if that is the case, I highly recommend that you watch is fascinating interview about the history of the Ukraine which I posted here: I have to tell

CyberBerkut has published the list of names of western instructors in Ukraine

source: Ukrainee.html Translated by “OL” Military instructors from the USA, Denmark, Poland, Germany and other countries arrive to the Ukraine to help Kiev. The Ukrainian hackers-activists have published the list of western instructors’ names. These people are reported to plan provocations in the south-eastern the Ukraine. “We, the CyberBerkut, warn the people of Donbass and inform the people of the Ukraine: in the nearest future the criminal government of

Ukraine SITREP April 16th, by Scott

President Putin’s 2015 Q&A marathon LIVE UPDATES Regardless of what is said and done to contribute to the tragedy of Ukraine, we shall keep our focus on one and only constant: the Empire, US and NATO, has initiated the war against Russia. The Empire is coming for Russian natural resources. Russia, on the other hand, is fighting for its survival. Donbass is David who fights with the NATO Goliath.
