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South Front Youtube account was deleted

Hello Our channel was illegal deleted by Youtube. Our new channel is Help disseminate our uppeal, please: WARNING: SOUTH FRONT YOUTUBE CHANNEL WAS DELETED YouTube has deleted South Front channel The official reason is for copyright violating in the our old video “Stand with Ukraine” ( because of the claim of Nordic Films LTD. This company makes video propaganda for NATO. BUT FEW MONTH AGO YOUTUBE ALREADY DELETED “Stand with

Ukraine SITREP April 24, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)DWN: Poroshenko will reimburse France for the damage of the “Mistral” DWN: Порошенко возместит Франции ущерб за «Мистрали» The damage done to France as a result of failure to deliver Russia “Mistral” will fall on the shoulders of Ukraine and Poland   2)Yatsenyuk: I’ll go, when I will fulfill all my promises. Яценюк: Я уйду, когда выполню все свои обещания. “You’ve never hit me from the path on which

Saudi Arabia Does a Gaza in Yemen

by Soraya-Sepehrpour-Ulrich ‘Shared Values’: The Washington – Wahhabi Alliance Shortly after 911, Washington declared ‘war on terror’ – a war with a death toll of over 2 million innocent lives (not counting America’s drone hunts), the maimed, the refugees, as well as the environmental effects of America’s war on terror. Washington declared al-Qaeda as its number one enemy, a trend continued by Obama who declared ‘war on al-Qaeda’. Yet Washington

Today is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

Today is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day and I have decided to post three videos which I think provide a good overview of this horrific event. The Saker “Ravished Armenia” the original 1919 movie also known as “Auction of Souls”:   The Armenian Journey – A Story Of An Armenian Genocide:   The Armenian Genocide – The Hidden Holocaust – 1992 Documentary

Viva Argentina!

I just saw this great photo of Putin with the President of Argentina, Kristina Fernandez de Kirchner: Nice couple, no? Seriously, I just wanted to share this photo with you because I have a soft spot in my heart for Argentina were I spent the happiest days of my childhood (I still speak Spanish with a funny mix of two accents: Russian, of course, and the accent of Buenos-Aires locally

Ukraine SITREP April 23, 2015 by Scott

Ukraine War on Novorossia 1. LPR Military Leader: “The Biggest Victory Is to Create Authorities That Will Think About People” [Source] The famous Donbass militia leader Alexei Mozgovoi is now part of the People’s Militia (army) of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR). Despite this official position, today he is one of the main critics of the LPR leadership. 2. Fights In Donbass 23.04.2014 [Source] April 22, 2015 /Donbass/ – UPDATE

Take a look at these fierce warriors :-)

Now I am really scared.  The “best soldiers in the world” have arrived in the Ukraine to train the Ukrainians in the art of war.  Check out this video: Impressive no? The “non-lethal aid delivering” US instructor teaches the Ukie recruit how to use a Russian RPG and following this advanced training, the Ukies declare that they will soon go and fight in the East. Wow! Let’s see who else

Ukraine SITREP April 22, 2015 by Scott

As President Putin and the patriotic part of the Russian government emphasize, Russia won’t be involved in any wars or military conflicts, unless there is a direct attack on Russia itself. The whole world can go up in flames, but as long as no one attacks Russia, she won’t let her military to move a finger. Of course, designing, producing and selling weapons, along with allowing the volunteers to go

What does Putin want? A major analysis by Rostislav Ishchenko (must read!)

Foreword by the Saker: The analysis below is, by far, the best I have seen since the beginning of the conflict in the Ukraine.  I have regularly posted analyses by Ishchenko on this blog before, because I considered him as one of the best analysts in Russia.  This time, however, Ishchenko has truly produced a masterpiece: a comprehensive analysis of the geostrategic position of Russia and a clear and, I

The Ukronazi pantheon of “saints”

When I saw this, I could not believe my eyes.  I found the source, and I am sharing this with you now.  Check out this “icon”: The page where I found this abomination, helpfully lists the people represented on this “icon”.  Here I quote: Modern icon of the Intercession of Virgin Mary, showing figures that contributed to Ukrainian statehood from the 10th century onward A modern icon of the Intercession of

European Department for Security and Information : Houthis have long-range weapons

by Nahed Al Hussaini Special report The Press Office of the Secretary-General of the European Department for Security and Information Ambassador Dr. Haissam Bou-Said underscored that the Houthist have the ability to invade Saudi cities without a significant resistance by using long range weapons, according to a military data revealed by the DESI. He added that the escalation of rhetoric between the various political factions in Lebanon, namely between the Iran-backed
