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How many armies does Europe need?

Source: by Rostislav Ishchenko, president of the Center of System Analysis and Forecasting Translated by Aleksey Against the backdrop of a decision by the IMF to loan Ukraine 17.5 billion over a span of four years’ time (it is still a trick to receive these funds – the previous bailout, agreed in 2014, has not been fully received) the talk of a creation of a European armed forces has

Western Connection in the Assassination of Serbia’s Prime Minister Djindjic

by Nikola Vrzic Several days ago, on March 12th, Serbia marked another – twelfth – anniversary of the assassination of Serbia’s prime minister Zoran Djindjic. The official narrative of Djindjic, as a reformer who was killed by criminals and Serbian nationalists, this year was confronted with evidence revealing the story as much more complex, with a strong presence of Western, primarily British and US secret services… The official version of

Ukraine SITREP Friday March 20th, 2015

Just like the Titanic, the Ukraine is sinking faster and faster.  By now, I expect that most of you must have heard of the quasi-insurrection in occupied Konstantinovka following the killing of a mother and child by a drunken Ukrainian APC crew.  Accident can happen anywhere, of course, but the quasi-insurrection which took place following this accident is indicative of the rage and hostility of the local population towards their

The Friends of Hitler Club: Uniate Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky eternalized in the center of Lviv

Source: Translated from the Russian by Alexander March 17, 2015 The Ukrainian governement started another campaign of historic proportions. On the central square of Lviv they want to raise a giant monument of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky who led the so-called Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church for 44 years (1900-1944). For this the Ukrainian authorities are ready for anything – even spend a budget of $ 1.3 million and dismantle the square.

The Saker interviews Gilad Atzmon

It has been already 6 years since I interviewed Gilad for the first time and when a friend recently suggested that it was time for a new conversation, I immediately agreed, as did Gilad who, in spite of his over-booked and hectic lifestyle took the time to reply to my questions.  Gilad is, in my opinion, not only the most original and talented jazz musician currently composing and playing (make

A MUST SEE interview about the history of the Ukraine

Dear friends, Today I am truly delighted to be able to present you with an amazingly interesting video: an interview of the Ukrainian writer and historian Oles Buzina in which he (in 90 minutes or so) not only covers the key moments of the history of the land which today is called “the Ukraine”, but also explains where the modern Ukraine came from and what it is.  To my knowledge,

The main business scheme of Ukrainian Euro-leaders

By Sergei Glaziev Translated from the Russian by Lenok source: National Bank of Ukraine decided to raise the refinancing rate to 30%. Raising interest rates, the financial authorities followed the same path as the Bank of Russia. The consequences will be the same: compression of already inaccessible credit, worsening recession and high inflation at the same level – about 30%. Monetary policy, reduced to limiting money supply, in times

The Saker Podcast No 6 – Q&A with readers

Dear friends, The Saker Podcast #6 is now available for download and streaming on the following page: As always, the stupid corporate copyright rules prevent me from uploading the podcast with the musical intro and song at the end on YouTube and SoundCloud.  The Internet Archive appears to be free from such corporate abuse, so while you are free to chose your version – I recommend choosing the one

Beyond Left and Right, Beyond Red and White: Framing the Liberation War in Donbass

by Nina Kouprianova (source: “There are no separate Russia or Ukraine, but one Holy Rus” – Elder Iona of Odessa The year 2014 saw an unprecedented surge of patriotism in contemporary Russia, which resulted in popularizing the notion of the Russian World. One reason for increased patriotic sentiment was Crimea’s return to the home port after the overwhelmingly positive vote by its majority-Russian residents in a referendum one year ago. The

A forecast of the development of the main processes that will influence the situation in Russia in 2015

source: Mikhail Khazin Translated from the Russian by Gideon I have not written a forecast for Russia for years. Mainly, because there was not much point – nothing had changed, the basic trends were simply continuing and there were no changes to describe. Today, the situation is changing. This requires a new forecast. There will be no analysis of previous forecasts as too much time has passed. This projection

The Obama’s decree: what’s behind it?

By Franco Vielma Source: Legal issues about Obama’s decree declaring Venezuela an “unusual and extraordinary threat” are expressions of purest imperial colonialism that has characterized the USA foreign policy. Following the usual practice of old (and decaying) empires, Barack Obama has sent for Congressional approval a legal decree – as if this were a matter of domestic policy – declaring Venezuela to be a threat to the internal security

I need a French speaker to subtitle a French video into English!

Bonjour les Francophones! J’aurais besoin d’un(e) Francophone pour traduire et sous-titrer cette vidéo d’Alain Soral: Au minimum je désirerais qu’une traduction soit faite des premières 17 minutes, mais une traduction de toute la vidéo serait encore mieux. Si vous pouvez m’aider envoyez-moi un courriel a Merci d’avance et a+ The Saker
