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In Yemen the “Axis of kindness” shows the true face of the Empire and proves Lenin right

The headlines out of Yemen really say it all: U.S. pulling last of its Special Operations forces out of Yemen (and destroy their equipment in the process) Russia’s Yemen consulate damaged amid Saudi-led airstrikes – embassy source Russian evacuation plane denied landing in Yemen, diverts to Cairo Chinese military disembark in port of Aden, Yemen, to guard evacuation – official Yemen crisis: Foreigners’ tales of escape Saudi Arabia, Yemen won’t

Ukraine SITREP Thursday April 2nd, 2015

The general trend in the Ukraine remains unchanged:  full-scale preparations for the next offensive: (Note: the following developments were spotted by my research team whom I plan to soon give direct access to the blog’s homepage to post daily Ukraine SITREPs – The Saker) Kolomoiskii was removed from his position as governor by US Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt and USVP Joe Biden who ordered him to step down which he

CrossTalk: The Yemen Template (great show!)

Peter Lavelle, Marcus Papadopoulos, Mark Sleboda, and Eric Draitser do a fantastic job taking apart the absolutely insane and incompetant US policies in the Middle East in general and in Yemen in particular.  A great show – enjoy it! The Saker

Future of the Saker Blog survey – results!

Dear friends, The survey is now closed and I am happy to report that 1’067 of you have replied to the questions.  What I want to do today is to post all the results question by question along with my evaluation of the results.  But first I want to thank you for participating in this survey which is extremely important and interesting for me.  Some of the results have surprised

Putin creates a Russian “Agency for Ethnic Affairs” and extends discount to the Ukraine

The Kremlin reports: Vladimir Putin had a working meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Mr Putin and Mr Medvedev talked about the establishment of the Federal Agency for Ethnic Affairs. The issue of extending the current discount price of natural gas for Ukraine was also discussed. * * * PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA VLADIMIR PUTIN: Mr Medvedev, you and I have had many discussions concerning the importance of closer coordination on

Ukrainian conflict: the less depressing side

Compiled by “Tatzhit” Mihailovich One cultural/media aspect of the new “hybrid war” that goes virtually unreported in the West is the humor, political cartoons, etc. Here are some examples, organized into several categories, with appropriate footnotes being given either next to joke/picture, or in the end of the post (*Russophobes can skip to the last section – on Putin and Russia – and spare me the inane cries of “This

Multi-level russophobia

Russophobia is an interesting thing to observe.  First, let’s look at the high end of the spectrum.  In an article of the Atlantic Council entitled “Russia Plans Spring Offensive in Ukraine, Warns Ex-NATO Chief Wesley Clark” General Wesley Clark, the “moderate Democrat who tried to start WWIII” declares that the Russians are preparing a Spring offensive somewhere between “Orthodox Easter, on April 12, and “most probably” before VE Day on

Speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, on Friday, March 27, 2015

I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Most Merciful. Peace be upon the Seal of Prophets, our Master and Prophet- Abi Al Qassem Mohammad; on his chaste and pure Household; on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets. Peace be upon you and Allah’s mercy and blessings. In fact, days ago, I was preparing for a televised speech

Yemen – yet another example of mind-boggling hypocrisy

The recent events in Yemen are taking on an increasingly dangerous turn.  Rather than to paraphrase what others have written, I will refer you to the following articles: Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya “The Geopolitics behind the War in Yemen” Ron Paul “Yemen Exploding: Is The Stage Set for the Big War?” Waqar Rizvi “In Yemen, old strategy for a new reality” What I propose to do is much more basic: I

Ukraine’s Right Sector Leader Wants Donbas Residents Deported

source: Dmitri Yarosh, Rada MP and leader of Ukraine’s Right Sector, has declared that the unruly residents of eastern Ukraine must be deported and deprived of their civil rights before a program of ‘affectionate Ukrainianization’ can begin. In an interview for Ukrainian newspaper Obosrevatel published on Sunday, Ukrainian Right Sector leader and Rada deputy Dmitri Yarosh stated that the unruly residents of eastern Ukraine should be deported and deprived of their civil rights.
