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Posts From The Saker

Does Serbia have a future?

by Sergei Pravosudov translated by Evgenia source: Thanks to the development of a Russian-Serbian energy co-operation. I began to frequent Serbia. At first I was fascinated by this country, as the people are friendly to Russians, but it soon became clear to me that the Serbian elite behave differently. I was told that almost all the representatives of the Serbian political elite have certain relations with the intelligence agencies:

The Ukrainian oligarchs have lived a year without a state, but what future awaits them?

by Ivan Lizan translated by Aleksey source: Since the victory of the “revolution of dignity” a year has passed which allows us to draw an interim debit / credit of oligarchic activities in Ukraine and understand, who out of the most active participants in the Maidan coup has been the winner, who has been the loser, and what the future holds for the Ukrainian oligarchs. It was smooth on

Exclusive interview with Ambassador Syed Mohammed Murtaza Shah

The War of Ego and Ideology flared up in Yemen will change the Middle East features Interview with Ambassador Syed Mohammed Murtaza Shah, CEO & Founder of Pakistan Movement for Justice, Peace and Human Rights International by Nahed al Husaini for the Saker blog. Nahed al Husaini: Excellency, Please introduce yourself to our readers? Ambassador Syed Mohammed Murtaza Shah: Actually I am defender and activist of human rights and peace working

ZAG! Russia does another “Libya” at the UNSC

This just in: the UNSC has adopted resolution “imposes an arms embargo against the Houthi rebels in Yemen and the allied forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh”.  How crazy is that?! An international coalition of thugs lead by the Saudis and al-Qaeda is conducing a large-scale aggression against Yemen and when the Jordanians propose to slap an arms embargo on the Houthis Russia simply abstains even though the

Letter from Russia (from the Saker’s mailbox)

Dear friends, I just got a moving letter from Russia which, after asking the author’s permission, I want to share with you “as is”, exactly as I got it myself. Kind regards, The Saker ——- It is a song about Great Patriotic War and memories of it. I am a grown up man in his 30ies (a Russian, so sorry for my English grammar) and I can’t, simply can’t watch

Ukraine SITREP April 14th, 2015, by Raskolnikova

1) Новак: контракт с Украиной на транзит газа продлен не будет. Novak: a contract with Ukraine on gas transit will not be extended – Russia is likely to abandon the gas transit through Ukraine after 2019, the current transit contract will not be extended, confirmed the Minister of Energy Minister Alexander Novak, speaking at the meeting of the Valdai Club. 2) СМИ: США намерены вести с Россией информационную борьбу

Yemen as yet another example of US military incompetence

It has become rather obvious to the world that the latest events in Yemen are yet another illustration of the phenomenal inability of US foreign policy to get anything done.  For a quick primer on this topic, see this excellent Cross Talk show or this article of mine.  Today I want to comment on something usually less discussed: the mind boggling cowardice of the US military. The US military has

Breaking News: Putin lifts ban on S-300 missile system supplies to Iran!

MOSCOW, April 13. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree to lift the ban on supplies of S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran. “The decree cancels the ban from transit through Russia (including by air), transportation outside the territory of Russia to the Islamic Republic of Iran and also handover to the Islamic Republic of Iran outside the territory of Russia with the use of ships and

PostScriptum show – April 11th, 2015 [ENG Subs]

Thanks to our brother in arms Tatzhit Mihailovich I can share with you today a very interesting segment of the show Post Scriptum.  This show is rather unique in that it is presented by Aleksei Pushkov, who is not only a member of the Russian Duma, but also the Head of the Duma’s Foreign Affairs committee and, in my opinion, a strong candidate to eventually replace Foreign Minister Lavrov.  In

Desacrated shrines

Note: this is the first article sent to my by the Saker Community representative in Novorussia, Dagmar Henn, from the German Saker Blog.  Dagmar has had a tough trip, with very little opportunity to write and only sporadic and slow Internet connections (this is, after all, a war zone).  I hope that this will be a first of a series of eyewitness reports by Dagmar about the reality of life

The political economy of civil war: How the Ukraine became as impoverished as Tajikistan in only one year

By Ivan Lisan Source: Translated from the Russian by Robin Tajikistan has long been considered the poorest of the former Soviet republics. For example, in 2013 its GDP per capita based on purchasing power parity was $2,536, whereas for the Ukraine it was $8,652. It would seem that to compare impoverished Tajikistan, which went through the crucible of civil war, with the until recently prosperous Ukraine was in bad

Россия не Европа (Russia is not Europe) – Humor

Note: Concerning the example of the overflowing toilet, having lived in the USA for a total of 18 years now, I can attest that overflowing and backed-up toilets are even more a US tradition than a Russian one.  There is even a special company called Roto-Rooter specializing it who is officially an “emergency pluming and drain” service but which in reality spends all of its time declogging back-up toilets.  As
