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Posts From The Saker

Letter from ‘deep’ Russia

Dear friends, I recently spoke to a contact of mine in Russia and since he was living in a rather typical Russian town away from the huge Moscow megapolis or even one of the major Russian cities, I asked him to share with us his simple daily experience of Russia.  He kindly agreed and here is his letter below.  I hope that these impression of a 25 year old man

April 6th, 2015, Ukraine SITREP and request for comments!

Note from the Saker: below is an almost unmodified sample of a Ukraine SITREP prepared by one of my three research assistants.  Please let us know what you like/dislike find useful/useless and what you would want to see.  BE NICE (I care for my RAs a lot!!) and remember moderation rules (especially rule #2!). Thanks and cheers! The Saker ——- VIVAT ‪#‎NOVOROSSIYA‬ ! 6 April—Anniversary of the start of armed

Alain Soral answers! (part 2)

Important note: Since is not meant to be a streaming video site, more of a download repository you might get a choppy video due to the large number of connections.  If that happens, please go to this page: and consider downloading this ogg video version: Finally, here is the link to the first part of the interview: I hope that this helps. Cheers, The Saker

Россия не Европа (Russia is not Europe) – an example through Music

Two days ago I posted an article entitled “Yes, Russia is *still* ready for war – even nuclear war” in which I wrote the following: “my daughter always laughs that Russian songs are all about only three topics: love, the Motherland and war.  She is right.  War and everything it represents in an integral part of the Russian culture as is sacrificing your life for the Motherland“.  Yesterday my daughter

Ukronazi “dissent control” in occupied Ukraine

Check out this amazing “public service announcement” photographed in the city of Kharkov: Here is the full translation of this text: “Common” Separatist: Defiles the national symbols Waits for the arrival of the Russian world/peace Punishment: 7-12 years in prison (Art. 110 Ukr. Penal Code) Saw, heard – call 0 800 501 482 Clearly – “European values” are coming to the Ukraine, but in their Euronazi variant… Sickening. The Saker

The Saker interviews Sheikh Imran Hosein

Dear friends, It is truly a HUGE pleasure for me to present you today with the first part of an interview I did with the Islamic scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein.  It is a pleasure because Sheikh Imran has agreed to reply to my questions in a video rather than a text, and I think that seeing him speak is a much more powerful experience than just reading his replies in

Yes, Russia is *still* ready for war – even nuclear war

On March 1st of last year I wrote an article entitled “Obama just made things much, much worse in the Ukraine – now Russia is ready for war” in which I wrote the following: “I hope and pray that Obama, and his advisers, stop and think carefully about their next step, because make no mistake about that RUSSIA IS READY FOR WAR.”  Using bolded red caps was my hope to

The deal with Iran – a major sign of the Empire’s weakness

So a deal was apparently reached in Lausanne.  It is not quite final, and there might be zig-zags, but it looks likely that a deal will be reached between Iran and the AngloZionist Empire.  Except for, in this case, the Anglos appear to be distinctly happier than the Zionists.  So, what is going on here? First and foremost, and I have said that innumerable times on this blog, this is

In Yemen the “Axis of kindness” shows the true face of the Empire and proves Lenin right

The headlines out of Yemen really say it all: U.S. pulling last of its Special Operations forces out of Yemen (and destroy their equipment in the process) Russia’s Yemen consulate damaged amid Saudi-led airstrikes – embassy source Russian evacuation plane denied landing in Yemen, diverts to Cairo Chinese military disembark in port of Aden, Yemen, to guard evacuation – official Yemen crisis: Foreigners’ tales of escape Saudi Arabia, Yemen won’t

Ukraine SITREP Thursday April 2nd, 2015

The general trend in the Ukraine remains unchanged:  full-scale preparations for the next offensive: (Note: the following developments were spotted by my research team whom I plan to soon give direct access to the blog’s homepage to post daily Ukraine SITREPs – The Saker) Kolomoiskii was removed from his position as governor by US Ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt and USVP Joe Biden who ordered him to step down which he

CrossTalk: The Yemen Template (great show!)

Peter Lavelle, Marcus Papadopoulos, Mark Sleboda, and Eric Draitser do a fantastic job taking apart the absolutely insane and incompetant US policies in the Middle East in general and in Yemen in particular.  A great show – enjoy it! The Saker

Future of the Saker Blog survey – results!

Dear friends, The survey is now closed and I am happy to report that 1’067 of you have replied to the questions.  What I want to do today is to post all the results question by question along with my evaluation of the results.  But first I want to thank you for participating in this survey which is extremely important and interesting for me.  Some of the results have surprised
