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Posts From The Saker

We live in a state of military alert

Source: Rostislav Ishchenko Translated from the Russian by Robin For the second year in a row, almost uninterrupted military exercises are taking place in Russia. The number of troops involved is comparable to or even greater than the number of participants in the largest exercise held by the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact military alliance – even though the Soviet armed forces totaled 3.5 million in 1991 and

Saker poll: please tell me what *you* think!

Dear friends, I have decided to ask for your opinion about this blog and about its future.  I cannot promise that I will always follow the majority opinion, but I will try to do my best to address the issues raised.  Please take the time to fill this survey and let me know what you think. Many thanks and kind regards, The Saker Click here to take the survey:

The Saker interviews Paul Craig Roberts

I had been wanting to interview Paul Craig Roberts for a long time already. For many years I have been following his writings and interviews and every time I read what he had to say I was hoping that one day I would have the privilege do interview him about the nature of the US deep state and the Empire. Recently, I emailed him and asked for such an interview,

Kolomoisky finishing Ukraine up

Source: By Valentin Katanosov Translated by Claudio About 15 years ago, “natural selection”-based oligarchic capitalism started being developed in Ukraine: oligarchs devoured small and medium businesses, as well as state-owned assets. As resources of primitive accumulation were going to be exhausted, oligarchs began to devour each other by means of administrative pressure, raider attacks, corrupt courts, trumped-up charges and, if necessary, murder. This process was quite similar to a

Is Uncle Sam “tossing” Kolomoiskii?

Events in the Ukraine are taking a very serious turn: Poroshenko has declared that private “pocket” armies of governors will no longer be tolerated and he has now given Kolomoiskii 24 hours to lay down arms.  Poroshenko’s chief henchmen – Arsen Avakov and the CIA’s Valentin Nalivaichenko – have indicated that Poroshenko has their full support and loyalty.  In other words, the full power of the junta is now threatening

Two “MUST SEE” videos about the *reality* of the war in the Ukraine

Dear friends, Remember the guy who did the excellent video “We know with 99% certainty who shot down MH17“?  His name is John Martin, and he has just released another superb video entitled “Crimea… What really happened?”.  This video is, in my opinion, probably the best I have seen in terms of explaining what really took place last year.  Once again, I am amazed (and elated) to see that unpaid

A new webmaster for the Saker Community!

Dear friends, I am happy to announce that a new webmaster has been chosen.  This is ‘HCS’ who will now be in charge of webmastering for all the Saker blogs.  HCS is not new to our community as he had already participated in the efforts to salvage a lot of the data which had been lost as the result of the problems which happened this winter, and he has participated

Russia Rebounds, Despite Sanctions

By Matthew A. Winkler for ==>>Bloomberg<<== (yes, Bloomberg not the Kremlin’s press office!) Sanctions meant to punish Russia for snatching Crimea from Ukraine one year ago were supposed to hurt Russian business. And they did. Russian stocks, bonds and commodities had the worst performance in 2014 of those in any emerging market. That was then. Now the picture is changing, with investors starting to favor Russia in 2015. The ruble,

Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov in the USSR – Soral and Dieudonne in France

A minor but oh-so-telling example of the power of the Zionist regime in France: French comedian Dieudonne was sentenced to a two months suspended sentence for “condoning terrorism” because he posted on FB: “I feel like Charlie Coulibaly”. French comedian Nicolas Bedos was cleared from any wrongdoings even though he had called Marine LePen a “Fascist bitch“. In the case of Bedos, the court declared that  it was “perfectly clear

How many armies does Europe need?

Source: by Rostislav Ishchenko, president of the Center of System Analysis and Forecasting Translated by Aleksey Against the backdrop of a decision by the IMF to loan Ukraine 17.5 billion over a span of four years’ time (it is still a trick to receive these funds – the previous bailout, agreed in 2014, has not been fully received) the talk of a creation of a European armed forces has

Western Connection in the Assassination of Serbia’s Prime Minister Djindjic

by Nikola Vrzic Several days ago, on March 12th, Serbia marked another – twelfth – anniversary of the assassination of Serbia’s prime minister Zoran Djindjic. The official narrative of Djindjic, as a reformer who was killed by criminals and Serbian nationalists, this year was confronted with evidence revealing the story as much more complex, with a strong presence of Western, primarily British and US secret services… The official version of

Ukraine SITREP Friday March 20th, 2015

Just like the Titanic, the Ukraine is sinking faster and faster.  By now, I expect that most of you must have heard of the quasi-insurrection in occupied Konstantinovka following the killing of a mother and child by a drunken Ukrainian APC crew.  Accident can happen anywhere, of course, but the quasi-insurrection which took place following this accident is indicative of the rage and hostility of the local population towards their

The Friends of Hitler Club: Uniate Metropolitan A. Sheptytsky eternalized in the center of Lviv

Source: Translated from the Russian by Alexander March 17, 2015 The Ukrainian governement started another campaign of historic proportions. On the central square of Lviv they want to raise a giant monument of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky who led the so-called Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church for 44 years (1900-1944). For this the Ukrainian authorities are ready for anything – even spend a budget of $ 1.3 million and dismantle the square.
