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Posts From The Saker

France at war with alternative medias

By Cyrano They were thousands of people marching all over France for Freedom of Speech, chanting JE SUIS CHARLIE, after the killing of Charlie Hebdo cartoonists. No surprise there. Arguing in France is a national sport, the French just love to discuss the pros and cons of such and such ideas and to defend their point of view in discussions that can last forever. However, some had doubts about the

Blog news: Webmaster resignation

Dear friends, It is with great regret that I have to announce to you that my webmaster Gevorg has decided to resign from his position.  He has asked me to inform you that no more donations should be collected for him and that enough has been sent. I am personally very saddened by his departure and I want to express to him my deepest gratitude for the fantastic job he

When The Kiev Army Has No More Tanks

source: by Denis Selesnev Translated by Eugenia The military operation in Donbass resulted for the Ukrainian army in huge losses of weapons – first of all, tanks. It has been estimated that during hostilities of 2014 the Military Forces of Ukraine (MFU) lost up to 200 tanks destroyed or taken by the adversary. The resumption of the active hostilities naturally leads to new losses. From the beginning of 2015

A small potpourri of blog related news

Dear friends, I just wanted to share a couple of things with you today. First, I wanted to mention that the folks are Vox Populi Evo have begun to share more videos subtitled in English with us, such as the two recent ones about Mozgovoi and Givi.  Even better, then have agreed to subtitle in English a full-length interview of the famous Ukrainian author Oles Buzina about the history of

Next podcast – on the go?

Dear friends, I want to try something a little new: record a podcast while driving :-) I got myself a pretty decent mobile microphone (a Zoom H1) and I hope that the sounds of the engine, tires and wind will not be heard too much on the final recording (I will be using a low-cut filter and a windscreen).  Of course, this will not be as convenient as recording in

Seeing through the doublethink: Primary evidence on losses of the combatants at Donbass

(Note by the Saker: Tatzhit Mihailovich submitted this article with *many* embedded photos and videos and I asked him to replace them by links to the media in order not to overload the page and to make the formatting easier.  Make sure to check his YouTube and LiveLeak channels which are chock-full of very good stuff!) Seeing through the doublethink: Primary evidence on losses of the combatants at Donbass by

I will be gone all day Friday 13th (so enjoy your open thread)

Dear friends, I will be gone all day Friday 13th so enjoy your open thread. As for me, I plan to spend a day deep in the Florida wilderness alone with my wife (my wife and nature are my two addictions which I need to ‘fix’ in order to avoid severe withdrawal symptoms) Open thread below :-) Cheers and hugs, The Saker

Ukraine SITREP Thursday March 12th, 2015

The main development in the Ukraine is the sharp increase in the number of visible signs of the economic collapse taking place.  Prices are sky-rocketing, more and more salaries are simply unpaid, shortages are becoming more frequent and as a direct result, so are social protests.  The interesting thing is that these protests are not limited to the eastern Ukraine, but are also taking place in western regions of the

Fundraisers update

Dear friends, I just wanted to update you on the two fundraisers I mentioned yesterday.  First, here is a video about Russia Insider: Then I wanted to remind you all to indicate FOR GEVORG when you donate to my webmaster (if you forgot to do so yesterday, please email me). On behalf of Russia Insider and Gevorg, thanks a lot!! Cheers, The Saker
