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Posts From The Saker

Very interesting interview of Paul Craig Roberts with Ellen Brown! (UPDATED)

Dear friends, I want to draw your attention to a very interesting interview of Paul Craig Robers with Ellen Brown.  You can listen to it right here: By the way, I would like to get in touch with Paul Craig Roberts.  If you have his email, please send it to me. Enjoy this most interesting interview, kind regards, The Saker UPDATE: got his email, thanks, and I emailed him today. 

The European Union’s military: yet another sign of impotence

You probably have heard of the European attempt to reacquire some relevance: the proposal to create a “European Union Army”.  In part, this is, as an attempt by the Europeans to show that they matter, that they can do something by themselves, that they are not completely US lackeys.  This might also be a reaction to the crazy statements of General Philip Breedlove, the Commander of the U.S. European Command

Two important fundraisers

Dear friends, Today I want to ask for your support for two fundraisers, one for one of our “brother in arms” and one for my webmaster. Russia Insider crowdfunding campaign Russia Insider is launching its first crowdfunding campaign today.  Please check out Charles Bausman’s appeal ( APPEAL: We’ve Launched Russia Insider’s Crowdfunding on Kickstarter. ) and the campaign’s kickstarter page ( Russia Insider – Challenge the Media. Let’s Push Back!

So did Syriza win a victory?

by Alexander Mercouris   Since Greek was granted a 4 month extension there has been a sustained attempt both within Greece and in the English speaking world to claim that it is Syriza rather than the EU hardliners that came out ahead on points.  This is the view of Tsipras but also the view of such Anglophone commentators ranging from Jack Rasmus on the far left to Paul Krugman on

Back from Moscow

by Alexander Mercouris As everyone by now knows I have been a week in Moscow. It was an extraordinary, wonderful visit packed with productive work and meetings with good friends.  There is so much to say and I will try to say it when I can.  But first a quick general impression about the economic and security situation unrelated to specific political news or to the Nemtsov murder (of which

Nemtsov murder – more questions than answers

According to RT, Zaur Dadaev, who had reportedly confessed involvement in Nemtsov’s murder, said he organized the crime in revenge for the opposition leader’s “negative comments on Muslims and Islam,” according to Rosbalt’s source in law enforcement.  Sounds plausible? Not really.  Possible?  I suppose so.  But plausible? Zaur Dadaev  – who supposedly pulled the trigger –  was the deputy commander of the Chechen special operations battalion “Vostok”.  Hardly your typical

Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance

by F. William Engdahl for New Eastern Outlook First appeared here: Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance   Something remarkable is taking place in Russia, and it’s quite different from what we might expect. Rather than feel humiliated and depressed Russia is undergoing what I would call a kind of renaissance, a rebirth as a nation. This despite or in fact because the West, led by the so-called neo-conservatives in Washington, is trying

Ukraine unofficially has 272 percent inflation!

Ukraine unofficially has 272 percent inflation.  And is not a Kremlin-sponsored propaganda outlet which says so, or some rabidly nationalistic Russian blogger, but the very AngloZionist Washington Post.  In the same article, the WAPO also states that the Hrivna is in free fall: Whether this admission is made in the hopes of getting more funding to the Kiev regime or whether its intention is to signal that it is time

Important developments in the Nemtsov murder case (UPDATED)

It took the combined efforts of the FSB/SKR/MVD one week to make the first arrests in the case of the murder of Nemtsov: a group of 7 men, all from the North Caucasus were arrested.  A sixth man killed himself with a hand grenade  in Grozny when he was about to be arrested. The Russians used the combination of the “Potok” HD camera monitoring network and intercepts of all the

Now the freaks are openly fighting each other

My “favorite” freak in Kiev is the infamous Oleg Liashko who provides the world with a weekly scandal of some kind.  His latest is a fight with Sergei Melnichuk, the commander of the “Aidar” death-squad.  Considering that Liahsko got elected riding on his alleged endorsement by the members of Aidar there is a certain irony to see these two men accusing each other of betrayal.  See the video for yourself

Alexei Mozgovoi’s appeal about assassination attempt on him

7/03/15 — around 17:00, an attempt to blow up Alexei’s car was made at the Mikhailovka checkpoint. Luckily he only suffered light injuries. Soon after the assassination attempt Alexei Borisovich has recorded his appeal. Commentary from Kotaro Kazzura: Now a comment from myself, don’t read it if you kinda don’t have own opinion, don’t know the facts etc. the events happening in Donbass and events that caused them and stuff,

Iraq Arrests ISIL’s US, Israeli Military Advisors in Mosul

TEHRAN (FNA)– Iraqi Special Forces said they have arrested several ISIL’s foreign military advisors, including American, Israeli and Arab nationals in an operation in Mosul in the Northern parts of the country. The Iraqi forces said they have retrieved four foreign passports, including those that belonged to American and Israeli nationals and one that belonged to the national of a Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) member-state, from ISIL’s military advisors.

Could there be a grain of truth in the Ukrainian propaganda?

We have all heard the Ukrainian nationalist line: they are the true Slavs inheritors of the Kievan Rus while the modern Russians are really either Tatars or Ugro-Finns or God knows what else.  And then there the famous quote by, I think, Napoleon, who said “scratch the Russian and you will find the Tatar”. The interesting thing here is that there might well be some truth to that, and more

Blog changes, donations, technical improvements, moderation and chats!

Lots’ of blog news today.  I will present them one by one: New homepage format: Many of you have complained about the new “thematic” presentation of the new blog’s homepage.  As I have mentioned before, there is an easy fix: bookmark instead of  This way you will always immediately see the “chronological” presentation of every single article posted.  But after discussing it with my webmaster, we have decided
