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Posts From The Saker

Appeal for help: can somebody translate this into English?

Dear friends,Is there somebody here who could translate this video into English?  Especially, the segment between 1:20 and 11:41.  But, of course, translating the full video would be better.If somebody could volunteer his/her time and effort to translate this video, I would recommend posting a note here in the comments section so that others do not duplicate the effort.  Maybe some of you could get in touch with each other

Why the US-Russian nuclear balance is as solid as ever

Ok. Today I am going to address the nuclear threat canard one last time.  After that, I will just ignore this topic which, frankly, is a waste of time.  Here are two comments which were recently posted on the blog: “Security experts in the U.S. do not agree that Russia has a credible nuclear deterrent. The story is that the Russian nuclear force is in disrepair and that the U.S.

One more attempt at clarifying my position on Russian options

The pitfalls and risks of expressing feelings in a blog My recent rant “Please tell me my worst fears will not come true” was clearly very poorly written and my subsequent attempt to clarify what I meant did little to improve the mess I apparently had created. To be honest, I never went to “blogger school” and I am painfully learning this trade by trial and error including a lot

“For Inna” – a video which should be circulated worldwide

On 2 June 2014 an air strike of the Ukrainian Air force on city of Lugansk resulted in 8 deaths and 28 wounded.  Inna Vladimirovna Kukurudza (Кукурудза Инна Владимировна), an employee credit union was one the number of the innocent civilian victims murdered that day. She died in the ambulance after the horrific injuries that we see at the end of this video.  This video was made as a tribute to

My rant tonight – okay, I will try to clarify further

Okay, predictably some has misunderstood my rant as a change in heart.  Others wonder what has changed over the past 24 hours.  So let me clarify:1) No change of heart?  No – Putin did the right thing by waiting as long as was possible.  I just don’t believe that waiting is possible any more.  Why not?2) What has changed?  Not just words, but actions by Poroshenko.  I, along with many

Saker rant: Please tell me my worst fears will not come true!

Several Serbian commentators have expressed their concern, if not outright worry, about what is happening right now in Novorossia. I have to admit that I now share that concern. While I am not Serbian myself, some of the longtime readers of that blog know that I have had the opportunity to follow the entire war in Bosnia and Croatia literally minute by minute while working for the UN far away

June 8th combat SITREP by “Juan”

1. Confirmed view live stream Grad missile battery firing salvos outskirts Slavyansk early morning 08.08.2014 2. Reports of Russian armored columns crossing in the Novorossiya at sunup 08.06.2014 are false. 3. Strong bombardment of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk still. Ukraine tanks firing in to living areas both cities as part of bombard. 4. Civilian casualties reported from on going artillery attack Slavyansk, 15.2 cm howitzer and 12.2 cm mortar in use

Poroshenko’s message to Novorossiia and Russia

Poroshenko’s inauguration speech has sent a  message to Novorossiia and Russia: No federalization No state status for the Russian language No recognition of the Novorossian political leadership Full and unconditional surrender of the Novorossian Defense Forces Crimea will forever belong to the Ukraine. He could not have been any clearer: that is basically a declaration of war and an ultimatum.  This is also a full endorsement of the “Banderastan project”.Clearly,

June 7th combat SITREP by “Juan”

Question by The Saker: Did the Border Control Headquarters really fall to Donbas Army? Juan’s reply: Yes, done deal since yesterday morning. Lots of vids showing Donbas Army allowing the prisoners to leave after they changed in to civilian clothes and some vids showing Donbas Army going through the building and armories. Found was a got a ton of weapons and ammo including RPG’s and MG’s, at least two BTR’s in

June 6th combat SITREP update by “Juan”

1. Commo around Slavyansk is busy with reports of much movement of Nats forces. 2. Semenovka is under continuous bombardment since 07:00 06.06.2014. Vast areas are destroyed. Grad missiles are used but not in salvo. 15.2 cm howitzers and 12.2 cm mortars plus heavy field guns and tank cannon. 3. Lugansk City proper is under air attack 18:05 06.06.2014. At least 2 Su25 aircraft attacked living areas. Casualties unknown. 4.

Ukie An-30 spy-plane apparently shot down by NDF

From RT on YouTube: Witnesees report the An-30 was hit over Slavyansk at 17:04 local time. It continued over the horizon. Unconfirmed reports state the pilots ejected and the plane crashed somewhere between Nikolaevka and Krasny Liman, near Golubie Ozera (Blue Lakes) region. It’s also reported that the plane was hit by anti-air missile, presumably launched by anti-Kiev militia:

June 5th combat SITREP update by “Juan”

Красный Лиман Krasni Liman was taken by Ukraine Army and national guard 04 June 2014. Replacement Mi24 attack helicopters have arrived in Ukraine as replacements for the Ukraine Army losses in Donbas. Confirmed. Strong bombardments Slavyansk City and outlying towns and villages commenced 05:00 local time 05.06.2014. Civilian casualties unknown. National guard/right sector entered Railroad Hospital Krasni Liman and shot dead 37 wounded Donbas Army soldiers and civilians and at
