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Posts From The Saker

Considering the “what ifs” and “then whats” of a direct Russian intervention in the Donbass

It has been my recurrent effort on this blog to try to explain the likely reasons why Russia has not intervened so far in the war between Banderastan and Novorosiia.  I notice that those who see signs of “betrayal” or “sellout” by Putin are long on accusations but very short on specifics.  Unlike the excellent article which I recently posted as a “must read”, the folks who are busy accusing

Very interesting admission by a senior US diplomat: Russia “betrayed” the NWO

I was just watching Alain Soral’s latest video when I heard him offer a very interesting explanation for why the AngloZionist Empire hates Putin so much.  The article Soral quotes is entitled “The End of the New World Order” and it has been written by Christopher R. Hill, “former US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia, was US Ambassador to Iraq, South Korea, Macedonia, and Poland, a US special

Making sense of Obama’s billion dollar hammer

You probably heard it by now: Obama has pledged a billion dollars to what my “beloved” BBC called “European security”. The official name for this initiative is the “European Reassurance Initiative”.  You see, Obama and the BBC apparently believe that Europeans are really terrified and that they believe that the Russian tanks might roll into Warsaw, Athens, Rome or Lisbon at any time.  The good news is that Uncle Sam

Russians are sub-humans in the eyes of the West

by “Juan” Untermenschen. That is what we are in the eyes of The West. Untermenschen. Subhumans. I have watched the unfolding coup d’etat in Ukraine from it’s very beginning in late November 2013 in Kiev. I have watched a steady stream of western dignitaries and politicians parade through Maidan Square in Kiev, each and every one of them publicly and vocally expressing their open support of the coup d’etat. I

June 3rd combat SITREP update by “Juan”

No sleep from 05:00 02.06. Please excuse spelling mistakes. During a protest near Lviv in west Ukraine by women demanding the return of their conscripted sons and husbands the women were beaten by Tyagnibok’s Svoboda Party operatives. Two women are in hospital. Artillery fire commenced against the town of Severodonetsk 04:20 local time. Slavyansk and Kramatorsk heavy fighting resumed dawn today. 3 enemy BTR’s destroyed before dawn 03 June 2014

I love the BBC (again and again!)

The BBC is wonderful.  Here are the two Russia-linked headlines today: Russian Evgeniy Bogachev sought over cybercrime botnet Ukraine crisis: Border guards’ centre is attacked However, they did mention the massacre in Lugansk (in the middle of the 2nd article).  Like that: In Luhansk, there was an explosion in the main regional building seized by the separatists several weeks ago. It was not immediately known what caused the blast. Unconfirmed

Lugansk attacked by Ukrainian Air Force

The city of Lugansk in the easternmost part of the ex-Ukraine has been attacked by Ukrainian combat aircraft.  See for yourself: The aircraft in question is a Sukhoi-25, a close air support aircraft which might well become the major threat for the NDF in the next few days or weeks. The Su-25 is very hard to shoot down.  It’s cabin is armored and its widely separated engines are both equipped

Auslander reports about the Ukrainian refugees situation in Crimea

Auslander reports from Crimea: Today after Church we went to a facility that is housing some of the children and women from Slavyansk. The group consisted of Father and his wife, a senior Navy officer and his wife and we two. The officer had informed the facility of the time of our arrival and who was in the group. I will not give the name or location of the facility

Translation of the “must read” article of explaining why there is no Russian intervention in the Ukraine

It is with an immense and heartfelt THANK YOU! to “BM” for his translation that I have the real privilege to share with you this translation into English of the excellent article of I mentioned in my previous post.  This is, in my opinion, the most complete and well-written analysis of the apparent Russian “passivity” and we all owe “BM” a big debt of gratitude for making it available

Ukraine SITREP May 31st, 21:13 UTC/Zulu: why can’t the junta take Slaviansk?

Combats SITREP from “Juan” Igla-S man protable anti aircraft missiles were found ‘abandoned’ beside a country road’ by Donbas Army, confirmed. Quantity unknown.  A video of a Ukrainian Sukhoi ground attack plane being shot down 30 May is extant. No verification of the incident by witness account from a crash sight. The pilot ejecting is visible on the video.  Ternopol: Some government buildings have been taken by the people, one

Two very good articles, one in Russian and one in French

Dear friends,While I work on the next SITREP I wanted to share with you two very good articles, one in Russian and one in French.The first article, sent to me by ‘D’ and entitled “Почему нет военной интервенции РФ на Украину” (Why there is no intervention of the Russian Federation in the Ukraine) provides a detailed and extremely well-written explanation of why Russia is not intervening in the Ukraine.  Until

Short message from “Juan”

“Another long night. As of this time, 06:14 local time, the Grad system has not fired. Bombardment of civilian areas stopped at 03:00 31.05.14 and resumed at 06:00 this morning.”

May 30th combat SITREP update by “Juan”

Seemyovka, Slavyansk, Kromatorsk and Donetsk City are under heavy artillery bombardment and aircraft  bombing attacks for 2 hours and continuing. Civilian areas targeted. Civilian casualties are mounting, Donbas Army casualties unknown.  Data provided 25 Brigade located on Karachun Mountain overlooking Slavyansk has been order to fire Grad systems early morning 31 May 2014 in full salvo. 3 launchers in place. Commander refused the order and was removed. Systems have been

May 30th combat SITREP by “Juan”

1. Sporadic and heavy at times fighting around Slavyansk and the outlying villages on 29 May with no notable successes for the Nats Army and national guard units. Some losses reported for the national guard units. 2. A half battery of Grad missile launchers, BM-21, is in position within range of Mariupol. As of this morning that unit has not fired. Range of Grad missile is up to 35 kilometers.

A pleasant interlude: Russia’s Diamonds by Yuri Dia konov

I have recently had the pleasure of reading the latest book by Yuri Dia konov entitled Russia’s Diamonds and I can immediately tell you that it is a fun read.  The weird thing is that the Amazon blurb about this books says this about the book: Some agents are bigger than life. Kllip Lugre works for Russia. You might say that Lugre is the antithesis of James Bond. But not

Russia gives 240 million Euros to Syria

The news agency Regnum has announced that Russia will give Syria 240 million Euros to help it pay for its social programs.  46 millions will be donated and the rest of the sum loaned.  This agreement was negotiated by Dmitri Rogozin during his recent trip to Syria.  The agreement will not require any additional spending for the Russian budget as both side have agreed to a “debt in exchange for

Ukraine SITREP May 29th, 16:06 UTC/Zulu: Poroshenko’s weird war

Introduction: the broader background to the Ukrainian crisis Before looking at the latest developments in the Ukraine, I think that it is important to at least mention two major developments involving Russia.  First, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus have signed the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) and they will soon be joined by Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.  Second, China has officially called for a new security alliance with Russia and Iran thereby proving

Interesting interview of Alexander Borodai, the Prime Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic

Tonight the Russian TV showed a rather interesting live interview of Alexander Borodai, the Prime Minister of the self-declared “Donetsk People’s Republic”.  Alexander Borodai interviewed while protected by his anti-sniper team Here is a summary of his statements: There are no combats inside Donetsk proper. The DPR forces fully control all of the city. The Right Sector fully controls the airport. The junta’s air force make regular overflights of the

Ukrainian nationalism: an image is worth a thousand words

Normally, when somebody is presented a sword or another weapon, it is the person accepting the gift which is supposed to stand on his knees to receive it, not the person giving it.  But in Banderastan, things are always the opposite of what they should be.Check out the photo below.  It shows a Ukie general standing on his knees to offer a sword to John F. Tefft, US Ambassador to
