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Posts From The Saker

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah commemorating the Day of Resistance and Liberation held in the Southern village of Bint Jbeil on May 25th, 2014

Foreword by the Saker: those of you who are new to this blog might not know it, but in the past I have always posted the translated speeches of the Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah for two reasons: first, I have an infinite respect and admiration for the man himself and for his movement, but also because I believe that being exposed to his views is absolutely mandatory for anybody

May 28th combat SITREP update by “Juan”

Residential areas of Slavyansk shelled by mortars and artillery starting at 11:00 local time. School #13 in Slavyansk was hit by a 12.2 cm mortar shell. School is also used as a kindergarten. 9 civilians injured including a 4 year old boy. Unknown if the casualties were at the school or in other areas under bombardment. Very strong fighting commenced approximately 15:30 local time in the area of Donetsk Airport

May 28th combat SITREP by “Juan”

Heavy bombardment at night and early morning in Rubezhnoye in Lugansk Oblast. Civilian casualties unknown. More scattered fighting and probes around Slavyansk last night and this morning. Donetsk residents are actively assisting the Fed units in building barricades on city streets and setting up fighting positions. Reports of more fighting in the Donetsk Airport area last night and dawn this morning. Terminal at Donetsk Airport heavily damaged in the fighting

Does Russia really need the Ukrainian military-industrial complex?

I really like the Asia Times, but the article I saw in it today left me wondering how it could have gotten past the editors. The article in question is Ukraine: A military-industrial complex to die for by Gregory J Moore. While I most definitely encourage you to read the article in its entirety, its thesis is simple: the Ukrainian military-industrial complex is, if not vital, then at least crucial

Clarifications about certain issues mentioned in today’s SITREP

As is often the case, my previous SITREP has touched superficially on a number of issues which have raised some eyebrows and, since I have the time, I feel that it might be a good thing to clarify my position on some of them.A “limited” Russian military optionFirst, this is clearly a possibility whose main quality is that is falls short of a full-scale ground operation.  However, those who advocate

“Flash” SITREP update from “Juan”

Tanks are on the move west of Slavyansk, destination unknown, at least a Rota (Company, ergo 16 tanks if at full strength, which is doubtful. Normally any serving tank Rota will be at 75% max at any given time as tanks are under repair, and normally 60%. Under combat conditions it is 50% or less.) with accompanying support units such as BTR’s and BMP’s plus infantry. Unit unknown. Unconfirmed information

Ukraine SITREP May 27th, 14:54 UTC/Zulu: assault on Donetsk and a look from above

First, a “SITREP from the front lines” by “Juan” Donetsk Airport freight terminal is burned and partly destroyed. Kiev is believed to be in control of the airport at this time. Damage to the terminal building is unknown. The attempt to seize Donetsk Airport was reinforced by Vostok Brigade. Casualties were heavy in the brigade but numbers unknown. The Vostok Brigade wounded being transported to hospital in a truck were

SITREP from the front lines by “Juan”

This is the latest “SITREP from the front lines” sent by “Juan” to whom I am immensely grateful for sharing this information with us. The Saker ——-  A lot has happened since I wrote the last items for the Saker. The situation in the south and east of Ukraine is quite fluid and changes by the hour. Early on 24 May 2014 strong movements of Nats units began, converging on

The Chechens and Ramzan Kadyrov – reply to a reader

After my recent post about Chechnia and the hope it gives me, one reader posted a particularly interesting comment which, I believe, deserves a full answer.  One thing which particularly motivated me to write this more detailed reply rather that a shot comment-reply was that what this reader wrote almost exactly mirrored my own thoughts just a few years ago.  So in replying to this reader I have the opportunity

The “other West” – one more example

Alexander Solzhenitsyn liked to say that “one teaspoon of sea water gives you the taste of the ocean”.  Today I would like to post here the text of a letter to the Russian embassy in Germany by a private person which is exactly that: the letter of (only) one person.  However, the feelings which it conveys are, I believe, shared by a lot of people in the “West”.  It would

Russia, Chechnia and the Ukraine – the *choice* to keep hoping for the impossible

As you probably know, the two Russian journalists who worked for the LifeNews, Oleg Sidyakin and Marat Saichenko, were finally freed and brought back home via Grozny in Chechnia.  You might even have heard that the President of Chechnia, Ramzan Kadyrov, played a special role in their liberation.  I think that the importance of this event might be under-estimated by many observers and I want to briefly comment on that.It

Ukraine SITREP May 25th, 22:52 UTC/Zulu: Coming full circle with some cautious hope?

What was the main demand of the Maidanites?  Oh yes, to expel a fat corrupt leader.  Now, several months later it sure looks to me that they traded one fat and corrupt leader for another one.  The big difference being that Yahukovich at least did not use force against his own people.  Poroshenko has no such problems. Ukie oligarchs v2.0 The other difference – of sorts – is, I suppose,

Missing 9/11 files now available for download (UPDATED)

Dear friends,Here are the two files which I promised to make available for download: this helps.  Let me know if you have a problem with these.Kind regards,The Saker PS: thanks to davidius for recommending Zippyshare! PPS: As an alternative to Zippyshare here are some Medifire links:

Ukraine SITREP May 24th, 22:52 UTC/Zulu: escalation across the Donbass

Heavy fighting around Slavyansk increasing in tempo for the last 3 hours. Slavyansk under assault from 7 areas. Artillery is being used, at least one apartment building is burning in one of the outlying towns under assault. Self propelled arty, Msta-S reported, 15.2 cm howitzer type, are on the move with all their support echelons. Tanks are on the move, some heading for Slavyansk, some Donetsk. Grad batteries are on

Short non-Ukrainian sidebar: nukes on 911?

Many of you have commented on Gordon Duff, Press TV and the “Dimitri Khalezov theory” about nukes being used on 911.  I just want to tell you that I rate the credibility of Press TV as “poor”, of Gordon Duff and “Veterans Today” as “terrible” and Dimitry Khazelov as “unknown”.  However, one should rate the source and the information given by the source.  So to this I will say thata)

Why does Russia not leak the names of the war criminals?

While Nazi death squads are roaming around the Donbass and murdering civilians and “their own” soldiers the Kremlin’s response seems to be limited to two aspects: denouncing the atrocities on the ground and providing truthful information to the Ukrainian population (via the Russian media) and the world (via RT).  This is good, but not enough.I am pretty confident that the GRU knows all the Ukrainian unit commanders down to the

Calling things by their proper names in the Ukraine

Life often seems like one long never ending Asch conformity experiment: even when there is overwhelming evidence that something is “A”, the media, and those zombified by it, confidently state “non-A”.    That this kind of doublethink is also applied to the conflict in the Ukraine should surprise nobody, but it is still important to “call a stone and stone” and to give a clear and unambiguous characterization of what has

The conflict in the Ukraine as seen by a professional soldier

I have recently come into contact with “Juan” who currently resides near the conflict area in the Ukraine. I don’t personally know Juan but I am confident that he/she is a person with a military background and a first-hand knowledge of the Russian military, including elite units. In our email exchanges we soon established that while I was “one of ‘them’ who was buried under 15 kilometers of concrete, rock

Personal announcement: rules, housecleaning and contact info request

To the small number of obnoxious monomaniacs amongst you who are totally obsessed with WWII, Hitler and Jews: this blog is *NOT* a historic blog about these topics.  Is that so hard to understand?  Today I had to trash something in the range of 20-25 comments all about race, Jews, Hitler, etc.  This has got to stop and you are clearly not understanding it the nice way.  This is a
