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Gorlovka celebrates the Russian Airborne Forces Day

On August 2nd, people in Gorlovka celebrated the Russian Airborne Forces Day Russian airborne forces VDV have traditionally worn a blue beret and blue-striped long-sleeved shirt or telnyashka and are called “desant” (Ru: Десант) from the French “Descente”. Celebration of the Russian Airborne Troops Day in Gorlovka Donetsk People’s republic, Donbass     Oleg Gasmanov: No one, but us Олег Газманов – Никто, кроме нас! (новый клип 2015)

Ukraine: blood poured at Kiev protest for a writer Oles Buzina murder suspects’ release

    Oles Buzina murder suspects With Ukraine’s law enforcement and courts gradually locking up the Nazis, members of death squads, political assassins, fake “pro-Russian separatists,” Maidan organizers and other  Washington useful tools and useful idiots, some of their followers can’t quite understand that the show is over. On Jul 29, 2016 Dozens of Ukrainian nationalists demonstrated in front of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Kiev, Friday, to demand the

Ukraine: 10,000 marchers meet in Kiev for Russian Orthodox Procession for peace and unity

  Jul 27, 2016 Up to 10,000 participants of the Ukrainian Cross Procession for Peace congregated on St. Vladimir Hill and walked to the Lavra Monastery in Kiev, Wednesday, where a prayer ceremony was held. The procession started at the opposite ends of Ukraine, with one group beginning on 3 July from the Holy Assumption Sviatohirsk Lavra in the eastern Donetsk region and the second taking off on 9 July

Russia creates wanted list of 260 suspected terrorists

    Director of the Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov stated that Russia had issued the wanted list of 260 people, suspected in “terrorist activities,” during the 15th meeting of heads of special services, security agencies and law enforcement organisations in St. Petersburg, Wednesday. SOT, Alexander Bortnikov, Director of the Federal Security Service of Russia (Russian): “Today we receive confirmed information about the plans of gang leaders currently in hiding

If it looks like a duck, if it walks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it’s a damned duck

Video’s title in Russian: “Lviv region solemnly reburies the remains of soldiers of  SS-Division “Galicia.” This vid link is the tip of the iceberg, youtube is full of similar videos and the internet is full of charming photos of the beloved orcs with lovely tattoos and giving The World the stiff arm salute whilst waving their silly little flags with the crooked cross. So much for our charming ‘partners’ in

Nice, Brussels & Paris attacks: Putin did it!!!! (News Flashbang Show) (Great stuff, MUST SEE!)

Friends, Dunno about you, but I really like what the News Flashbang Show has been producing and each video is better than the previous one.  So, please, help them either by a contribution or by volunteering!!  Don’t let another talent go to waste and help the good guys fight the information war against the multi-billionaires and their propaganda machine.  Just do it! Thanks, The Saker

Bullet points – intelligence items, eye witness accounts, gleaned in the aftermath of Bastille Day massacre 2016

(Thanks to my friend “P” for sending me these various items!  The Saker) Bullet points – intelligence items, eye witness accounts, gleaned in the aftermath of Bastille Day massacre 2016 – thanks tp Hicham Hamza of (1) A video filmed by an Israeli ‘witness’. Shortly after the fusillade, at about the 18th second, a man lying alongside another individual appears to be pinned to the ground and is thumped vigorously by the police

The Clintons’ War on Women

by Jimmie Moglia (source: “I do condemn mine ears that have so long attended thee” (Cymbeline, act 1, sc. 6) This is an unpleasant blog to write and I apologize in advance for the language, to my twenty-five readers. As a mitigating factor, the unpleasant language is extracted verbatim from Roger Stone’s book titled “The Clinton’s War on Women.” Nevertheless, sometimes a rough truth is better than circumvoluted euphemisms.

ET is worried about EU (at least so says European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker)

Guys, this is not a joke.  Those who understand French can listen and hear for themselves: Here is what he actually said: “You need to know that those who observe us from afar are worried. I have have seen, listened and heard many leaders of other planets and they are very worried because they wonder about the course the EU will follow. So we have to reassure both the Europeans
