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Victory Day Memories

by Jimme Moglia …memory, the warder of the brain, shall be a fume… Macbeth, act 1, sc. 7 Seventy-one years ago, May 9, 1945, was Victory Day. Nazi Germany officially signed the unconditional surrender to the Soviet Union. For Russia, WWII became the “great patriotic war”, celebrated each year, as you know, in Moscow’s Red Square. “Nothing ‘gainst Time’s scythe can make defence,” (1) but in Russia the years did

Victory Day Parade on the Beautiful Square in Moscow

Note: this year I decided to post the original Russian audio version because I believe that it has a much stronger “punch” then any version with English-language comments.  Oh, and the “Red Square” is a mistranslation.  While “Krasnaia” nowadays does indeed mean “red” at the time the square was built the word “krasnaia” meant “beautiful”.  Enjoy! The Saker

The Second World War, History And Remembrance

by Peter Lavelle for The Duran The political abuse of history to deny the Soviet Union’s decisive contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany is dividing peoples and is serving to rehabilitate European fascism. As the 71st anniversary of fascism’s demise in Europe approaches, history is being re-cast, particularly events before, during, and after World War II. This history is being reinterpreted and even rewritten in a number of post-Soviet

Amazing scene in the Turkish Parliament

A Kurdish MP from Ferhat Encu has openly defined the regime in Ankara and denied the legitimacy of the Turkish presence in Kurdistan.  For that he was attacked by Turkish MP who threatened to shoot him on the spot.  Listen for yourself: As for the Turkish Parliament, it starts to look like the Ukrainian one: Frankly, it is about time the all those who had to suffer from the Turkish

Ottoman crescent and Ukrainian trident

by Uncle Vania at Translation by Vox Populi Evo. So it happened historically, that after losing Northern Black Sea lands, Turkey keeps looking for revenge. It looks like Ankara has decided, that time for this has come. It’s no coincidence that regime of Erdogan is increasing his support of radically minded Ukrainian activists Mustafa Dzhemilev and Refat Chubarov. Events of recent years in Turkey and Ukraine show us with
