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The meaning of Brexit – the bigger picture, CrossTalk

  Jun 26, 2016 The meaning of Brexit – the bigger picture. UK voters have rejected the EU and, importantly, they have rejected the political status quo. Today, sovereignty and national interest trump elite-driven internationalism. CrossTalking with Alex Christoforou, Mark Sleboda, and Patrick Henningsen.  

CrossTalk: Bullhorns Uncensored June 20, 2016

CrossTalk: Bullhorns Uncensored Jun 20, 2016 Know-nothing American diplomats demand regime change in Syria. Encircling Russia, NATO continues to break its word and international agreements. And how US foreign policy is now a political football. CrossTalking with Andrei Bystritsky, Stephen Ebert and Alexander Mercouris.

Uman Ukraine Israeli Hasids attacked journalists, Police, fires shots, threw stones glass bottles Updated

Little Israel in Uman Ukraine. A mob of Israeli Hasids attacked journalists, Police officers, fires shots at people, threw stones and glass bottles at locals and tries to incinerate 9 storey apartment building with people in it A Ukrainian title under the video: Hasids [pilgrims from Israel] like wild animals attacked journalists of the Latest News Як озвірілі хасиди напали на журналістів Надзвичайних новин   Uman is a pilgrimage site for Breslov

The Truth About #Brexit

Note: I don’t endorse everything in this video, especially not the Islam-bashing or his highly misleading representation of Switzerland as some kind of paradise on earth, but I do think that Paul Joseph Watson is mostly correct.  Besides, if I was in the UK, I sure would vote to get the hell out the sinking EU Titanic.  The Brits live on an island?  Good – let them use that God-given

Video analysis by Ruslan Ostashko (

This is the first time that I am posting an analysis in the form of a video.  Actually, two separate videos glued together and subtitled thanks to Eugenia (to whom I extended a heartfelt thank you!!).  The person in this video is Ruslan Ostashko, the very sharp and articulate editor in chief of the website and its YouTube channel. I have been subscribed to the Polit Russia YouTube channel
