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Tag "Brexit"

Boris Johnson, Brexit and the Deep State

by Nick Griffin for The Saker Blog Nick Griffin, a life-long opponent of the European Union and former Member of the European Parliament, explains why – after three years of believing that the rulers of Britain would block Brexit, he now believes it is more likely than not to be delivered. Are the British people really going to get Brexit? For years, the answer given by well-informed realists has had

Am I still happy about my Brexit vote?

by Jack J. First of all, what could happen that would make me regret my vote?  If the Tories recover from Brexit and go on to dominate British politics for the coming decade, somehow managing to win the next election and thwart Scottish Independence, then I would have to turn over my Brexit vote to Captain Hindsight. I predict they won’t and I predicted they wouldn’t if Brexit happened.  I

UK SITREP: The Brexit Farce and the Headless Chicken-Coup

by Jack J. The British establishment have suffered two serious setbacks in rapid succession: The Tories have lost both of their leading figures, caused economic turmoil and empowered secessionist forces in Scotland, whilst the genuinely anti-establishment Leader of the opposition has been massively strengthened through a botched coup attempt. During the 2015 General Election Cameron promised a referendum ‘on Europe’ to the British electorate, and won a slim majority through

Victory for Brexit In EU Referendum: Working Class Brits Stick Two Fingers Up At the Political and Financial Elites

by Leon Tressell The vote to exit the EU has shocked the financial and political elites and led to massive turmoil on global stock markets. The corporate media is full of shocked pundits lamenting the democratic decision of British people for Brexit. Brexit voters are being blamed for everything from the rise in racism against immigrant families to the increased dangers of terrorist attacks. The corporate media both in Britain

Brexit: how the British people have forfeited the confidence of their government (a quick commentary)

After the uprising of the 17th of June The Secretary of the Writers’ Union Had leaflets distributed in the Stalinallee Stating that the people Had forfeited the confidence of the government And could win it back only By redoubled efforts. Would it not be easier In that case for the government To dissolve the people And elect another? The Solution, Bertolt Brecht To say that the Brexit was a historical event

The meaning of Brexit – the bigger picture, CrossTalk

  Jun 26, 2016 The meaning of Brexit – the bigger picture. UK voters have rejected the EU and, importantly, they have rejected the political status quo. Today, sovereignty and national interest trump elite-driven internationalism. CrossTalking with Alex Christoforou, Mark Sleboda, and Patrick Henningsen.  

Now Britain faces ‘Coloured revolution’ as Soros moves to stop Brexit

By Nick Griffin The people of Britain are about to become the next victims of the ‘Coloured Revolution’ tactics used by Washington and Brussels against democratically elected governments from Serbia to Syria, from Ukraine to Brazil. Within a few days of the British electorate’s totally unforeseen (including by this author!) grass-roots decision to defy Establishment bullying and waves of MSM propaganda to vote for Brexit, the counter move of the

After BREXIT: Russia Ukraine Finland Poland SITREP, by Scott Humor

Michael McFaul, the Washington Post and all others who declared Brexit to be a Putin’s victory, still don’t understand that Putin has won long before June 23rd referendum. The fact that the UK, the heart of the EU, has left the EU shows that they are just started to react to the Russia’s victory. By orchestrating this referendum, the British demonstrate their willingness to divide Europe as quickly as possible.

Cracks in the EU

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. So, the UK people, contrary to the “script” that wanted a narrow Remain win have elected to leave the European Union. As it could also have been predicted, there are calls to repeat the vote as the result is not the “correct” one. And as if the extremely narrow gap between the two voting blocs was not bad enough – for

The #StolenReferendum. How Cameron & Co have ruthlessly exploited the murder of MP Jo Cox to save their skins and the EU ‘Project’

by Nick Griffin Britain’s vote on Europe looks set to go down in history as the ‘Stolen Referendum’. As the Remain campaign’s ruthless exploitation of the appalling murder of MP Jo Cox continues, big business, banks and other Remain enthusiasts are increasingly confident of coming out on top in Thursday’s historic poll. Yet such a victory will have been bought at a terrible price – a blatant triple fraud against

The Truth About #Brexit

Note: I don’t endorse everything in this video, especially not the Islam-bashing or his highly misleading representation of Switzerland as some kind of paradise on earth, but I do think that Paul Joseph Watson is mostly correct.  Besides, if I was in the UK, I sure would vote to get the hell out the sinking EU Titanic.  The Brits live on an island?  Good – let them use that God-given

Big Brother reprimands his unruly subjects: Obama lectures the UK population on how to vote in the Brexit referendum

by Leon Tressell As a British citizen I was both bemused and outraged at President Obama’s recent lecture telling us how to vote in the upcoming referendum on EU membership. It reminded me of a medieval feudal lord going to visit his one of his dominions and telling off his subjects and giving them a clear warning of what was expected of them. Since World War Two Britain has had
