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Posts From The Saker

The Ukraine is dead

by Auslander Ukraine is dead, dead on 02 May 2014 in Odessa, the coffin nailed shut a week later in Mariupol. Ukraine as such means nothing to USA or EU, 404 is simply another weapon to use against ‘The Russias’. The enemies of Russia thought they had a weapon to plunge in to the throat of Russia, instead they had a weapon that dealt an off arm wound, serious but

Technology SITREP: How Russian engineering made the current operation in Syria possible

The pace and effectiveness of the Russian Air Force (well, technically they are now called AirSpace Forces or ASF so I will refer to them as RASF from now on) has the western military experts in shock.  Not only are the number of sorties per day about 3 times as much as a US or NATO country could achieve, but the Russian airstrikes are amazingly accurate even though the Russians

The truth about Islamic Fundamentalism

(cover photo above: Daesh thugs execute a group of children) by Noureddin Shami The author has written at least five different versions of this essay, all in an attempt to relay the same message at different levels of overtness targeting different audiences. Bits and pieces of it have been used here and there by some, even published, sometimes with good intentions and sometimes with devious intentions. In the wake of

In previous Cold War, USSR had plenty of reasons not to use nukes. These reasons are gone now (mostly due to US foreign policy)

by Tatzhit Mihailovich INTRO: In this article, I discuss the mechanisms driving the biggest threat facing all of us. I speak, of course, of the possibility of a nuclear war between the two superpowers. Recently, I translated a short story by a Russian submariner – he missed a signal, and went through the launch procedure unable to tell whether they were launching ICBMs for real. The story vividly describes _how_

2016 Trends Forecast, mega analysis by Andrew Korybko

By Andrew Korybko 2015 has proven to be a monumental year full of geopolitical surprises, with Russia’s anti-terrorist intervention in Syria being chief among them. The old world order is changing at a rapid pace as rising multipolar forces push outwards against the resistant unipolar establishment. Just as much as Russia, China, and Iran are endeavoring to change the global system, the US and its Lead From Behind proxies are

Boris Gryzlov and Ukraine: Russia brings on a Heavy-Weight

  Appointment of Boris Gryzlov to represent Russia on the Contact Group brings a key Russian decision maker into the heart of the crisis by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider That the Russian leadership continues to accord the Ukrainian conflict the highest importance is confirmed by a very interesting appointment the Kremlin has just announced. This is the appointment of Boris Gryzlov as Russia’s representative on the so-called Contact Group.

Week Twelve of the Russian Intervention in Syria: Zag!

This colums was originally written for the Unz Review: In last week’s review of the Russian military intervention in Syria I wrote that Kerry had lost every single negotiation he ever had with the Russians and that he had a record of agreeing to A only to come back to the US and then declare non-A. This time again, the Americans did not change their modus operandi, except that

Al-Baghdadi Makes His “Call”

by Ghassan Kadi In an audio message (published in the link below in the Lebanese daily Assafir on the 26th of December 2015), ISIS/ISIL/IS Chief, “Caliph” Abou Bakr Al-Baghdadi gives a rather lengthy 24 minute speech. Half of the message is addressed to Muslims, all Muslims, whilst the other half is addressed to the world; especially the nations that have taken upon themselves to fight the Islamic State. The approach

End the year with The Nation of Five

Since we are nearing the end of the year, I wanted to share with you the music of a very talented jazz group from Philadelphia, PA: Nation of Five.  This is good music, filled with joy and creative vitality.  Enjoy! The Saker  

Appeal about the fate of Ana Belen Montes

To  all our American progressive friends: We are writing this note to you from Cuba with a heartfelt desire to let you know about the formation of the Cuba Committee, which presently  manages the campaign for a better treatment and a possible pardon for Ana Belen Montes She is an American citizen who was able to sense a different future between our country of Cuba and the United States. A

Will the air campaign defeat Islamic State?

by Gavin Don The Islamic State is not yet a state (imagine IS at the UN) but I was working yesterday on economic and oil forecasts for Iraq and Syria, and the thought struck me that although IS is not a state, its economy is larger than many actual states. Consider.  IS has sliced  approximately 5 million Iraqis and probably another 5 million Syrians out of the economies of Iraq
