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Posts From The Saker

Russian special military operation in the Ukraine – Day 19

The big news of the day is that the Russian forces finally decided to, shall we say, change pace, and by all accounts the intensity of the artillery, aerial bombing and missile barrage which hit the Ukie forces in the town of Avdeevka was absolutely unprecedented and following this barrage the LDNR forces broke through 8 kilometers of just about the most heavily defended sectors in the entire theater or

This is too funny to miss!!! (MUST SEE!)

First, a video from our heroic information warriors: Then realize this: Then look at this:   This is a satellite view of Snake Island AFTER the Russian either killed all the Ukie martyrs or evacuated the Ukie traitors (you pick). And, finally, the commentary by Andrei Maryanov: They invent a “story” of some defiant ukie grunts (long since debunked), and now, by showing some MLRS (Grad most likely) salvo,

Three important missile strikes (UPDATED!)

First, as the entire Western press is clamoring in impotent range, Russia has fired 8 Kalibr missiles at a major NATO base in Western Ukraine.  The base is utterly destroyed and there are many (well over 180+) dead mercenaries and even more wounded ones.  The base was near the Polish border which, of course, triggered even more hysterics. What is important about this strike is this: Russia has just proven

On maps wars and hate-filled mobs “canceling Russia”

First, the obligatory map of the day:   Now I need to make a note about maps, as some clearly struggle with the concept.  Okay, first, a map is NOT a faithful representation of reality.  But it is just that, a REPRESENTATION.  Which means that depending on the author of the map and the intended public, two different maps representing the same situation on the ground can look very different.

The promised map after all (+ one more question!) UPDATED with 2nd map!

First, here is the promised map: I won’t comment on it, Andrei Martyanov gave you the full story for today. UPDATE: another map I found here:     Now the my question: I also need an non-censored video hosting site. YT is beyond and below hopeless. I tried BitChute, but they are not publishing a video I found on YT and wanted to repost there.  The video is Ukronazi

No maps, sorry, but Andrei Martyanov instead :-)

Friends, I found no good map, and I don’t feel like waiting any further.  So no map today, sorry! Also, I need the rest, badly. But, instead, Andrei Martyanov just released a very VERY good video.  He really covers it all. So, today, I leave you in his care, he explains it all very well.  I have nothing to add. Cheers Andrei PS: also check this one:

This and that from Andrei

Dear friends, I know!  I know!  You want maps.  I will try to post one later tonight! Right now I want to share a few things with you and ask a few questions. First, accessing Russian websites.  I notice that in the US a lot of .ru and .su domains are blocked.  Today I had to use a VPN to go through Israel to access a page in Russia ( 

At the peak of the Nazi terror in Ukraine, what should anti-fascists and Nazis dо? by Rostislav Ishchenko translated by V. What is bound to happen is bound to happen someday. In 2014, I wrote to appeal to the remaining anti-fascists in Ukraine, urging them to leave the country as soon as possible. I motivated this by the fact that sooner or later the Nazis will begin a complete sweep of the remnants of the pro-Russian asset There were few options: 1. Ukrainian provocations

The opinion of a professional about the special operation in Ukraine (MUST READ!)

Note by the Saker: one of our readers today sent me a very interesting document in Russian.  First, I thought “more of the same” (5th columnist stuff) but then I started reading it and I changed my mind.  This was clearly written by a military professional, his name is Alexander Dubrovsky.  It was posted here and here.  So I literally *begged* our new Russian translators to make even a “quick

The Russian military intervention in the Ukraine – a macro view

Today, rather than comment on the latest developments on the ground, I want to step back and revisit a few basics, but I believe absolutely fundamental aspects of the Russian military operation in not only the Donbass, but the entire Ukraine.  In fact, let’s begin here: What was the generally expected scope of operations? Okay, there is A LOT of nonsense written about this, so I need to clarify a
