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Posts From The Saker

Important announcement by the Saker!

Dear friends, Recent events have forced me to take some important decisions which I have to share with you now. First, from now on, the Saker blog shall not post any texts or videos from the four organizations which the US Treasury has declared “disinformation outlets controlled by Russian intelligence services”.  These are: SouthFront NewsFront The Strategic Culture Foundation InfoRos I want to stress that in my opinion these organizations

Did the US just try to murder Lukashenko? (OPEN THREAD #14) (UPDATED)

Amazing news over the week-end: President Lukashenko has declared that Biden gave the order to kill him in a coup organized by the CIA.  Now, we all know that Lukashenko says all sorts of things, many of them false or plain silly.  Except that the Russian FSB has confirmed it all!  According to the Russians, a joint operation of the (Bielorussian) KGB and the Russian FSB has uncovered the plot

Russian amphibious options and how to debunk a Ukie lie (OPEN THREAD #13)

You probably have heard that Russian moved almost the entire Caspian Flotilla to the Black Sea, including quite a few amphibious assault ships.  What you might not know is that Russia also moved two Large Landing Ships (“dock landing ships”) through the Mediterranean, across the Bosporus, also into the Black Sea.  Right now, the Black Sea Fleet has strongly increased its amphibious assault capabilities. Does that mean that Russia will

Russian official statements about counter-actions to US sanctions

16 April 202119:28 Foreign Ministry statement on measures in response to hostile US actions The latest attack by the Biden administration against our country cannot go unanswered. It seems Washington is unwilling to accept that there is no room for unilateral dictates in the new geopolitical reality. Meanwhile, the bankrupt scenarios for deterring Moscow that the US myopically continues to pursue only promise to further degrade Russian-US relations. In this

The US war plans for the Ukraine (OPEN THREAD # 12) UPDATED

Frankly, Biden’s address to the US nation (the first one in his life) was probably the lamest most clueless political speech I ever heard.  And I am not referring to Biden calling Putin “Clutin” or confusing “deescalation” with “vaccination”, I am talking about the actual contents of his speech.  I would sum it up as so: we will continue to constantly hurt and humiliate you, we will treat you like

Executive Order on Blocking Property with Respect to Specified Harmful Foreign Activities of the Government of the Russian Federation

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United

The latest US moves against Russia (OPEN THREAD #11) UPDATED!!!

Bad news all around today.  The US has just slammed provocative sanctions against Russia even though the US ambassador to Moscow was summoned to the Foreign Ministry and clearly told that if the US imposes more sanctions there will be no meeting between Putin and Biden. Then there is this: the US has informed the Turkish authorities that they will not send two USN ships into the Black Sea.  This

Margarita Simonian on Biden’s call to the “killer”

Note: in my analysis yesterday I quoted Margarita Simonian, the head of Russia Today.  Today I have asked my director of research, Scott, to translate yet another thought provoking series of comments made by Simonian yesterday.  Now that we see that Biden has imposed even more sanctions on Russia (right after his phone call), her words take on an even deeper meaning. The Saker ——- In regard to Biden’s phone

Biden calls the “killer”

[this analysis was written for the Unz review] The big news of the day is that Biden decided to call Putin. Here is how the Russians reported this: At the initiative of the American side, a telephone conversation took place between President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and President of the United States of America Joseph Biden. The current state of Russian-American relations and some relevant aspects of the

Russia conducts full-spectrum rehearsals for war (OPEN THREAD #10)

Dear friends, This is going to be the last, tenth, open thread on the topic of the escalation in the eastern Ukraine (unless, of course, the attack actually happens, at which point I will probably reopen an open thread again). The latest news from Russia: Defense Minister Shoigu has indicated that every single military district is currently running readiness exercises which include a total of 4’000 (that is four thousand!)

Why It Is Not Advised

By Andrei Martyanov, exclusively for the Saker Blog For the US Navy ships to enter the Black Sea and hope to survive in case of the, God forbids, any kind of a conflict with Russia—yes, you read it right—is a fantasy, or, to be even more precise—an unscientific fiction. This group, let alone a single US destroyer of the Arleigh Burke-class (these are the most active types in the US

All sides are “locked and loaded”: what comes next? (OPEN THREAD #9)

By all accounts, all sides are ready for war. That does NOT mean that war is inevitable, only that there are no more objective factors making war impossible. How long can this “neither quite here, nor quite there” situation last? A long time, at least until the Fall of 2021. Let’s not pretend like anybody is a prophet and can predict the future (all those who do are, in reality,

Should Russia repeat the 08.08.08 war in the Donbass? (OPEN THREAD #8)

You know the expression, “better a bad peace than a good war“.  This surely sounds true and common sense seems to support this.  But, as with many slogans, it all depends on the meaning of words. For one thing, Russia has been at war with the Empire for at least since 2013.  You can call that “peace” as opposed to a full-scale convention or nuclear war, but considering the human

How far should the LDNR forces go? (OPEN THREAD #6)

Today, Denis Pushilin, the head of the DNR, held a press conference.  To my knowledge, there is no English language transcript (so far, if there is one, please send it to me!).  I have not yet had the time to listen to the full thing (3 hours long), but the key moment, as reported by the Russian media, is that Pushilin said that in case of Ukronazi attack, the LDNR

Can the US be deterred? (OPEN THREAD #5)

Today, RT posted an article which began with the words “Amid fears of worsening clashes in eastern Ukraine, Russian and American diplomats have held unscheduled bilateral talks in an effort to forestall an all-out conflict, which Moscow has warned could spell disaster for the region“. This begs the question: is the “Biden” administration still capable of logical thought? My guess is that no, probably not.  Here is why: Ever since

What will the Empire do to support the Ukronazis (OPEN THREAD #4)?

Dear friends, There is a lot of speculation about what the consolidated West (aka the AngloZionist Empire) will do to protect its Ukronazi proxies.  Here are my, bulletpoint style ideas (in no particular order): The West has already decided that Russia is the aggressor and Banderastan the victim of the Russian aggression.  Even if the Ukies launch a massive artillery and armor attack on the LDNR (or even Crimea), the
