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Blog, Community News and Announcements

Donate to assist Saker

The following post was put together by the Saker team.. The team includes our translators, the staff of the related Saker sites the Spanish, Italian, French, Serbian, and technical support. Herb   Dear vineyard community and friends As we all know, our friend and host and his family are going through a very harsh time due to hurricane Ian. We are worried about them and would like to help them

Commenting by Registered Users Going Live Now

Hi We are going live with requiring all commentators to have a registered account on Note: Important all accounts that had emails of added between Aug 3 – Aug 4 have been removed. These account were created but the sign on information never was successfully mailed. You will need to create a new account by going to   If you already have an account and password you

Back to Commentator Registration

Performing a soft release of our reworked Commentator registration software. Commentators can try it out for the next two days. On Sunday Sept 18 registration prior to commenting will be a requirement. Problem with gmail not receiving email was resolved by adding an additional record in our DNS (required by Google). Thanks to two of our readers that knew about this requirement. Many spambots were able to register in last

HTTPS has been disabled … use to access our site

Hi We have been under a DDOS attack using encrypted https to bypass existing router and software firewalls. Disabled Working HTTPS is not critical to a. no store/money transactions b. no critical transmissions/messages c. only analysis and comments (verbiage) Please note your browser may default to using https. You may need to ‘google’ how to disable the auto use of https by your browser. https will remain disabled

New Disc is installed and running … Raid-1 update

Yesterday morning our primary system disc showed excessive Seek_Error_Rate errors … almost a billion. The disc has been running continuously for the last 4.7 years 24 hours per/day 7 days a week. I ran these numbers past our web hosting service and they recommended that we replace the drive as it was in pre-fail mode. Communicated with Saker and he approved of the outage to replace the disc. A 30 

Release of Christian Vignette Project

The software work has been completed and is now installed on Saker has asked that I provide a write up on the work so here its. Short version at bottom. The work on this software naturally fell into two distinct and different project. The first was the modification to the wordpress software to allow commentators with ‘vignette privileges’ to comment without moderation on ‘vignette’ posts. The 2nd project was

Update on the Christian Vignette project

Status Christian Vignette Project Description Comments posted to articles under the Sandbox category with a tag of ‘Christian Vignette’ can viewed by all and a selected group of commentators will be allowed non moderated comments. Currently completed An online form has been created that will allow interested commentators to request becoming a ‘Vignette’ commentator Program to transform form information to wordpress acceptable input is completed and tested Creation of ‘vignette’

Important announcement by the Saker!

Dear friends, Recent events have forced me to take some important decisions which I have to share with you now. First, from now on, the Saker blog shall not post any texts or videos from the four organizations which the US Treasury has declared “disinformation outlets controlled by Russian intelligence services”.  These are: SouthFront NewsFront The Strategic Culture Foundation InfoRos I want to stress that in my opinion these organizations

Communiqué of the French-Speaking Saker (+translation)

Communiqué du Saker Francophone Dans la nuit du 9 au 10 mars, un incendit a détruit une partie du DataCenter de Strasbourg d’OVH, notre hébergeur. Comme 3 à 4 millions de sites, notre site ne repond plus. Nous sommes maintenant tributaire d’OVH pour un retour à la normale entre le 22 et le 25 Mars. Il faudra s’armer de patience pour retrouver un service normal. On remercie tous ceux

The Saker blog needs moderators Sat 8pm EST – Sun 5am EST

Dear friends, As most of you know, we are trying very hard to provide 24/7 coverage in moderation so as to make the waiting time until comments are vetted as short as possible.  This is particularly important since we have readers literally all over the planet so while it might be night for those of us living in Europe or the Americas, it might be day, or even morning, for

Saker message of thanks to our wonderful community!

Dear friends I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to all those who have responded to my Fall appeal for donations: all of you have been extremely generous, irrespective of how much you actually donated.  Some of you gave more, some less, but all gave from the heart, and many of you wrote extremely touching letters of support, both by email and by snail mail.  Some could not donate money,

SouthFront’s Survival Depends On You!

Dear friends SouthFront needs our help again! God knows they are in a difficult position and God knows we all benefited tremendously from their superb work! So, please, DO help if you can!! Kind regards The Saker PS: here is the full text of their appeal posted here: LAST DAYS UNTIL THE END OF OCTOBER The year of 2020 has been marked by a number of negative tendencies and

Friends, if you can, please help me! (please read)

Dear friends, My assistant Amarynth has just posted our September appeal for donations.  What I want to do here is to convey to you some of the reasons for this appeal. The main reason for this appeal is that the Saker blog has no other sources of revenue.  As mentioned by Amarynth, the Saker blog has no paywalls, no pop-up windows, no advertisements of any kind.  In the Saker community,

Saker appeal: please help me get a better picture about this! (UPDATED)

Dear friends, As I expected, today Russia has registered the first vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.  I took a quick look at CNN and BBC, and did not find that reported (maybe they have added it since, I only scanned the headlines). As most of you know, I don’t follow the legacy corporate ziomedia, but in this case, maybe I could ask all of you to let me know here

The Essential Saker IV – “Messianic Narcissism’s Agony by a Thousand Cuts”

I am pleased to announce that The Essential Saker IV is now available in softcover, pdf and epub. The book covers Saker essays and analysis from January 2019 through to December 2019. The pre-publication work was completed literally minutes before the killing of General Suleimani and Abu Mahdi Muhandis, just before we entered 2020 to encounter challenges that most could not foresee.  Upon looking back over the year of 2019,

Message to some irate Serbian readers

Dear Serbian friends, Since the crisis began in Serbia some of you have been enraged by the articles written for the Saker Blog by “Saker’s Johnny-on-the-spot in Belgrade”.  Some of you have posted irate comments, often in direct violation of the moderation guidelines, while others sent me outraged emails. And yet, each time I offered my angry correspondents the right of reply (I told them I would post any original

Beware of sensationalism clickbaiting and crazy rumors: Beirut was NOT a nuclear explosion

Dear friends, As soon as I heard about the tragic explosion in Beirut I told my family “you will see, there will be some idiots who will say it was a nuke”.  Sure enough, today I already see nonsense posted about the usual suspects about the Israelis nuking of Beirut.  Some even claim this was a thermonuclear explosion! This just proves to me that I was right when I added

Hurricane Isaias coming: I might be out of touch for a while (FINAL UPDATE)

Dear friends As you might have heard, there is a hurricane coming very close to the Florida Atlantic coast: Hurricane Isaias The actual effects of the hurricane are hard to predict, since it depends on whether Isaias will turn to the right or to the left by just a few degrees.  This is especially true since Isaias is slowing down to take the right hand turn, which makes it hard

Saker announcement: a change of pace

Dear friends, For the past couple of years I had the following basic “rhythm” of work: once a week I would write an analysis roughly ranging from 1500 to 3500 words, typically around 2000-3000 words.  The rest of my work would involve research (especially parsing as much of the Russian blogosphere and news media as possible), contacts with my guest authors, collaboration with our translators, etc.  Please keep in mind
