
21.09.2015 Crisis News

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Russia and the USA coordinate their joint course against terror

source:;art15808,2077504   translation: Dagmar Henn As “Bild am Sonntag” reported, referring to US-intelligence circles, last week already leading delegations of the CIA and Russian foreign intelligence service SVR met in Moscow. The secret talks were aimed at coordinating the joint military cooperation in the Syrian war. The Americans intend to support future Russian military action against IS in Syria with findings out of their own espionage, so “Bild am

Interesting but ambiguous video

Check out this video: This video was supposedly made near Homs and supposedly shows a “large Russian aircraft and 4 escorts”.  Maybe.  The large aircraft could be either Il-76 (transport) or Il-78 (refuelling).  The four smaller aircraft are not escorts, but probably SU-24, and if that guess of mine is correct, then this is interesting.    Careful now!  Iran also has Il-76 and SU-24s, so we don’t know for sure that

17.09.2015 Crisis News

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Foreign Policy Diary – Migration War

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at Message from SouthFront: Dear friends! This film came to being thanks to your support. With your support, having overcome the crisis in the beginning of August, we decided to set ambitious targets to show what we can do together. As you know, much has been done…, but, in an effort to justify your trust and

Foreign Policy Diary – The Violence in Middle East (in-depth analysis) + APPEAL FOR HELP!

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at Message from SouthFront: Unfortunately, I want to ask you to help SF one more time. Our team has been continuing to balance on the razor’s edge while continuation of production of exclusive video and graphics products including as big as Foreign Policy Diaries drains our resources. We’ve got $344,69 since August 25. As a result,
