
30.10.2015 Crisis News

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ISIS increases capabilities in Aleppo province. Reasons & Conditions

by SouthFront source: According to American experts citing certain Syrian humanitarian groups, the Islamic State in recent days has achieved several significant successes in the South Aleppo province and has infiltrated and established control over several districts of the strategically important town of al Safira. As a result of the offensive the ISIS was able to capture about 10 checkpoints on the strategically important highway from Hama via Salmiya,

23.10.2015 Crisis News

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China Develops Relations with Iran, Syria, Russia

by SouthFront On October 14, SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence stated that “China actively prepares for the participating in the Russian anti-ISIS operation“. As all our conclusions, this was grounded on the lots of work. Nonetheless, time to time, readers express doubts about our conclusions or even argue that we provide “wishful thinking” or kind of “patriotic believes” [SF’s editor: LOL]. So, we’ve decided to show a little of  our analyses’ backstage. Let’s check how the “alternative” anti-ISIS
