
Russia deploys S-400 in Syria (UPDATED)

Yup.  I heard the rumor earlier today but I wanted a wait a little to get a confirmation.  Cassad (whom I trust) has just confirmed: Russia has deployed S-400s in Syria: The western “response”? Total panic: Good. Let them panic. The Saker UPDATE: The Russians are now denying these reports.  I go with Cassad.

Kuwayres air base liberated by Syrian forces!

Finally! Today the Syrian forces have liberated the Kuwayres airbase.  This is the first operational-level victory for the Syrian armed forces!  RT reports: Elite Syrian army units have broken the siege of Kweires airbase, following weeks of intense fighting against Islamic State and other jihadist forces. The base, which opens up routes for offensives against Raqqa and Aleppo, had been encircled for nearly two years. “We, the heroes of Kweires, are

2.11.2015 Crisis News

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